Gun goes off by itself? Doubtful.

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Special Hen
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
I also feel bad for the family. I wish I could ease the pain they will deal with for many years.

With your education then you should see the truth. The news posted their article (8am) then went in and edited out (around 11) the part of the sister in the room and the sheriff saying it was a gun problem. He made a statement as a fact that the gun was alone on the counter with no one touching it when it fired all by itself.

Do you think the media will go back and correct the information that was wrong? I know they won't because they have a one sided view of guns, an evil gun sounds so much scarier than the possibility of a negligent shooting. As a self admitted "gun grabber" you should be able to admit the truth. The legal, safe gun owners far outnumber the ones that are careless do you ever see them in the news? Why it that?

No one is trying to be mean or heartless, but we have all seen this scenario play out before, the media will twist it to favor the gun grabbers. Along with that they will toss us all under the same bus.

You can look at the posting on my name is David Nephew, (I made several posts) I am a safe gun owner and do not need more laws to make people like you happy.

It truly is a very sad situation, and I honestly hope the family does not have more pain added to what they are dealing with now.

I am probably what you consider a gun grabber, in that I am a gun owner, but I think background checks would be quite nifty. I also prefer that my daughter goes to college next year at a campus that doesn't have every half drunk 20 year old armed (my senile governor is going for that). I would also prefer that our representatives in Congress not be puppets of the NRA, who is a puppet of the gun industry. Have I earned the "gun grabber" label yet?

Here is what gun nuts don't understand about gun grabbers. We are going to pounce FAR harder on the child shooting another child accidentally scenario. We aren't one bit concerned with rogue guns going crazy on their own. It's the people component we pay attention to, always. "Guns don't kill people....people who are armed kill people." How could you guys think we're focused on guns that go off by themselves? Do you think we're stupid? I promise you we're usually quite educated, though I know that in some parts of the country, that's not a boasting point. I too often feel compelled to apologize for my education and point out that I live in rural East Texas and would not wish to live where I live without a gun myself.

Just thought I'd clear that up. Having said that, this involves the child of someone close to me, and this stuff is the furthest thing from my mind. I can say that these last 24 hours have made me painfully conscious of my own remote and aloof opinions about people who have been through this tragedy. I won't err again in discussions about these incidents.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
It appears that the sheriff is just passing along the events as told to him. I admire his efforts to protect the kid. Sometimes you just have to take one for the team.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
I am probably what you consider a gun grabber, in that I am a gun owner, but I think background checks would be quite nifty. I also prefer that my daughter goes to college next year at a campus that doesn't have every half drunk 20 year old armed (my senile governor is going for that). I would also prefer that our representatives in Congress not be puppets of the NRA, who is a puppet of the gun industry. Have I earned the "gun grabber" label yet?

Here is what gun nuts don't understand about gun grabbers. We are going to pounce FAR harder on the child shooting another child accidentally scenario. We aren't one bit concerned with rogue guns going crazy on their own. It's the people component we pay attention to, always. "Guns don't kill people....people who are armed kill people." How could you guys think we're focused on guns that go off by themselves? Do you think we're stupid? I promise you we're usually quite educated, though I know that in some parts of the country, that's not a boasting point. I too often feel compelled to apologize for my education and point out that I live in rural East Texas and would not wish to live where I live without a gun myself.

Just thought I'd clear that up. Having said that, this involves the child of someone close to me, and this stuff is the furthest thing from my mind. I can say that these last 24 hours have made me painfully conscious of my own remote and aloof opinions about people who have been through this tragedy. I won't err again in discussions about these incidents.



Special Hen
Jun 9, 2009
Reaction score
Now, boys, let's not jump all over Tiffany for expressing non-OSA-politically-correct views.

She's just here as a messenger, and she gets to have her own opinions.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
I am probably what you consider a gun grabber, in that I am a gun owner, but I think background checks would be quite nifty. I also prefer that my daughter goes to college next year at a campus that doesn't have every half drunk 20 year old armed (my senile governor is going for that). I would also prefer that our representatives in Congress not be puppets of the NRA, who is a puppet of the gun industry. Have I earned the "gun grabber" label yet?

Here is what gun nuts don't understand about gun grabbers. We are going to pounce FAR harder on the child shooting another child accidentally scenario. We aren't one bit concerned with rogue guns going crazy on their own. It's the people component we pay attention to, always. "Guns don't kill people....people who are armed kill people." How could you guys think we're focused on guns that go off by themselves? Do you think we're stupid? I promise you we're usually quite educated, though I know that in some parts of the country, that's not a boasting point. I too often feel compelled to apologize for my education and point out that I live in rural East Texas and would not wish to live where I live without a gun myself.

Just thought I'd clear that up. Having said that, this involves the child of someone close to me, and this stuff is the furthest thing from my mind. I can say that these last 24 hours have made me painfully conscious of my own remote and aloof opinions about people who have been through this tragedy. I won't err again in discussions about these incidents.

It's clearly not the farthest thing from your mind and it is both wildly inappropriate to push your political agenda on the tails of something as tragic as this event as well as hypocritical (to a degree I can't even comprehend) to ask folks to remain respectful and not do the same (when they were just pointing out that the facts of the story don't make any sense) as you're doing this. Especially if it involves someone close to you.

If you want to start a political discussion - do it in another thread if you don't want other folks starting a political discussion in this thread.

I'm going to go bang my head on a brick wall now to try and understand WTF is wrong with some people. Holy crap.

My condolences to everyone involved in this tragic accident (no matter what the real story is).


Special Hen
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
I am probably what you consider a gun grabber, in that I am a gun owner, but I think background checks would be quite nifty. I also prefer that my daughter goes to college next year at a campus that doesn't have every half drunk 20 year old armed (my senile governor is going for that). I would also prefer that our representatives in Congress not be puppets of the NRA, who is a puppet of the gun industry. Have I earned the "gun grabber" label yet?

Here is what gun nuts don't understand about gun grabbers. We are going to pounce FAR harder on the child shooting another child accidentally scenario. We aren't one bit concerned with rogue guns going crazy on their own. It's the people component we pay attention to, always. "Guns don't kill people....people who are armed kill people." How could you guys think we're focused on guns that go off by themselves? Do you think we're stupid? I promise you we're usually quite educated, though I know that in some parts of the country, that's not a boasting point. I too often feel compelled to apologize for my education and point out that I live in rural East Texas and would not wish to live where I live without a gun myself.

Just thought I'd clear that up. Having said that, this involves the child of someone close to me, and this stuff is the furthest thing from my mind. I can say that these last 24 hours have made me painfully conscious of my own remote and aloof opinions about people who have been through this tragedy. I won't err again in discussions about these incidents.

When you believe that the NRA is a puppet of the gun industry and not a puppet of gun buyers that support the gun industry I don't just think you are stupid I am positive you are.

The gun buyers are where the NRA and the gun makers both get their money. Any donations made by a gun company to the NRA is made with profit from selling guns to US as in ME and other people like me.

The gun companies make that profit by selling guns that WE want. If you can't understand that you are stupid.

Furthermore the congressmen are afraid of the gun owning voters and not the NRA.

Intelligence of that magnitude does make you a "gun grabber".

I am sorry if this is out of line but I can't let it slide. This is an emotion filled thread and her statements stir my emotions.

I hope the young girl the best. This is a tragedy for those close and those close to the issue of gun rights.
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