Closest I've ever come to thinking I might need to use my carry...

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Special Hen
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
To say this first, I've never been in a situation where I've personally felt I ever needed to use a weapon on another person. I've been in some pretty intense situations but always felt I can handle things on my own. To me the pistol is for that ever dreadful event we all hope to avoid or never happens.
Well Friday night we were out BowFishing, we took our chicks out for their first time. We were having a great time and the girls loved it. They both shot a few fish even though it was a slow night. Well towards the end of the night (about 2 or 3 am) we get done trolling a bank that leads up to a cover full of private docks. Right before we finish that bank a large wakeboard boat (20+ foot boat) came through music blaring.
Ok, it's a holiday weekend so it's to be expected.
As we pull out to cut across the cove to go troll the other bank that boat turns around and slowly comes back to us. They get about 50 yards from us and start yell at us. We can't understand exactly what they are saying but it was something about our lights. Now granted it's a bow fishing boat and we have a lot of lights going and a generator. My buddy lets off so they can catch up. Once they get up to us they start yelling and cussing at us about the lights telling us we are dumbassses and our lights are illegal. This went on for a min or two and we just mind of blew them off thinking they'd go away. They were obviously drunk. Once we didn't do what they said the driver started run his boat at ours trying wake us, so my buddy just tried to leave the cove. Once we tried to leave they decided to circle us. Now getting really dangerous! This was a large wakeboard boat and those familiar with them know get are designed to roll off huge wakes. We are in a 17" flat bottom that sits really low to the water....
This went on for another min or two and it got pretty damn rough for us. He easily could have swamped our boat at any min if he really wanted to.
It's about this time I seriously start thinking this guys and his friends are endangering our lives! My mind starts going to my pistol....
Luckily at that moment another large boat pulled into the cove and those guys back off of us. So we took that opportunity to head towards that other boat and use him as our way out of the situation. We took off as soon as we cleared the other boat.
Those guys never followed and we continued bow fishing another area.

If the girls weren't with us it probably wouldn't have been as big an issue. A lot of people don't care for BowFishing boats on the lake so we are use to it. But these dumb drunk idiot were endangering the lives of these women and that I won't stand for....
My hand never even went to my pistol but my mind was on it. At that moment I knew that the fine line could easily be crossed in an instant....

Some good came from it though. My GF will mess with me and jokingly give me crap for car ringing all the time. The next morning we woke up and were talking about it and she looks at me and says, now I understand why you keep it on you all the time. She told me she wasn't worried during the whole deal cause she knew I was carrying.


Special Hen
Apr 5, 2009
Reaction score
In a hotel near you
Glad y'all are safe AllOut.

I had a deal like that during the day. I chunked a 3/4 ounce Rattletrap at a guy on a wake board all of 20ft from my boat causing him to fall off. We had an understanding before his buddies got turned around. Then they thought their wake boat could keep up with my Ranger and settle the score.:nono2: Jackplate up, trimmed up and 250 Merc, seeeeya! "Bring enough boat"


Special Hen
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Central Oklahoma
Next time use those lights to get a registration# and call the law. No need to make a bad situation worse by inserting a gun into such an issue. In most states you are responsible for the damage done by your wake if you are too close to a dock or other vessel.


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
No the gun wasn't needed..... Yet
But that's the whole point. It could have made it to that real quick depending on how stupid these guys wanted to get. They very easily could have sank us real quick if they really wanted to. Not much good getting their registration would do us if we all drowned.
It was on Eufaula right out in front of the no wake zone of Eufaula Cove.


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
I don't understand how a bow fishing boat would be annoying. I bank fish for catfish a lot and sit in mostly dark. The bow fishing boats come a long with bright lights aimed at the water. I flash my light at them when they are about 50 yards away and they move wide and around. Now wake boarding boats with music blaring annoy the crap out of me.

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