Can you say 'adrenaline'?

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Special Hen
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
I did something similar with a buck a couple years ago. It was more like ten yards and I was walking. I stopped , he stopped, and after what seemed about 30 minutes (more like 3), he put his head down to eat. I slowly raised my bow up, pulled back, let it fly and it hit a small branch and deflected over his back. AAGGH! My heart felt like it was going to bust through my chest. That's why I like to still hunt. Total blast.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
When I was about 17, I went on a black powder draw hunt at the Cherokee WMA with my dad and grandpa. It was during a freak ice storm. I had dropped my dad and grandpa off at their chosen locations and drove about 3 more miles, all the way to the back where I was hunting. Even at a crawl, I almost slipped off the road several times. When I got to my tree it was covered with ice and I couldn't get in it. So I stood huddled against the precipitation at the base of the tree.

About 20 minutes later I heard a shot to the South. About 5 minutes later, a yearling doe came into my field of view from the right. She walked right up in front of me about 6 feet away, stopped and looked straight at me. I kept dead still and focused on a tree behind her like she wasn't even there (lots of hunters will tell you that animals can sense your gaze). She finally turned her head and walked forward.

I had my thumb on the hammer and my finger in the trigger guard. I just held the trigger back, raised the rifle to hip level as I pulled the hammer back and let it slip when the barrel was centered on her chest. I briefly saw sparks hit her hair before she went down with a bleat in a cloud of smoke. She was dead when she hit the ground.

I kinda felt bad about shooting her (she was pretty small). All I could think about though was getting the hell out of that freezing rain and ice! My dad got back to the pickup spot at about 10:30 AM and he looked like a Popsicle. He opened the camper door and said "You little ...., you didn't even hunt did you?" I rolled over and pulled back the tarp to show my prize, then covered back up in the bed. Man I sure was warm! :)


Special Hen
Apr 26, 2010
Reaction score
I would probably soiled myself if that happened. I don't like the idea that with one swift swing of his head that bull could blind you, puncture a lung, or just flat out trample your butt.

When you let something get that close and it's that much bigger than you, you become the hunted for that split second.
Apr 5, 2009
Reaction score
Midwest City
Oh yeowsa man! That moose was scratchin itself with the broadhead! :eek: I would have dropped dead from a heart attack, since a momma moose with calf is more dangerous than a grizzly. That's the closest I've ever seen someone come to death on a hunting video and come out unscathed, and quite a testament to the power of staying still. I'll bet his eyes were closed. Thanks for sharing that one! :)

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