after 27 years I think it is finally over

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Jun 13, 2022
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Caldwell, IDAHO
Good luck OP!

Of the hundreds & maybe 1000’s of people I know that have smoked & tried to quit, the only ones I know that have stayed quit for good are the ones that decided “screw this, this is stupid and I’m done”. That’s no lie. All of ‘em just decided they didn’t wanna smoke anymore.

I know people whose Dr’s said “you’re gonna die”. (One of those guys died on Saturday. He was 60) People that did hypnosis. Quit for their kids. Quit for their spouse. Chewed the gum. Wore the patch. Etc, etc, etc. none of them stayed quit. None of them. They either just said f*** it and started openly smoking again or snuck them.

My brother was one of those. He quit for 15 years for his kids. I swung by the house one day and he was watching TV smoking. I said, “hey, WTF? When did you start smoking again?” “Last week” he said. “I was at my desk and thought screw this I’ve wanted a cigarette for 15 years, this is stupid. So I hopped on the express elevators and went downstairs and bought a pack.” Then he turned 50, had a massive heart attack and the Dr told him he didn’t give a **** if he smoked or not, but to enjoy every one, cause it might be his last. Dr let him decide, and he quit for good, but it was too damn late. The damage was done. He’s 70 now. Stays in a fib, and can’t walk to the mail box and back. Hasn’t wanted a cigarette since his heart attack. No desire.

So, to you guys that smoke and think you should quit, you’re grown ass men, do what ever you want, but understand the consequences. It’s your decision, but you gotta decide to do it for you, not for anyone else. I’m a firm believer in that.
Wife and I stopped in 1982. I am 85 and she is 75. It was hard and there were difficult moments. But we quit. In 2015 an Xray showed a pinpoint spot on my right lung. At the time I was being treated for stomach cancer with chemo. Two years later that pin point was the size of a half dollar. Lost the upper lobe of my right lung. Cancer free until month ago when my Dermatologist told me that little itchy spot on my left forearm was cancer. I had that removed this past Thursday. Nice little hole but will heal. My Oncologist said I am up for an upper and lower. I wholeheartedly agree. The lower prep is a b***h. But hey needs to be done. Please get an upper and lower every three years if you can afford it. If there is blood in the stool or an upset or sour stomach over a long period of time. Been there done that.


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Sep 9, 2005
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its day 6 and this is the first day that I am starting to want to smoke again, now every time I want to smoke I will take a drink of water so I am getting my steps in between my office and the bathroom.


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May 28, 2007
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its day 6 and this is the first day that I am starting to want to smoke again, now every time I want to smoke I will take a drink of water so I am getting my steps in between my office and the bathroom.
Keep up the good work! My only surviving grandmother finally gave up smoking a little over two months ago. She was working on quitting silently, and was admitted to heart hospital. Now she is on oxygen and finally gave them up for good. And she sounds healthier than she has in quite some time. I will continue to pray for your continued success in kicking the habit.

Keep away from them before it is too late. Watching your loved ones slowly wither away from cigs is tough.


Special Hen
Feb 1, 2019
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its day 6 and this is the first day that I am starting to want to smoke again, now every time I want to smoke I will take a drink of water so I am getting my steps in between my office and the bathroom.
Don't do it! Go for a walk, or find something to do. Is your reloading caught up? Or waste some time reading OSA until it goes away.... :rollingla


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Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
I have smoked cigarettes for most of the last 27 years and last week on my way home I just decided to not stop and buy any, the days do seem longer without having a smoke the first 2 days were the hardest so far I feel like if I make it a week I will have kicked it.
Look at this Jon3830. This is post #78 from the derelicts of OSA. Yep a bunch of bash each other up's of Glocks vs Colts, Trumps vs others, Fords vs Chevrolets. But, all of us have the common sense to support you, I would hope that before you light up again and it is none of our business I would like for you make a promise to your self that you will send all or any of us a nasty PM of how YOU dont like us talking about your struggles, how we do not want you to light up ever again. Under stand, we know we shouldn't butt into your business. But YOU shared, Yes Sharing that you were asking for help from this community, Yes, but we are a different class of humanoids, some more different than others. Send us a PM that we do not quite understand to suggest you suck on a liqurish stick first then decide if you still want a cigarette. (Lickorish makes me gag.) Do what ever it takes including using your extended family here to overpower what is trying to take back your desire to walk away from this.. You are a grown man. yep struggling. We as a community are here for you. Send us a PM if you are close to falling off the wagon like in the post above you were reaching out for help. I hope others who know you have responded to you. Yep, strange diverse group of people here, but it seems you might understand how you threw out you might needing support as you are tackling the wild pig., HERE WE ARE to do anything we can for a member of our family, even weird Uncle Joe is on your side..
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Chief Sapulpa

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Apr 9, 2011
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Where they bust the sod in South Tulsa County.
This tread is both inspirational and confessional; your penance is sugar free candies and 500 rounds at your favorite gun range. I too quit 30+ years ago; I most missed the cigarette when driving long/boring distances.
Previously when I'd fall off the wagon is when I went to a bar and then I'd start smoking again. When I decided to truly quit I called my 2 non-smoking friends and we went drinking for 3 nights straight, that got me over the hump. There are a lot better methods today to assist with the detox of nicotene. Good Luck.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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its day 6 and this is the first day that I am starting to want to smoke again, now every time I want to smoke I will take a drink of water so I am getting my steps in between my office and the bathroom.

Try reading some hardcore porn when you have the urge to smoke. It'll take your mind off of the craving and does wonders for your forearm strength.

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