Jesse Jane

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Yeah. I don't understand the panties in a bunch. Asking a motorist if they like LEO is like asking a production worker if they like their quality control inspector or a student if they like their principle. Nobody likes to be called out and punished when they make a mistake. Most people refuse to be held accountable so you hold the enforcer accountable. I have never enjoyed being gave a ticket or even a warning for that matter. Most officers I meet when I am not the offender are good people. I dislike everyone that has ever pulled me over and ticketed me. How is that for being bias? There was an OHP that was the most professional officer you could ever asked to be stopped by though. He was policing the folks not giving their 4 bits to the turnpike authority. Really nice gentlemen.

Every off duty cop I have ever met(save for one) were cool as hell and we end up BSing about guns among other things. They are good people just doing their job.

How the hell did we get off topic on a porn star thread. We should both be banned for this nonsense.

I agree ... Until I met GC I didn't have much use for LEO either. Kinda went with being a pot-smoking bartending biker ***** type gal, ya know?? Still, if I had a problem with the old man of the week (as I was want to do from time to time) who did I call?? Not the other bikers, that's for sure ... Nope, I called the local LEO ... Rest of the time I had NO use for them. Mostly because I was doing stuff I had no business doing (and knew it) ...

:rollingla And no kidding ... WTF is wrong with us?!?! :scratch:


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Where's the pic of her holding 2 MAC11 pistols.
That should be GD friendly!!!

This one?? She is a cutie!! :)



Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
... and I've only met a couple of guys from OSA that I can honestly say gave me the creeps...


I told you I just knew the waitresses had to be at least 18.... I had no idea the hostesses could be as young as 15!!!!

:lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun

My bad!

bettingpython said:
Dies the fact that she has sex for a living makes her not a nice person in your opinion?
No, it just makes her a skank and skanks need love too.

My brutha! :D Spoken like a true connoisseur (there ya go, BB).

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