DOJ sues Louisiana for voter info

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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
So they won't enforce immigration laws, they smuggle weapons south of the border and now they want to help perpetuate voter fraud.

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U.S.A. vs. Louisiana Request for Production
"I will not allow the Department of Justice to infiltrate and influence elections in Louisiana and under no circumstances will I hand over the sensitive private information of this states registered voters." Tom Schedler, Louisiana Secretary of State
Baton Rouge, Louisiana (PRWEB) August 08, 2012

The United States Department of Justice in effort with Project Vote and the NAACP has launched what electoral watchdog calls "a full assault on the civil liberties of all registered voters in Louisiana under the guise of voter disenfranchisement.” *
The Department of Justice has demanded all data relating to all registered voters in Louisiana; current and former names, current and former addresses, current and former counties of residence, date of birth, full social security number, current and former driver’s license numbers, race and/or ethnicity, medical records, disability records, and all current and former internal identification numbers assigned to every single registered voter in the state.*
Currently Louisiana ranks 4th in the Nation with over 84% of residents over 18 registered to vote and is regarded as one of the best election systems in the United States. Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler is vigorously fighting both the DOJ and NAACP/Project Vote Lawsuit. Schedler released this statement regarding the efforts of the Voter Participation Center in Louisiana.
“The Department of Justice cannot come down to Louisiana and bully the state for vital voter information using only one section of voter registration law, but completely ignore the other sections. But unfortunately, that’s precisely what they’re doing," said U.S. Senator David Vitter. "They’re allowing some states to keep felons, illegal aliens and dead people on their voter rolls – which is a clear violation of the law – while arm-twisting Louisiana to hand over private information about our registered voters.”
This letter was release by Louisiana State Representative Chris Broadwater condemning the attack on Louisiana calling it an "overt war on our civil liberties by the Obama Administration." is a citizen-led policy and grassroots advocacy effort to empower Americans to take action to preserve our rights and insure that the foundation of our democracy is sound, and to educate the public about attacks on the integrity of our civil liberties and voting rights — whether through diluting the privacy of our personal information or through unfair voter registration efforts which effectively rob us of having our votes count.
The United States District Court For The Middle District Of Louisiana;
Civil Action No. 3:11-CV-00470-JJB-DLD
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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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I believe in civil liberties, and I'll fight to the death in defense of David Vitter's right to be diapered by expensive prostitutes. But... David Vitter is always out there looking for solutions to problems that don't exist.


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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Problems like voter fraud? 29%of deployed military who requested absentee ballots didn't get them but the administration is busy pulling crap like this. They're not getting away with it this year.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Problems like voter fraud? 29%of deployed military who requested absentee ballots didn't get them but the administration is busy pulling crap like this. They're not getting away with it this year.
Voter suppression is not the same thing as voter fraud. So, here you have a different issue that should be resolved by the Secretary of State of Louisiana. That louisiana's incompetent government can't get ballots to deployed military comes as a great shock to me. You could knock me over with a feather, but that's a Louisiana problem.
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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
That's the FEDERAL GOVT. that can't (WON'T) get the ballots out to deployed military. Excuse it all you want, voter suppression and voter fraud are the same when the endgoal is a rigged election.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
This is from "Project Vote"

Ferrand v. Schedler is a lawsuit brought by Project Vote, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Inc. (LDF), and New Orleans attorney Ronald Wilson against Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler, the Secretary of the Departments of Children and Family Services, and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Hospitals, for failing to provide voter registration services at public assistance agencies as required by Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act. The complaint was filed on behalf of the Louisiana State Conference of the NAACP and Louisiana residents Roy Ferrand and Luther Scott, Jr.

The complaint, filed on April 19, 2011, cites substantial evidence demonstrating that Louisiana is failing to provide mandatory voter registration services at its public assistance offices as required by the NVRA. Despite consistently high numbers of participants in Louisiana’s food stamp and Medicaid programs, voter registration applications originating from public assistance agencies have been surprisingly low. As of 2008, voter registration applications originating in these agencies had dropped 88 percent from 1995, despite increased participation in public assistance programs. The complaint also cites the results of agency investigations and interviews of public assistance recipients showing widespread non-compliance.

On July 21, 2011, a federal court rejected the state's effort to dismiss the lawsuit, stating that the NAACP successfully argued that it had expended resources "on additional voter registration initiatives" because of the "defendants' failure to comply with the NVRA," and that therefore, "[t]the NAACP has demonstrated that it satisfies the injury requirement that it has standing to sue."

On May 3, 2012, a federal judge ruled in favor of the Louisiana State Conference of the NAACP that the NVRA requires that all public assistance clients must be provided with a voter registration application whether they seek benefits in person or by the internet, telephone and mail.

Guess who funds "Project Vote". The one an only George Soros. It seems that DOJ, Center for American Progress, DEMOS, NAACP, this outfit and probably others are ganged up and in cahoots on this lawsuit. If I were the SOS in Lousiana I'd print that all chit out, hire a bunch of people to redact everything printed on the page except for the page headers, footers, page numbers and column titles. If Holder can do it to a congressional investigative committee, well...what goes around comes around. :)

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