If they come for your guns, do you have a responsibility to fight?

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Special Hen
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
North of Tulsa - South of Bartlesville.
How dare you? I didn't say I wouldn't fight should the time call for it. This is not one of those times and I am already active in trying to prevent my rights from being infringed upon. But in the fight I'm currently fighting, I'm required to conduct myself in a certain fashion. Are you helping in this at all or are you just spewing on a forum like so many other armchair Pattons? My choice to leave would be simply to deny the government a "subject". I will not be subjugated. But I don't go looking for fights, either. If they try to keep me, there are consequences but if no violence is required, none will be used.

EDIT: I also have the utmost respect for our armed forces. I don't begrudge them anything and i think they deserve better than what the gov't gives them. But what you all would do would drag them into it and make them choose, oath or family. They have an oath to protect this nation from threats both foreign and domestic. You would be that domestic threat.

And who are you to say what I deserve? That makes you no different than the federal government.

Your calling Americans standing up for there rights a domestic threat (terrorists). How about government officials trashing the constitution. You go ahead and turn over your 2nd amendment give them an earful of the worst language you can come up with and then leave. I'm sure you will be missed.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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How dare you? I didn't say I wouldn't fight should the time call for it. This is not one of those times and I am already active in trying to prevent my rights from being infringed upon. But in the fight I'm currently fighting, I'm required to conduct myself in a certain fashion. Are you helping in this at all or are you just spewing on a forum like so many other armchair Pattons? My choice to leave would be simply to deny the government a "subject". I will not be subjugated. But I don't go looking for fights, either. If they try to keep me, there are consequences but if no violence is required, none will be used.

EDIT: I also have the utmost respect for our armed forces. I don't begrudge them anything and i think they deserve better than what the gov't gives them. But what you all would do would drag them into it and make them choose, oath or family. They have an oath to protect this nation from threats both foreign and domestic. You would be that domestic threat.

And who are you to say what I deserve? That makes you no different than the federal government.

Au contraire, the domestic enemy would be the person giving the orders. "I was just following orders" doesn't wash when the trials come!


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I'll PM my address so you can write me from GitMo

Well, I am not to sure I would waste my time writing you back, so don't get your hopes up. I am not sure why you always want to say something negative about my posts, without actually bothering to address any of the things I wrote. Do you even read them, or just wait for an opportunity to throw out a smart-ass remark? If you actually bother to read what I said you can see that I do not advocate any certain action, nor do I indicate what action that I personally might take. I simply put some ideas out there for discussion that to that point had not been mentioned.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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It makes me sick sometimes, to think that I hang out with so many pansies.

Life is a *****, and then you die fellas.

A man is not a pansy because he doesn't choose to throw his life away unnecessarily and that is exactly what it seems like you expect people to do.

Like a few others have pointed out in their own way:

Until you've stood weapon in hand facing down others with the will and means to kill you and those around you, you have no way of knowing how you will behave. All the brave talk, posturing, moral pontification and emotional appeals to one's manhood isn't going to change that.

Reddog: I don't know you from Adam. Maybe you've been there and done that and can say that you'd go to war with a squad of JBT's who want your guns and do it with no regrets. Leave behind loved ones who depend on you with no regrets basking in your moral righteousness that you went down fighting. Proud that your son or daughter will have no one to teach them the things you believe, no one to teach them how to fight when necessary and to retreat when appropriat.

If fighting a battle that is lost before it even begins serves a valid, useful purpose then by all means stand up and fight and die.

But be assured that it won't be guys who throw their lives away to no purpose that will win the war that you want so much to fight. It'll be the thoughtful guys that fight to win when they can win, the guys that retreat so they can fight another day when they can win. those are the guys that will be remembered not the guys spouting moral platitudes and throwing away their lives unnecessarily.

Like I said: I don't know you from adam. Maybe you're a true believer who's been there and done that or maybe you're just compensating. Don't know. Don't care.

Either way: Welcome to my ignore list.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
I think you need to re-watch the surveilance video of Reddog/Patrick chasing away the boogler from his house with gun in one hand and the other hand holding his pecansack. And also if you know him and been to his home to do business with him then you know he aint no 'internet Rambo'. He's the real deal kind of fella. Just sayin...


Special Hen
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Your calling Americans standing up for there rights a domestic threat (terrorists). How about government officials trashing the constitution. You go ahead and turn over your 2nd amendment give them an earful of the worst language you can come up with and then leave. I'm sure you will be missed.

They made that oath and they have someone else giving the orders who will have, no doubt, construed it is a domestic threat and appealed to the soldiers' sense of Honor. It will be up to each individual to decide whether to follow orders and see you as the threat or not and see their superiors as the threat. This is what you bring them into.

Also, my death wouldn't change them taking my guns. they would just be "Prying them from my cold, dead hands". I can do better while still breathing. And I will be missed. It's not self preservation that makes me choose that.

Au contraire, the domestic enemy would be the person giving the orders. "I was just following orders" doesn't wash when the trials come!

I agree. But, until then, if that kind of violence broke out, we would be labeled as the bad guys by those pulling the strings. Remember, history is written by the victor. We'd have to win...have to. It's all a matter of perspective, right now. Ours and theirs. they're looking for excuses to vilify our guns, and by extension, us further. Don't get me wrong. I understand where cbolt01 is coming from. "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.". It resonates because our Constitution and The Bill of Rights, as so eloquently put by another member (he may have been quoting, I don't know), acknowledges our freedoms as inalienable. They can't be taken away. So the amount of animosity created when someone tries to take those rights is high. it makes people emotional which is what is happening in the mind of the people trying to take our firearms. This isn't productive and devolves into the 'You just try to take 'em" mentality. I think we, as shooting enthusiasts should come together under a common banner and make ourselves heard but I don't think shouting that "they'll get my guns, bullets first" will do anything but engender sympathy for the other side.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Well, I am not to sure I would waste my time writing you back, so don't get your hopes up. I am not sure why you always want to say something negative about my posts, without actually bothering to address any of the things I wrote. Do you even read them, or just wait for an opportunity to throw out a smart-ass remark? If you actually bother to read what I said you can see that I do not advocate any certain action, nor do I indicate what action that I personally might take. I simply put some ideas out there for discussion that to that point had not been mentioned.

I read it, I know you didn't advocate it, I do wait to make awesome remarks. Pull on some iron trousers


Special Hen
Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
1. I don't believe it will happen without us having a little warning. (New restricted gun laws)
2. I will hand over the guns that I have at that moment that can be found during that search (muzzleloader, fire star pistol)
3. Once they leave start gather and loading all my evil high cap mags
4. Start running the CNC's during the dark of night
5. Prepare for the upcoming civil war
6. Go borrow a tinfoil hat from Reddog

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