Home invasion at my house

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Special Hen
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Lincoln County
Well, it happened last night. The thing you worry about. The thing you think maybe you are being paranoid about.

I live in a rural area east of Norman. Last night as a I was dozing in my favorite chair after the kids were all asleep I was awakened by a loud noise. I was instantly awake. Being the gun nut that I am I had my CCW pistol in my hand in a matter of seconds. Adrenaline rushed through my body. My outside and inside dogs were barking. Not the usual bark but that angry bark of a stranger in the driveway. I immediately got up and not being sure what the noise was but fearing the worst I made my way to a second, higher capacity pistol and a high powered flashlight that I keep available for just such a scenario. On my way through the house I turned off every light switch to give myself the advantage. On my way back to the living room I heard a car, what I took to be a junky older car with an exhaust leak, driving away down my driveway and speeding off. I stayed in the house.

The next morning I found tire tracks in my yard where they almost fell in the ditch on the edge of my tinhorn and peelout marks on the street along with an oil leak stain. There were a couple odd items in my driveway that I image fell from their car or truck in their haste to leave.

My wife noticed a footprint on the front door where they had apparently tried to kick the door down. At the time of the noise I was asleep but in recalling the sound it was exactly the sound of someone kicking the door. They had to hold open the glass storm door and maybe that slowed them down. I think the dogs barking and me getting up so quickly and turning the lights off probably let them know that they had been noticed. My wife was working the night shift and I park my truck in back so I think maybe they thought nobody was home.

Gives me the chills now just remembering that sound of loud kick on my front door.

I don't know why I'm reporting this to the forum but I guess the message is this. It can happen to you. Be ready.

Dogs saved the day by scaring them away. I'm glad that they did because I was prepared to deal with any intruders and even more glad that it didn't end up on the evening news.

So if your wife thinks you are little crazy for keeping a loaded gun or you feel a little paranoid for imaging scenarios of home invaders.. know that it can happen to you.


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
IN before the keyboard tactical crowd tells you "what you did wrong".

Seriosly though, glad everything turned out OK for now. As long as you arent just practicing for your creative writing class, I'd keep my gaurd up for a few weeks in case they decide to come back.


Special Hen
Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score
Glad nothing worse happened, what kind of door and lock do you have on your front door? Just the standard solid wood front door with dead bolt lock and push button door knob lock? I was just wondering because it's good to know that your door can't easily be kicked in. I would imagine it would take a lot of force to bust in a good front door lock combo. I don't think I could kick or throw my shoulder into my door and get it open in less than 3-4 tries maybe more?


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
YIKES!! Glad you and the kiddos are okay. It's one thing to hear about this stuff on the news, it's another when it happens to someone you know, even if it's only from the intrawebz ...

I need another dog. One is none, ya know ...


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
Glad it turned out O.K., Metal doors and metal or metal reinforced door jambs are way more important than a good lock, If the jamb is weak it doesn't matter what kind of lock is on the door because the jamb or door is the part that always gives up first, I have seen many break-ins as a locksmith for the past 19 years and have salvaged way more locks than jambs.

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