Jailed doctor who helped nab Osama bin Laden says Pakistan sees U.S. as ‘worst enemy’

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Jan 12, 2007
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The jailed doctor who helped the U.S. military locate the compound of Osama bin Laden now says Pakistan views the United States as its "worst enemy."

Medical doctor Shakil Afridi also says in an exclusive interview with Fox News that Pakistan's claims of cooperation with the U.S. are a sham to collect billions of dollars in aid.

Afridi said Pakistan's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency is openly hostile to the U.S and prevents the CIA from interrogating militants captured by Pakistan.

"I tried to argue that America was Pakistan's biggest supporter—billions and billions of dollars in aid, social and military assistance—but all they said was, 'These are our worst enemies. You helped our enemies,'" Afridi told Fox News in an interview from inside Peshawar Central Jail, where he is being held.

Pakistan views Afridi as a traitor for cooperating with the U.S. He supposedly led a fake vaccination drive to get DNA samples from children in the compound in Abbottabad where the al-Qaida leader was hiding. The CIA reportedly used the genetic information and compared it with other bin Laden family members to confirm Osama was inside.

Afridi told Fox he was never aware the CIA was closing in on bin Laden.

"I didn't know about a specific target apart from the work I was given to do," he said. " I was aware that some terrorists were residing in that compound, but I didn't know whom. I was shocked. I didn't believe I was associated in his killing."

Afridi described being held in the basement of ISI headquarters at Apbara, in the capital city of Islamabad. He said during the 12 months he was held by the ISI he was tortured with cigarette burns and electric shocks. He was also blindfolded and handcuffed for months and placed in solitary confinement, he said.

He told Fox News the ISI has "a regime of perpetual torture and interrogation for large numbers of detainees." The spy agency tells detainees to feign illness when CIA interrogators visit and to make false and misleading statements to U.S. visitors.

Why did he help the U.S.?

"I have a lot of respect and love for your people," he said, adding that he was "proud to work with" the CIA.

His current jail cell at Peshawar, about 120 miles north of Islamabad, is larger and has more amenities than his ISI basement cell, including a bed, a bathroom and ceiling fans. He told Fox News that he is being held on "fabricated allegations" and needs financial, diplomatic and legal help for his case.

My thoughts? The United States should confer immediate citizenship rights to Afridi. Then we should demand his immediate release, or we cut all diplomatic ties to Pakistan, stop all aide and impose severe economic sanctions on them. Let them put that in their pipe and smoke it! :anyone:


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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My thoughts? The United States should confer immediate citizenship rights to Afridi. Then we should demand his immediate release, or we cut all diplomatic ties to Pakistan, stop all aide and impose severe economic sanctions on them. Let them put that in their pipe and smoke it! :anyone:

Since the main supply lines for our troops in Afghanistan goes by land and air right thru Pakistan and those supply lines would be cutoff if we did as many in this thread advocate the result would be that our troops in Afghanistan would be cutoff from supply. Looking at a map of the region quickly reveals that bordering nations that could be used as alternate routes would tell us to pack sand.

Short ot going to war with Pakistan to keep the routes open the proposed action would pretty much doom our troops in Afghanistan.

It takes supplies to fight a war. Cut 'em off and no war. Cut 'em off when troops are in battle and no troops. I believe Napoleon said something to the effect that strategy and tactics wins battles. Logistics wins wars.

The proposal as stated in the quote is a perfect example of thinking with one's balls instead of one's brain.

It's an understandable initial emotional response that needs to be worked thru until the energy wears off and the brain can take back control.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Since the main supply lines for our troops in Afghanistan goes by land and air right thru Pakistan and those supply lines would be cutoff if we did as many in this thread advocate the result would be that our troops in Afghanistan would be cutoff from supply. Looking at a map of the region quickly reveals that bordering nations that could be used as alternate routes would tell us to pack sand.

Short ot going to war with Pakistan to keep the routes open the proposed action would pretty much doom our troops in Afghanistan.

It takes supplies to fight a war. Cut 'em off and no war. Cut 'em off when troops are in battle and no troops. I believe Napoleon said something to the effect that strategy and tactics wins battles. Logistics wins wars.

The proposal as stated in the quote is a perfect example of thinking with one's balls instead of one's brain.

It's an understandable initial emotional response that needs to be worked thru until the energy wears off and the brain can take back control.

I suppose you also think we should still have our troops in Afghanistan? That's definitely thinking with your balls rather than your brains. :rolleyes2


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I would agree with you whole heartedly except:

1) We can't do it until after we leave Asscrackistan like Werewolf mentioned.

2) And then there's their nukes. They have real ones, and just not the ability to make dirty bombs. If we could somehow nab or destroy all of those (not gonna happen, no way no how), then yes I'd say do all of the above and even throw in cuddling up to India just to piss them off more. :D

I do agree somewhat that getting out of asscrackistan would give us a bit more leeway with them though.

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