Colonoscopy - Jimmie Hoffa is still missing, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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In all seriousness yes get it done.

I had my first this year in June, I am 54. Doc removed a small polyp from my ascending colon. It was OK, meaning no cancer cells, but as the doc said if you get colon cancer this is the kind of polyp that turns into cancer, so I have to get back in 5 years.

The prep sucks, just deal with it, the rest is a breeze. I got to have propafol, Ah yes best nap I ever took.

Prep and procedure room nurses were great, when I got into the procedure room I told them girls, this is not how I imagined this going down, one of them said what being naked in a room with 3 hot women, I said yup exactly, dear penthouse, I do believe their laughter could be heard thru the entire hospital...LOL

The recovery nurse was great, when I started to wake up, she asked me if I was ready to go I looked at her pretty face and farted the longest fart ever recorded, I then said oh god I am so sorry I farted in your direction, this is not how I pick up women, her laughter was long and loud as well.

I did tell the doc that if she found a harmonica to just roll with it and not ask questions.

All in all 2 days off work, one for the prep and the other for the procedure, you cant drive or ****, but all in all its worth it, can save your life, so get it done.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Number 1 before the humor, if you are 50 or older, GET A COLONOSCOPY!

I have no idea why but the first thing I asked my male recovery nurse after my lights out Colonoscopy today is, "Did you find Jimmy Hoffa?" The poor 20+ year old kid was perplexed, my wifey rolled her eyes, no I didn't see her roll them I could hear her roll them, and I went back to sleep a few more minutes.

This is my second time round the ole poop chute camera. The first one was in 2014. I was supposed to go ever three years but alas, life.

Precious Bodily Fluids. That was Col. Ripper's (how poignant) soliloquy about the commies taking over.

Precious bodily fluids? How about 6 year old sandwich lettuce? The first time I went through this I found Tinkertoys I lost when I was 5 and the heads of rubber farmers riding rubber tractors from before that. This time was easier however I outsmarted them. They wrote down I was to start my prep at 6 pm the night before and the second dose at Midnight.

Midnight? are you kidding me. I wanted a little more sleep than thirty minutes before my 9 a.m. check in. I started a 3 p.m. and again at 9. Finally got to sleep around 4 a.m. Woke at 8 in a hurry to the bathroom. Arrived at the doctor at 9 and again found a bathroom. Right before the procedure I was still squirting. Can you imagine the wall in the procedure room if I had followed their instructions?
I laughed my *** off reading this. Damnit, spit beer on my laptop LOL
No joke, if your 40 and havent had one of these, do it. I wish I had and I may not have lost my colon to desease. An Illiostomy bag sucks balls. And yes, they do malfunction at the most inoportune times....and thats a really crappy situation.
A colonoscopy is easier than getting a filling at the dentist but having surgery to remove a entire colon is a horrible surgery and you dont want to sneeze or cough for at least 7 weeks cause it will bring you to tears
Get checked after age 40!
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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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In all seriousness yes get it done.

I had my first this year in June, I am 54. Doc removed a small polyp from my ascending colon. It was OK, meaning no cancer cells, but as the doc said if you get colon cancer this is the kind of polyp that turns into cancer, so I have to get back in 5 years.

The prep sucks, just deal with it, the rest is a breeze. I got to have propafol, Ah yes best nap I ever took.

Prep and procedure room nurses were great, when I got into the procedure room I told them girls, this is not how I imagined this going down, one of them said what being naked in a room with 3 hot women, I said yup exactly, dear penthouse, I do believe their laughter could be heard thru the entire hospital...LOL

The recovery nurse was great, when I started to wake up, she asked me if I was ready to go I looked at her pretty face and farted the longest fart ever recorded, I then said oh god I am so sorry I farted in your direction, this is not how I pick up women, her laughter was long and loud as well.

I did tell the doc that if she found a harmonica to just roll with it and not ask questions.

All in all 2 days off work, one for the prep and the other for the procedure, you cant drive or ****, but all in all its worth it, can save your life, so get it done.

That Propafol is some good ****. Wish I had some of that to get to sleep at night sometimes.

You only had one polyp? I had 10 the first time and ten this time. The smallest was 2mm and the largest was 4mm. Removed with a "cold snare"

The doctor said, "Colon cancer is preventable" "Not all polyps can become cancerous but all cancers come from polyps."
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In Remembrance / March 2023
Special Hen
Apr 28, 2008
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Yuck! I'm of that age now and am dreading the almighty colonoscopy. Not so much the operation, but the prep!

I'll trade you horror stories. A few weeks ago I went in for a major surgery. I'm deathly afraid of hospitals, doctors, and have never had a surgery before (still have tonsils, appendix, etc). The operation was set for 9 a.m. in the morning, so I'm there bright and early. My anxiety was off the charts. They hook me up to an IV and when 9 a.m. rolls around, the surgeon hasn't shown. 10 o'clock, no surgeon, so they postpone until after noon. 1 pm, no surgeon. I'm hooked to IV all day, no food since the day before, etc. At 5 p.m. they showed up and told me that the doc still hasn't shown up, so they send me home.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Rotflmao!! Men ... Haha!

Grumpy opened his eyes, looked at the nurse, looked at me and then tearfully apologized to me for being such as ******* and promising he would do better from now on. I busted out laughing and the nurse said it was the sweetest thing she'd ever seen. The next words outta his mouth were "Good God baby I'm hungry! Can we go to WhataBurger??":pms2::pms2::pms2:

Honest ... I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to. :rotflmao:

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