Conflicted.... Card #17

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May 6, 2014
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N.E. Oklahoma
This one would be tough for those individual's, but by default, we will automatically protect and look after our own family first. I myself, would be grabbing and going as well.


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Jul 2, 2009
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This one lands on the front porch. Sorry, to all of you in need but I am likely already gone before this point or at least enacting my get home plan and i will take what I can...In a true melt down the little supplies I can take have a better chance of making a difference with me than at an institution that is about to be torn apart by a large mass or people. Almost all large hospitals are located in population centers and will not do well. Also, there is no way any hospital has a 4 day supply in an "utter chaos" situation.


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Nov 3, 2006
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You work in a large hospital, and the world has been thrown into utter chaos. Unable to receive supplies in the foreseeable future, the hospitals current stock will only last four days. Would you steal the remaining supplies for personal use and be prepared, or leave the supplies to be depleted by the public?

You work in a large hospital, and the world has been thrown into utter chaos. Unable to receive supplies in the foreseeable future, the hospitals current stock will only last four days. Would you steal the remaining supplies for personal use and be prepared, or leave the supplies to be depleted by the public?

This is one of the better cards to think about.
I think that the people answering this will answer it two ways, those who are medical professionals and those who are not.

First, I would probably be trying to provide as much care to others as possible during a crisis. Up to a point. That point being where my well being and/or survival and the well being and/or survival of my family is affected or jeopardized.

As a medical professional, I would hope that I have significant supplies for myself and my family and/or group set aside before the total chaos hits the fan. With that in mind, I don’t think I’d go on a big pilfering run. UNLESS, the powers that be are so recto-cranially impacted that they can’t see any of what is coming down the pike. At that point, I’m out of there. I might grab some last minute stuff, but I’m probably more likely to grab it for others working in the area that may not be as prepared as me. Paying it forward with an eye to maybe building an alliance or telling them they owe me a favor in the future.

Second, a large hospital will have some type of security. Most have armed police in house. In a total breakdown situation, I can imagine active duty military of some form supplementing hospital physical security for some obvious reasons. Even if it is just a small squad, I’m sure that they would frown upon “insider trading”.

As a non-medical professional working in the hospital, you probably aren’t going to have much unrestricted access to supply locations. Certainly not pharmaceuticals. Probably not sterilized or high dollar instruments and tools. You might get a few things, but unless you have developed your “Slicky Boy” sneakiness in advance, you will only be able to grab some stuff if an opportunity presents itself. And you may wind up grabbing a crate of enema bags instead of suture kits.

As a non-medical professional working in a hospital, I’d think you should have spent some time building some form of relationships with the medical professionals. Especially like minded ones.

Those who could help you prepare earlier than Chaos-dark-thirty.

Also, if you grab and go, you might sacrifice any benefits of working at the hospital for the next four days. You may be getting easier travel due to your needed job skill set. This might entitle you to gasoline when others aren’t getting it. You may be getting food at the hospital that isn’t available outside. And you may sacrifice any last minute alliances or favors you could work on. You will also sacrifice access to any intel that may not be available to the general public. Remember that rifle squad? Maybe taking those guys a couple of warm meals and baby wipes instead of their MREs, heat tabs and canteen showers will get someone talking about stuff you need to know.


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Jul 2, 2009
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While optimism is great; reality and logic have to take over. The entire state of Oklahoma only has about 11,000 staffed hospital beds. That means there are around 1000-1500 emergency department beds (I think they are counted separate) in-addition to those. There are less then 300 emergency medicine trained doctors in the state and most of them practice in OKC or Tulsa leaving the majority of the beds staffed by either mid-levels (PA/NP) or other physician specialties family practice, internal medicine, surgery, dermatology etc...

So, if there are 4 days of supplies that means you are in day one or two of said disaster. Consider that it is 4 days of normal use supplies things are going to get thin really fast under this scenario. I think people, generally, are going to look out for #1 that means a mass exodus from nursing homes, dialysis units and other chronic care institutions when people don’t show up for work. They will swamp the ERs quickly and require a lot of resources. They will be followed rapidly by the sick at home group like those on home oxygen and such. So where does this leave everybody else...up a creek. There are ~3.5 million people in the state (remember only 11,000 beds.) The medical system is overwhelmed at day 2 if lucky. During Katrina hospital personnel were abandoning their posts on day 1 either leaving people to die or some cases helping them along.

Some big hospitals have armed security but they are frequently off duty local officers who will probably be called to protect and serve in other areas. If the hospitals are in this bad of shape what will WM’s shelves look like? Food and water rioting has likely started already.

I’m sure some of the angels of medicine will stick to the bitter end but they will be too overwhelmed to put a dent in the situation at hand. God bless them but at some point most will have to make the decision to take care of their own and walk out. The realistic ones will leave early the truly dedicated, likely to their own demise, late. The small communities will have a better chance to hold on longer just because of population density but even they will be forced out at some point.

JMHO by the way. But, human nature is pretty consistent.
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Special Hen
Jan 12, 2014
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If I'm working in a hospital, odds are I'm either working on computers or sweeping the floors. If the SHTF, I want to be anywhere but there. I think I'd be better off stealing a doctor and/or a trauma nurse than I would be by stealing supplies.

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