Bad paint job by my local gunshop

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Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I'll say he shouldn't have out right named the shop if he didn't give them a chance to fix it, but if the shop is worth its salt he would offer to fix it and make it right. He stated he noticed it didn't look right and thought tonykane1 did it himself. I will say it doesn't make me want to come into his shop and spend any money.
I would have rather not named the shop. That was a mistake by me. someone asked and I told. I was actually getting input from to decide whether or not to take it back. But after what was said to me I don't want to. I was thinking about just stripping it to the bare metal.


Special Hen
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
I would have rather not named the shop. That was a mistake by me. someone asked and I told. I was actually getting input from to decide whether or not to take it back. But after what was said to me I don't want to. I was thinking about just stripping it to the bare metal.

Fully disassemble the rifle, brake kleen or acetone, and a scotch bright pad will do for prepping. There are some flat black engine and ceramic spray paints that work good. You can even bake it in the oven if you want to seal it a little better. But at the end of the day it is spray paint. Good luck with the project. I didn't paint the gas tube from fear of it not sticking right.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
OK Mitch, where do I start? Just like with your gripe about the ammo pricing last year, you are way off base. You had us paint a BRAND NEW rifle because you didn't like the grey parkerizing. I see one flaw in the photos, on the bottom. The groove under the safety is on EVERY AK, not just yours, there is no way to avoid that. If you wanted the safety and gas tube painted, why did't you say something in the store? Roland asked you REPEATEDLY if you were satisfied. You saw me in the shop, I asked about the paint job, you said NOTHING. Instead, you come on here and start griping, throwing me and my store under the bus without saying anything to the people who can solve your problems. That, my friend, is the definition of "chickens*%t". As to doing it on the side, that's my issue I will take up with my employee. Concerning your problem with your Glock, I have to call BS again. We install a DROP IN part into your pistol, a connector, you say it causes problems with your slide. How? Then you say we did nothing to address your problem or concern? I doubt that very much. Do you have a trigger pull scale? We do, and no trigger goes out the door without testing. You "fiddled with it" at home and all is well? Again, BS. If your such a wiz with glocks, why come to us? We have installed HUNDREDS of Glock connectors with ZERO problems. Why don't you man up and come in to talk to me instead of whining on a forum? Your alternative is never coming in again? I'll remember that when we open the indoor gun range. We have hundreds of satisfied customers through here every week. Are we perfect? No. Can we please everyone? No. If given the opportunity to make things right, will we try our hardest, even at the risk of making no money? YES.
If all you want to do is gripe rather than solve the problem, then I have no sympathy for you. Cheers.

You defend your shabby workmanship and, less than professional staff, by calling someone names...??

Shame on you.

That paint job should have Never been presented to a "customer". Remember the customer is always right.

To call him names and put him down for being some what shy...Shame on you again.

Ill call BS on You and your so called business, close it down and find something you Can do, cause as a business man??? You Suck8/


Special Hen
Oct 9, 2007
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TonyKane1...... I don't know you, if you are a chicken **** or not, it does not matter to me. But man you need to stand up for yourself. The paint was bad yet you walk out, not what most on here would do. Then show up here post about it and name the place, without giving them a chance to fix it?

Now if BDC had been asked to correct this mess and said no,then post away.

As you see I do not post often, I did on this and I am correct. The mess has been started and it seems like you could have just asked to get the gun fixed.

Maybe you should not go back, after having such bad luck at this place, twice, no matter how much you like the store.

Does that sound as odd to you, as it does to me?


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Aug 13, 2012
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TonyKane1...... I don't know you, if you are a chicken **** or not, it does not matter to me. But man you need to stand up for yourself. The paint was bad yet you walk out, not what most on here would do. Then show up here post about it and name the place, without giving them a chance to fix it?

Now if BDC had been asked to correct this mess and said no,then post away.

As you see I do not post often, I did on this and I am correct. The mess has been started and it seems like you could have just asked to get the gun fixed.

Maybe you should not go back, after having such bad luck at this place, twice, no matter how much you like the store.

Does that sound as odd to you, as it does to me?

Oh give the guy a break.

Some people just aren't confrontational.

There is nothing wrong with complaining about a product or service that doesn't meet expectations, or is just downright crappy, without giving them the "chance" to make it right.

They had that chance the first time, and failed.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
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West OKC
I would get my money back. $80 was way to much. If I was doing it for you for free and it came out like that, I would have stripped it and painted it again. He said he does not like confrontation. I understand what he is going through. I have one son that would have told them to shove it up their azz, but my other would have walked out disappointed.
To charge someone for that job is what is chicken s%#t. Then to come on here and call him names for calling them out and showing pics of the work? How many of you think that gun looks good? He was asked where it was done and he told. I asked, because I never want to take one of my guns there for work. I did not make my decision off of his words, but off of the pics.
We have some guys on here that do really good work.

Mitch Rapp

Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
No matter who is at fault for when he should have said what, or if they did what they said they would.....

A shop that charged to make a gun look like that should stop doing anything but selling stuff. Maybe the OP did some things wrong, but there is no excuse for the way that thing looks. If the shop owner or whoever posted here had any pride in his work, or that of his shop he should have offered to re-do it at the very least. Maybe offer to cera-kote it to make things right. Not attack a customer who, regardless of any complaints you have about him, got a beyond bad paint job on a firearm.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I would like to say, yes I am very shy and hate confrontation. And to a lot of you that may be what you call a chicken S. But to me it is something that I have had to live with my whole life. And believe me, I hate it. I didn't like the rifle when I saw it but was too afraid to say something. Yes I am a grown man and was afraid. I am not some bad rear and don't claim to be. I try and be a good Christian and avoid confrontation as much as I can. Yes I make mistakes, this a was probably one of them. I know that I probably shouldn't have started the thread. My intent wasn't to come on here and bad mouth the company or the owner. It was to show what they did and how much they charged me for it. And also, what I could do to fix it. I was looking for suggestions. So if that makes me wrong then I am wrong. I didn't name the place right off the bat and wouldn't have but I was asked who did it and I wasn't going to lie. It's not like I posted the name in the title. I would like to add that the owner came by yesterday as I was being showed the rifle and he smelled the paint he was that close and he asked if it was krylon, and the guy that painted it said no I used aluma Hyde 2. So he knew that they painted it. So something could have been said then but wasn't. I was never told sorry and was never treated like a customer should be treated. Instead I was called names and he even brought up an incident from months ago to try and make me look bad. And that incident from back then I apologized to his face for it. That was hard for me to do but I knew I was wrong so I did it. So if you want to say I am bitc$!*g feel free.

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