2023 Deer Pics/Chat/Excuses

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 29, 2022
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AZ and Checotah OK
Just like last year (my first hunting real Whitetail), I can't get to OK until the day after gun season opens. Unlike last year, I did not get a blind placed near a feeder months before. I have two feeders and only the gravity feeder has a camera. That one gets plenty of deer. I'm brainstorming what's the best approach to not getting busted. I'm attempting to see which directions the deer approach the feeder from via looking at the cell photos, and will note the wind direction when there (wind from the east is most common).

The gravity feeder is in a clearing that is within about a 1/2 acre spot with fencing to keep cattle out (none now) which was intended for hunting by past owners. The "hunting pen" is surrounded/partially filled with oak, cedar, and (darn) locust trees, save for gaps to the west (a vehicle gate), east (a little wider than a gate) and south (about 1/3 the side of that fence line is open). As best I can tell, the deer seem to most often jump the east or south fence vs walk through the gate. Really heavy cover is about 200 yards to the west of the hunting pen on a neighbor's place and my bit of Lake Eufaula back water is about 200 yards to the east of the pen.

Until I get done harvesting deer this year, I think I'll brush-in my 360 ground blind among the spindly trees/bush at the right margin of the photo (near the west gate, and likely downwind), and hope for the best. Past owners put a climbing stand in the tree aligned on the buck's back or a ladder stand about 15 yards behind the one the camera is strapped to.

May get another ground blind to put by my camera-less broadcast feeder where I hunted last year. After the cooler is filled, I think I'd like to get a two person ladder stand where one was before.

Ultimately, I'd like to try a bale blind on a sled/skid I can leave out all year and/or an elevated box blind outside of the pen with line of sight to the feeder and the presumed paths between the pen and the lake. Or a box blind on a sled/skid.

Good luck and happy hunting to all!

Blind Spot Star.JPG


Special Hen
Jan 12, 2017
Reaction score
Tuttle, OK
I'll admit being behind in my shooting this year. Hand drawn bows, IMO, require more diligence than a cross bow. A couple shots with a compound just doesn't cut it. Need to get those back tension muscles ready. I generally don't stand when shooting so practice from sitting position is a must. Won't have lots of time to practice after vacation before opener.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Watching the weather last week i decided to get my plots planted Sunday as my time is mostly dedicated to my kids stuff and work this month. We got about 1.5" of rain throughout the week. The backyard and hunting plots took off and i have high hopes for them.

At the 5 acre place i hunt and trapped the last two years, turkeys appeared for the first time! 5 poults are now hanging out, 4 hens and a jake. Landowner sent me this a few days ago.

At our place, we also had 5 poults survive (that i know of). A neighbor had his all white tom and hen get out last year and never return. The tom did us a favor and we now have a smoke phase hen from this year's hatch!

As usual, no noteworthy bucks as my area is a nursery, so I'm keeping the does and little guys happy until late October when things will flip. This past week, the inevitable happened and a hog showed up at my other spot. Not thrilled with something his size being there. Time to pattern and sucker punch him. Doe for reference:



Special Hen
Aug 23, 2021
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
That hen is sweet!
Watching the weather last week i decided to get my plots planted Sunday as my time is mostly dedicated to my kids stuff and work this month. We got about 1.5" of rain throughout the week. The backyard and hunting plots took off and i have high hopes for them. View attachment 411140

At the 5 acre place i hunt and trapped the last two years, turkeys appeared for the first time! 5 poults are now hanging out, 4 hens and a jake. Landowner sent me this a few days ago.
View attachment 411142

At our place, we also had 5 poults survive (that i know of). A neighbor had his all white tom and hen get out last year and never return. The tom did us a favor and we now have a smoke phase hen from this year's hatch!
View attachment 411143

As usual, no noteworthy bucks as my area is a nursery, so I'm keeping the does and little guys happy until late October when things will flip. This past week, the inevitable happened and a hog showed up at my other spot. Not thrilled with something his size being there. Time to pattern and sucker punch him. Doe for reference: View attachment 411147
View attachment 411148

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