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Jan 24, 2013
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Ace, I presented current facts and numbers. You presented nothing but mumbo jumbo, skirting the very numbers with spin. Sorry man, you loose.

Sept. 11th, 2001 is current? Okay, Dennis, whatever you say.
Let's recap, you're pants-wetting scared of being killed by Muslims terrorist.
The southern border is being overrun by illegals, except it's not, due to Obama's ruination of the worst economy since the Great Depression.


Did you get a nap? Recovered from the goal post moving?


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Sept. 11th, 2001 is current? Okay, Dennis, whatever you say.
Let's recap, you're pants-wetting scared of being killed by Muslims terrorist.
The southern border is being overrun by illegals, except it's not, due to Obama's ruination of the worst economy since the Great Depression.


Did you get a nap? Recovered from the goal post moving?

Your still presenting spin and mumbo jumbo.


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Oct 27, 2012
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When it gets personal- like Geraldo Rivera's daughter was at the stadium where the attacks took place-he suddenly changed his liberal mind. We haven't been hit since 9/11 and a lot of people have seemingly forgotten what happened, they are on their cell phones, working, going to spot venues etc and going about their lives unaware that we have danger in our own country.
When-not if we are attacked again and it is personal in some degree, perhaps the American people will wake up and demand that something definitive be done whether it is removal of the squatter in the Oval Office or perhaps a strong decisive military reaction to the terrorists that will set them back decades. Either way, we need to wake up, we aren't safe.


Jan 24, 2013
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When it gets personal- like Geraldo Rivera's daughter was at the stadium where the attacks took place-he suddenly changed his liberal mind.

Geraldo Rivera's a liberal? Hum, better let Fox News know they have a fox in the hen house.

We haven't been hit since 9/11 and a lot of people have seemingly forgotten what happened, they are on their cell phones, working, going to spot venues etc and going about their lives unaware that we have danger in our own country.

What would you have us do? Sit in our houses, wetting our pants? If we did that, they win. We should do exactly what we are doing, going about our lives. Not living in fear. You have a hell of a lot more to fear then ISIS.

When-not if we are attacked again and it is personal in some degree, perhaps the American people will wake up and demand that something definitive be done whether it is removal of the squatter in the Oval Office

By squatter do you mean the twice duly elected president? And if we are attacked again, we will respond. You seem to think that the president, the intelligence community and the military has spent the last 14 years sitting around playing tiddlywinks. Is it possible that the reason we have not had a major terrorist attack since 9/11 is that a lot of very good people are doing their jobs? Because, according to some, the terrorist could simply walk across the southern border unchallenged, sit up shop anywhere they like and hit us at will. Since that is not happening it's either because they don't want to attack us again or because something is stopping them. Which do you think it is?

or perhaps a strong decisive military reaction to the terrorists that will set them back decades.

Fourteen years ago we were attacked. We responded mightily. We bombed Afghanistan (the state sponsor of the attack) back to the stone age. We then, in a strong decisive military reaction, invaded Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, but what the hell. Ten years later we have 3000 dead and 30,000 wounded American soldiers. Two plus trillion dollars spent. And what did that decisive military reaction accomplish? It removed the strongest stabilizing secular power in the region, giving rise to...wait for it...ISIS. Maybe a smart, reasoned reply would be a good idea next time.

Either way, we need to wake up, we aren't safe.

Yes, we are not safe. We murder each other at an alarming rate. We die tripping and falling over furniture. We crash our cars. We get hit by lightning. What we don't do is get killed by foreign terrorist in the U.S..
Last edited:


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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Yes Rivera is or was a liberal he supported you'represident. He was personally affected (his daughter) and now he speaks out against (again "sigh" you're president. And for the past seven (7) plus years our military has not been used effectively or ISIS (ISIL to you and Dear Leader) would not have engulfed much of the Mideast. Fourteen yea s ago we did respond marginally but we had a chance to contain (kill) Bin Laden but we allowed him to slip away. Moreover, with our PC (Politically Correct to you) government, our military had to call Command for permission to hit a target and then Command had to contact Washington for permission yet again. By the time our military received permission, the target (enemy) had left.
We are afraid to prosecute a war effort because again, yourpresident is protecting Muslims at the cost the lives of our military. (Remember 5 (five) terrorists were traded for Bergdhal?
I entered this post slow because I am aware you cannot read very quickly. My apologies to the other posters.


Jan 24, 2013
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Yes Rivera is or was a liberal he supported you'represident.

Rivera is a registered Republican. He has never been a liberal.
On a “Fox and Friends” appearance on Friday, Rivera elaborated on his ideology, saying that he’s a moderate Republican looking to revitalize the GOP.

If you're a citizen of the United States, Obama is your president (note the correct use of you're and your). Doesn't matter if you like him or not.

And for the past seven (7) plus years our military has not been used effectively or ISIS (ISIL to you and Dear Leader) would not have engulfed much of the Mideast.

The Mideast? I assume you mean Mid East or Middle East. Are you saying that in the years prior to Obama taking office the military was used effectively in the Middle East? Which would contradict the consensus that, in fact, the invasion of Iraq was a colossal blunder. Also, ISIS has not "engulfed" much of the Middle East. In fact ISIS has "engulfed" a tiny fraction of the Middle East. How much area of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel, Iran, Egypt, Oman, Yemen or Cyprus does ISIS control?

Fourteen yea s ago we did respond marginally but we had a chance to contain (kill) Bin Laden but we allowed him to slip away. Moreover, with our PC (Politically Correct to you) government, our military had to call Command for permission to hit a target and then Command had to contact Washington for permission yet again. By the time our military received permission, the target (enemy) had left.

Maybe you missed it, OBL is dead. Bush, who said of OBL, "I don’t know where he is. I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you" left office without killing OBL. You might remember, Obama rectified that situation. You say we responded marginally? We invaded, and to this day basically occupy, Afghanistan. Over 150,000 people dead. Trillions spent. Two countries invaded. That's marginally? Disappointed we didn't nuke them?

We are afraid to prosecute a war effort because again, yourpresident is protecting Muslims at the cost the lives of our military.

Do you have any idea how many Muslims Obama has ordered killed? Costing lives of our military is invading a country based on, at best, faulty intelligence, and at worst, flat out lies.

I entered this post slow because I am aware you cannot read very quickly. My apologies to the other posters

Here's a tip, it might bolster your insult to my intelligence if you knew that you're is a contraction of you are and your is possessive. And if you didn't use grammar and syntax that would fail a 5th grade English class that might help also.

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