Illegal Minors at Fort Sill

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Special Hen
May 1, 2011
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While I'm inclined to think about them being children first, I am then reminded by many second hand stories, thank goodness, that child criminals are still criminals nonetheless. And as such, they are capable of the exact same violence as their adult counterparts. Secondly, I'm certain that the military housing that's being set aside for them, is probably the nicest **** on Ft Sill, and with 1200ish illegal immigrants staying there, that will displace an entire artillery battalion. So an entire battalion of America's fighting men and women will have to move because of a president who doesn't give a fack about them? Unjust, to say the least.

I feel that taking a child across a border while breaking the law is child endangerment. Sending a child across a border alone is even a worse crime. We should send a message that if your bring your child with you won't see that child for a long time. Until you get out of jail and get back to your home country wher your child will have been deported to live with relatives or until they turn eighteen and get out of foster care in the US and are then deported.

I don't think anyone should involve their kids in their crimes.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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I don't need my lawn mowed!!!!!
Besides, the a average American taxpayer-one of the 50%-cannot even go on Ft Sill without a sponsor and these illegals are on the post with the "blessings' of Obama. This is going to cost the state and federal government a lot of money to put up these illegals for CA to TX, AZ, OK and elsewhere, one would think that Obama is actually trying to destroy our economy and country if we didn't know better....


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
You can get on Ft Sill with a D/L, its Atlas you cant get on w/o a sponsor.

newspaper said they were 13-17, Children??...Really

But 1 sponsor for every 2 "children" means Millioons in revenue , they have to reside in town , eat , shop....YaHoo, we's gonna get's some revenue now....8/


Special Hen
Feb 8, 2009
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Just saw on Megan Kelly's show that nearly half of the border patrol has been pulled off patrol to babysit these kids. And the agents involved have been told to keep cell phones out of the holding areas, no more pictures.
A former BP agent said this has been going on for over a year.
A lot of those kids look a lot younger than 13 to me.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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Both our teens have graduated high school and are in the service. We've got two empty bedrooms. Went through DHS to adopt, but they wanted us to foster parent, we said no, we want to adopt, they said no, they wanted us to baby sit. We would love to adopt two of these orphan kids at our expense if there were some way. We want little feet running on the floor again. These kids would be raised at our expense. We can pass any background check. Is there some way?

DHS seems to have very, very, very few kids who are flat out up for adoption. In adoptions they usually have kids come in on foster care, and then after the parents drop out of the system, the kids get adopted out to the foster family. Even in an outright adoption proceeding, there is a pre-adoptive placement that is similar to foster care.

Now on adoption outside of DHS you might talk to an Indian nation here. Not to speculate why here, but not a lot of people seem to want Indian kids, even moreso if they're not babies. If you go that route, read up on ICWA, and make sure ICWA is followed for your case. Some of the nations go through OKDHS, some are big enough to have their own department for adoptions.

From my perspective you don't really sound committed to it, but I hope it works out for you. Even if you don't adopt, maybe you could still mentor or tutor or do something good for the lives of children in these situations.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Just saw on Megan Kelly's show that nearly half of the border patrol has been pulled off patrol to babysit these kids. And the agents involved have been told to keep cell phones out of the holding areas, no more pictures.
A former BP agent said this has been going on for over a year.
A lot of those kids look a lot younger than 13 to me.

The pics on TV today showed a whole lot of older teens and what I took to be some early 20's in the holding cells with 6-10 year olds.

Brother Jim

Special Hen
May 25, 2008
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I think one thing that has been missed by most is that each of these "children" have parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts that all can come here once these "innocent victims" are allowed to become citizens. I heard one commentator make the statement that he was glad the Right was not running the country when his parents immigrated here. Because they would not have been allowed in. So much rubbish. We have always allowed immigration that followed the rules, came here to be citizens of America. What we have here is an influx of "children" to gain the sympathy of the left and make it harder to deport them. Cause they are just innocent children after all, fleeing countries controlled by drug lords and need to escape. They cannot be left alone so we need to find their parents and bring them here so they can be a family. We are being conned in a first rate scam..... Seal the borders and sent them back on the same train that brought them up here.
The Obomination administration has sat on their hands and allowed this to happen and the governors have sat on their hands by not saying NO!! not in my state.
It is time to face the facts, there are no borders of the United States of America because we the people have allowed the so called leaders we have elected to not do what they were sent to Washington to do. None of them want to offend their fellow cocktail party goers and actually enforce the Constitution. They just want to go along to collect their pensions and benefits. the rest of us can eat cake! Hope you like your cake!

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