How do you determine the odds

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Rod Snell

Special Hen
Aug 10, 2006
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I saw some FBI stats broken down by demographics and geography several years ago.

Best I remember, black urban males were the most likely to be the subject of a violent attack. Having been stationed in DC, I was interested to note than the likelyhood of being mugged in DC was around 25% (cumulative) for everyone who worked there long enough. While I was stationed there, my carpool partner was mugged on a day we didn't ride together, and my neighbor (who also worked in my buildiing) was killed during his lunch hour walk by a mugger. I was the subject of an attempted mugging in the public parking garage, but, well, let's say he changed his mind.

The rates change with different locations and demographics.

Look here:

These rates are annual, and if you know statistics, you can calculate the cumulative probably for a lifetime of so many years (no, you can't just add them together).

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