Charles Dyer, What Are Your Thoughts?

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Special Hen
Jul 18, 2011
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STEPHENS COUNTY, Okla. -- The Stephens County sheriff is sending out an alarming warning about an ex-marine on the run from the law. Charles Dyer is accused of sexually abusing a child. He was supposed to be in Stephens County court Monday, but he was a no-show.

Lawmen are searching for him and they're sending out an alert about his ties to anti-government militia groups.

Known for posting anti-government YouTube videos, the self-proclaimed patriot has tried to paint his charges as a conspiracy of the federal government.

Dyer is charged in Stephens County with sexually abusing a child.

He has also been in federal court for possession of a stolen military grenade launcher.

Stephens County Sheriff Wayne McKinney said, "What concerns me is his ties with some of these very radical groups."

Dyer's online rants include some scary messages calling for armed resistance against the U.S. Government and he has invited viewers to join him at his makeshift training area.

The threats of violence turned local too.

McKinney says Dyer has posted messages stating, "If the sheriff's office came to his house, he was loading his weapons and putting his bullet-proof vest on and having a showdown with us."

McKinney is afraid a firefight is what Dyer wants, but it won't be at Dyer's house.

His home burned to the ground early Friday morning.

When investigators sifted through it, they didn't find any of his personal belongings or his stash of weapons.

Dyer's girlfriend, Monica Freeman, is now behind bars for arson connected to the house fire.

But authorities warn Dyer is a much bigger concern.

McKinney said, "I just wish that I could make a plea to him to come turn himself in before this thing ends in a bad way."

If you spot Dyer, do not approach him.

He is considered very dangerous.

Contact the Stephens County Sheriff's Department at (580) 255-3131, or call local law enforcement immediately.

Any of you been following this story? If so what are your thoughts?


Special Hen
Sep 13, 2006
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Altus, OK
i watched his new youtube stuff the other night, well it was from back in april but talks about his trial and situation. it took a couple hours to get through it all. interesting stuff. i think they are trying to use him as this so-called 'lone wolf' terrorist crap they are throwing around now. he presents a good case. i dont know why he didnt just show up and present his case. the mainstream media is trying to paint him up to be an evil evil man. saying things about militia, constitutionalist, patriot. all of those things are good things. sucks that they are doing this to him.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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I still say "fabricated charges". The guy is everything those in our government hate and fear, so to silence him why not dump one of the most hated accusations on him and bring criminal charges for it? It turns the people against him, doesn't draw skepticism like him disappearing or "committing suicide", and helps further their agenda in the sheep's minds that anyone involved in militia movements or "radical" patriotism or constitutionalism is certainly a criminal kook that must be weeded out and is in one way or another, a danger to our society.

I may be wrong - he may be a child molester. I guess we'll probably never really know the truth.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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Interesting... lots of stories about him and his ex out there.
I guess the bottom line is he decided to run instead of face the charges.


Special Hen
Nov 23, 2008
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Midwest City
I don't know if he is a child molester or not. The whole things sounds crazy as hell! But if he is innocent and knows he is and some has an agenda against him he knows he is done, why bother with court. And please don't come on here talking about a jury of his peers. Only he knows what happened. The gov is dying for someone to fulfill this Tea party, gun loving, racist, anti Obama, lone wolf terrorist, white, right wing home grown terrorist plot. That way they will be one step closer to knocking on our doors. Should be interesting to see what happens. I am afraid he is in the middle of a self fulfilling prophecy as far as the gov.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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8/17/2011 2:31:00 AM
Fugitive sends letter to attorney

Fugitive Charles Allen Dyer turns 31 today and law enforcement officials say they are intensifying the hunt to bring him to justice.

"As far as I am concerned, we will find Dyer, then get him to trial and ship him off to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections," said Stephens County District Attorney Jason Hicks.

Hicks was set to begin the prosecution in Dyer's trial Monday for charges of child sexual abuse and concealing stolen property before the Marlow man took flight. The district attorney received a letter Monday from Dyer's attorney, David Hammond, that was also shared with law enforcement. Attempts to contact Hammond were unsuccessful.

Stephens County Sheriff Wayne McKinney confirmed the letter was from Dyer, who alleged that he ran because he didn't believe that he could get a fair trial due to a law enforcement conspiracy to convict him.

"I am limiting my comments because of all of the accusations out there," Hicks said. "We are confident in our case and will be moving forward."

Dyer was originally charged with the felony counts in January 2010; a trial in April ended in mistrial after the jury failed to reach a unanimous decision, according to court records. He was also acquitted in April 2010 of a federal charge of knowingly possessing an unregistered grenade launcher. The weapon was discovered during the investigation into the alleged child sexual abuse, according to the Constitution archives, and federal agents later determined the grenade launcher was one of three stolen at a California military base from a shipment of military equipment bound for Iraq.

McKinney said Tuesday that U.S. Marshals and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have been enlisted in the effort, allowing a nationwide net to be cast.

"I would say that in the next 24 hours an unlawful flight to avoid prosecution warrant will be filed," McKinney said. "That will bring FBI resources in and with it a lot of tools to add to that."

Since Dyer has been at-large, the sheriff said numerous tips have flooded his office.

"Right now, we're just following up all the leads, we've had numerous tips," McKinney said. "Now we have to go out and check them."

Dyer is a former Marine sergeant and since his discharge has become well known through the American militia movement for his videos posted on YouTube where he speaks under the pseudonym "July4Patriot." Dyer has also claimed connection to the Oath Keeper, a bloc of the Tea Party movement. According to its website, the organization is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, peace officers, and veterans who swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Group organizers have distanced themselves from Dyer in statements issued since his arrest and YouTube has taken down his postings.

On Facebook, a page entitled "Oklahoma Department of Investigation has Proven Charles Dyer is Innocent!" has posted photographs of an examination report of Dyer's case by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. The report was entered into evidence June 1, 2010, according to court records, and was part of the April trial.

Hicks called the perception from the Facebook "a total distortion of the facts in this matter."

"The results showed that Dyer's DNA was on a sheet along with that of one of his girlfriends and her daughter," Hicks said. "The piece of evidence that his side conveniently leaves out is his daughter's testimony along with that of a medical doctor."

A woman Hicks called Dyer's girlfriend, Monica Joy Freeman, 34, had a probable cause affidavit filed against her Monday in the Stephens County District Court for the felony charge of arson. It is alleged that she burned Dyer's trailer in northeastern Stephens County to the ground Friday morning. Freeman has been in custody since Friday night, said Sheriff Wayne McKinney. If convicted, she faces up to 25 years imprisonment and/or up to $20,000 fine.

Freeman remains in the Stephens County Jail in lieu of $50,000 bond, or if she receives a GPS bracelet to restrict movement to Stephens County her bond is reduced to $10,000, according to court records. Either bond must be paid in full. Her preliminary hearing is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Nov. 8.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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Running is good for you. Improves cardiovascular health and helps to prove your innocence all at the same time. It's like the wonder drug.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 23, 2005
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Think that there has already been one trial but had a hung jury. Of course, his excuse on the stolen M203 grenade launcher was that he had no idea what it was, therefore he was not guilty of being in possession of it. All that should have done was pull his basic training records and show where he went to the training range with it.

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