Bad paint job by my local gunshop

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Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
West OKC
I don't think that you are a chicken sh#t. Like I said, some people will take it as a lesson learned and go on. They should have never charged you anything close to $80. It would not have done any good to raise hell about it, when you have someone that will send that kind of work out the door.


Special Hen
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
I would like to say, yes I am very shy and hate confrontation. And to a lot of you that may be what you call a chicken S. But to me it is something that I have had to live with my whole life. And believe me, I hate it. I didn't like the rifle when I saw it but was too afraid to say something. Yes I am a grown man and was afraid. I am not some bad rear and don't claim to be. I try and be a good Christian and avoid confrontation as much as I can. Yes I make mistakes, this a was probably one of them. I know that I probably shouldn't have started the thread. My intent wasn't to come on here and bad mouth the company or the owner. It was to show what they did and how much they charged me for it. And also, what I could do to fix it. I was looking for suggestions. So if that makes me wrong then I am wrong. I didn't name the place right off the bat and wouldn't have but I was asked who did it and I wasn't going to lie. It's not like I posted the name in the title. I would like to add that the owner came by yesterday as I was being showed the rifle and he smelled the paint he was that close and he asked if it was krylon, and the guy that painted it said no I used aluma Hyde 2. So he knew that they painted it. So something could have been said then but wasn't. I was never told sorry and was never treated like a customer should be treated. Instead I was called names and he even brought up an incident from months ago to try and make me look bad. And that incident from back then I apologized to his face for it. That was hard for me to do but I knew I was wrong so I did it. So if you want to say I am bitc$!*g feel free.

I understand not wanting to be confrontational, but the same balls it has taken to stay with this thread, shows you have what it takes. No need to be rude, just ask, then if the boss man did not want to fix it feel free to come on and explain then name them, you tried. That may be what it takes to get them going on a fix.

I have not seen an offer to fix the paint, just the name calling, trust me I remember those things also.

Do not take my post as criticism, that was not how it was meant, just showing you how I am reading the thread. Notice I said I do not care if you are a chicken **** or not, I do not know you at all.

Good luck with the gun, like I said in my first post, all that crap must come off for good adhesion of even cheap spray paint. (retired painter)


Special Hen
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
I would like to say, yes I am very shy and hate confrontation. And to a lot of you that may be what you call a chicken S. But to me it is something that I have had to live with my whole life. And believe me, I hate it. I didn't like the rifle when I saw it but was too afraid to say something. Yes I am a grown man and was afraid. I am not some bad rear and don't claim to be. I try and be a good Christian and avoid confrontation as much as I can. Yes I make mistakes, this a was probably one of them. I know that I probably shouldn't have started the thread. My intent wasn't to come on here and bad mouth the company or the owner. It was to show what they did and how much they charged me for it. And also, what I could do to fix it. I was looking for suggestions. So if that makes me wrong then I am wrong. I didn't name the place right off the bat and wouldn't have but I was asked who did it and I wasn't going to lie. It's not like I posted the name in the title. I would like to add that the owner came by yesterday as I was being showed the rifle and he smelled the paint he was that close and he asked if it was krylon, and the guy that painted it said no I used aluma Hyde 2. So he knew that they painted it. So something could have been said then but wasn't. I was never told sorry and was never treated like a customer should be treated. Instead I was called names and he even brought up an incident from months ago to try and make me look bad. And that incident from back then I apologized to his face for it. That was hard for me to do but I knew I was wrong so I did it. So if you want to say I am bitc$!*g feel free.

From one very shy dude to another.
I can relate, you did nothing wrong in my opinion, mostly just asking advice on how to correct it.
If they jacked it up that bad the first time it would probably only be worse if they had to re do it and were pissed about it.


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Don't worry about it Tony. Don't let terrible work out the door if you don't want the whole world to hear about it. FYI: there are two excellent gunsmiths not too far away from you in Jones, OK. Mechanical Accuracy and Accurate Iron.

Commander Keen

Special Hen
Oct 2, 2009
Reaction score
Tony, as a guy who is also quiet and generally non-confrontational, I can't see that you've done anything wrong. Would it have been ideal to have brought things up when you picked up the rifle? Yes. But I can certainly understand why you didn't, though most people who are your "usual" outgoing type may not be able to.

Certainly you haven't done anything to justify or bring about the insulting comments by the guy who runs the shop. As someone who has spent almost his entire working life dealing with customers, I find such actions profoundly inappropriate and unprofessional.

From those replies, it seems doubtful that you'll ever get an offer to make things right, and I certainly wouldn't blame you for not wanting to let them have it again.

Hopefully you'll be able to undo what was done to the rifle, and find a way to get done to it exactly what you want.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 2, 2014
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I don't know a thing about that gun shop. I do know the way they came on here like they did on this, people should shy away from them. They simply will continue to lose customers with this type of work and relationships with customers.

They should have came on here with one short little sentence."" Tony, bring your rifle back in and we will make it right""

But they didn't, they went way to long. And if the person that came on here is not the owner, the owner should know what was said, if it was the owner, then fella you won't last long with that type of business attitude.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
I don't know a thing about that gun shop. I do know the way they came on here like they did on this, people should shy away from them. They simply will continue to lose customers with this type of work and relationships with customers.

They should have came on here with one short little sentence."" Tony, bring your rifle back in and we will make it right""

But they didn't, they went way to long. And if the person that came on here is not the owner, the owner should know what was said, if it was the owner, then fella you won't last long with that type of business attitude.

No ****!! Came out on here actin like a thug...made himself AND his business look bad. If I would have "SEEN" something like that going "out" of my shop I woulda asked about it and when I found out it was "our" work, it wouldn't have left without being right. Plain and simple that paint job looks like crap...doesn't matter what medium was used to do it or what the product costs. Granted it IS a AK...and has some inherently bad surfaces..i'm talking about the mottling, etc where it looks like it was touched up after the fact and you can see the dry lines....stuff like that. The cheapest stuff is NO EXCUSE for BS work or crappy application of said product. I've painted lots of cars and motorcycles, etc...and I can tell you I've lost money on a couple because if something happened that it didn't look right, no matter what the cause... i'd redo it at my expense before i'd try to release it on a customer. But THAT made it where I made more money in the long run because my **** was right when it went out the door and people knew it. People don't pay for excuses, they pay for results!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I also agree that the OP shoulda said something about not being happy with it and given them a chance to make it right, but no way should the owner have come on a forum acting like a least as his first response to the issue. He should have said just like you mentioned..."bring it back and we'll make it right" and let the forum deal with the OP, and let him deal with his employee. That would have let people know that maybe they ARE an upstanding business....BUT based on his reaction on here, I wouldn't ever consider going there...I know others probably feel the same now.
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