Gut feeling........will Putin attack Ukraine ?

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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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That might actually be the best scenario for the Russians. Ukrainians, historically, haven't been particularly fond of Russians--one of Hitler's many strategic blunders was treating Ukrainians like Russians when they very likely would've taken Finland's route and joined the Krauts against their common enemy. It seems to me that if the Russians invade, they're more likely to end up with another Afghanistan, and there's no way they could guard the entire length of the pipeline.

If, however, they let the Ukrainian gov't fail, then start pulling strings in the shadows...
You might note that there were many Ukrainians that signed up with the Germans; the SS had at least one division (14th Waffen Grenadier) division of them. Some Ukrainians still celebrate that division. Google "Lavrov Division" of the current Ukrainian Army, and you can read how that division still has members with "neo-Nazi" leanings, as well as their division symbols are derived from Third Reich units.

As for the last two World Wars - it was "Austria-Hungary" that kicked off the first party, and in the end, Germany paid for it. As for the second, you could almost say the French started it, as their extremely punitive Treaty of Versailles is what led to the Third Reich, their attempt to reclaim land stolen from them by the Treaty, and the collapse of their economy by the harsh reparations levied against the German government. No Treaty of Versailles, no Hitler, no Third Reich, and no WWII.


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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I don’t like Biden anymore than anyone else…but Biden is just a front for the DNC…he’s going to follow the orders of the democrat establishment….people keep shitting on Biden but the poor old fool doesn’t have any say…

i think the Germans and those Europeans should foot the freedom bill this time…tired of wasting American lives and $$$ for ungrateful European Allies who won’t even defend their own interests… Ukraine is in Europes backyard not ours…it’s time we get to sit around sipping coffee here in the USA and ***** and moan about the Europeans while Germans die for once…

I like the points you have made, but don't forget that Ukraine is also the Biden's cash cow. He and some of his family have "interest" in what happens to Ukraine.



Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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My gut is no, he wants it to collapse so he can have another puppet state like Belarus.
It was headed for collapse before he started attacking. If he had never invaded Crimea or started backing the "separatist" (transplanted Russians) Ukraine probably would have collapsed already, or at least been a non-threat military wise.


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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
We went to the brink of nuclear war with Russia when they put missiles in Cuba at our doorstep under Kennedy's administration.
I've said before that letting NATO admit Ukraine would be a huge security risk to Russia's security in both weapons and allowing communication snooping that much closer.
I can see Russia's desire for that to not happen.

There is a way to shut Putin up over Ukraine joining NATO. Sell all the arms to Ukraine that is needed for it to defend itself. At that point, it won't be NATO's arms on Russia's doorstep. It will be Ukrainian arms on Russia's door step - just as Russia's arms are now on Ukraine's doorstep.




Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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There is a way to shut Putin up over Ukraine joining NATO. Sell all the arms to Ukraine that is needed for it to defend itself. At that point, it won't be NATO's arms on Russia's doorstep. It will be Ukrainian arms on Russia's door step - just as Russia's arms are now on Ukraine's doorstep.


Problem is Ukraine can not afford to buy them. Their economy was close to collapse before Russia started screwing with them and they are just now really overhauling some of the weapons they did not sell off.

I did forget another reason Putin wants Ukraine back under his control, Antonov. The makers of the An-12, 24, 32, 22, 124, and many other transport planes the Soviets depended on.

Kenneth Braud

Jan 12, 2021
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Even with being threatened with severe sanctions and knowing that the NATO countries will come to the aid of Ukraine world news just said that Putin is still steadily moving more and more equipment and troops (estimated at 200,000+ now) to the Ukraine border.

At this point do you think that the (arguably) 2nd most powerful leader in the world is going to bow down to world pressure and tuck his tail between his legs and pull back or is he going to launch an attack ?

Naturally I don't want to see a war and thousands of lives lost on both sides but at this point I don't see how he can now gracefully pull back without it looking like he is weak /afraid.
He's not going to invade. He has everything he wants practically. He owns Europe with his oil/gas business. He just wants to bankrupt the US and Europe like we did to the USSR and they didn't see it coming... He's doing a good job of making us spend where we shouldn't be spending along with the help of his chino friends. He may not get the USSR back together, since most of those countries are enjoying their economies and freedoms.
If he does invade he'll lose all he's gained since the cost in rubles is high and the Russian people don't want a war either...


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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
Problem is Ukraine can not afford to buy them. Their economy was close to collapse before Russia started screwing with them and they are just now really overhauling some of the weapons they did not sell off.

I did forget another reason Putin wants Ukraine back under his control, Antonov. The makers of the An-12, 24, 32, 22, 124, and many other transport planes the Soviets depended on.

Which goes to show more proof why communism fails. It can't support itself. Obviously, Russia can't afford to make its own Antonovs. The second obvious fact is that Russia(Putin) cant afford to buy them, either.


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