Dog meds cure cancer?

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Jun 5, 2018
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To each his own...

Any new chemical put into a body will have some effect. I'll stick with my black coffee.

I won't disagree with that. Vaping isn't about being 100% safe, that would be quitting all together. Its about harm reduction. Cigarette smoke has close to 7,000 different chemicals in it, most of which are toxins and many are cancer causing. Vaping, though it does have some chemicals in it, most are declared safe (propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin have been proven safe for vaporization and inhalation many years ago due to actors concerns over fog machines. Nicotine doesn't change its chemical structure when vaporized and in the small doses used in eliquid is safe). To me its like skydiving. Regardless of how you do it, skydiving can be dangerous. Smoking is skydiving without a parachute while vaping is having a parachute and two backups, its that much safer.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Since this thread has kinda morphed into a discussion of vaping, tell me about the concept. I see a lot of folks with the things hung around their neck on ribbons, like pacifiers, but there must be more to it than that. I hear it cand be a tool to stop smoking, but in the same commercial they say it still contains nicotine. But I guess with fancy flavors, it is aimed at getting more teens hooked into the smoking habit..

I have no position on the idea, pro or con, I just don't see the fascination with it.

Is it just another pet rock or Fortnite fad?

Might be a fad for the kids. Wasn't a fad for me. Helped me kick a 15 year smoking habit almost overnight, and I only 'used it' for about a year to ween off nicotine. I liked the savory vanilla flavors at first, well, because they taste good. Hell, if they had a steak flavored juice I might have hopped on that. Flavors are flavors, i don't think there's a statute of limitation on what tastes good to the individual based on age. The fact they were all done up with cartoon characters, candy and cereal puns is less likely a targeted aim at kids, and more or less the average 'vaper' being a completely idiotic queer. (Not in a homophobic way) That world is full of rhinestone jeans, winged skull tees, straight bill hat wearing 'Chads.' I think it's more or less the trend that kids are stupid and typically think the 'cool' clothed morons are people to look up to. Monkey see, monkey do.

It was my only successful attempt at quitting the smokes. Patches failed, lozenges made me feel weird about telling people "Oh, it's a lozenge." And the gun was unsatisfying. The pill was interesting. I really liked the vivid dreams, but the suicidal thoughts were terrifyingly deep. Just my humble opinion and thoughts. No facts stated.


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Jun 25, 2009
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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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I have to say that vaping plus the patch is what helped me quit smoking, I just do not buy all the hype that it is that much safer and neither do most of the medical professionals that I know. If used as a temporary stop smoking aid, I think it is great. If used in place of smoking or as a fad, I think it is dangerous. But if vape companies were pushing it only as a stop smoking aid they would soon be out of business.


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Jun 5, 2018
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Dear Tanis,

If you vape for ten years to solve an old problem, you have a new problem

Dear Abbey

Nope, an old problem (nicotine addiction) with a less dangerous delivery method.

I have to say that vaping plus the patch is what helped me quit smoking, I just do not buy all the hype that it is that much safer and neither do most of the medical professionals that I know. If used as a temporary stop smoking aid, I think it is great. If used in place of smoking or as a fad, I think it is dangerous. But if vape companies were pushing it only as a stop smoking aid they would soon be out of business.

Well, I'll take the scientific studies that have been approved through peer review over your opinions or those medical professionals you know. Like I said, Public Health England has point blank said vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking. The UK government is actually behind vaping 100%. When PHE came out in the 40's and said smoking is bad, it took the US 20 years later to say the same. Why? Big tobacco pumped money into the FDA and congress to hide the truth. I'm glad you quit. I'm not able to. Everytime I step down my nicotine my anger levels skyrocket and I'm constantly irritable. That never goes away. Same thing when I tried the patches. Even though I'm still on nicotine I can run again. I don't get sinus infections anymore (was averaging 2-3 a year). And my lungs are now perfectly clear.

This will be my last post on vaping, though it does tie into the cancer theme and it proves what I said earlier on: pharmaceutical companies don't care or don't want us cured, they are all about the money.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Nope, an old problem (nicotine addiction) with a less dangerous delivery method.

Well, I'll take the scientific studies that have been approved through peer review over your opinions or those medical professionals you know. Like I said, Public Health England has point blank said vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking. The UK government is actually behind vaping 100%. When PHE came out in the 40's and said smoking is bad, it took the US 20 years later to say the same. Why? Big tobacco pumped money into the FDA and congress to hide the truth. I'm glad you quit. I'm not able to. Everytime I step down my nicotine my anger levels skyrocket and I'm constantly irritable. That never goes away. Same thing when I tried the patches. Even though I'm still on nicotine I can run again. I don't get sinus infections anymore (was averaging 2-3 a year). And my lungs are now perfectly clear.

This will be my last post on vaping, though it does tie into the cancer theme and it proves what I said earlier on: pharmaceutical companies don't care or don't want us cured, they are all about the money.

Except those pharmaceutical companies are bringing out cures all the time including for cancer. True they have not managed to cure them all, yet!


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Trolling Pro-Tip... When someone starts talking scientific studies and peer review, hit 'em with climate change.

I will remember that if I ever decide to troll. Of course it helps if the studies and peer review are not a joke like those that support climate change.

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