Leggings Dispute At Central Middle School In Edmond - What's your take on them?

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Special Hen
Feb 13, 2010
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Edmond, OK
For the most part I have no problem with the school banning this attire. Far too many kids these days dress in a manner that is disrespectful to themselves. Dress codes can help curb some of this at least while theyre in class. However, I think much of the issue here was not the dress code so much as the lack of consistency with its application and perhaps using a little common sense. If its true that these have been allowed in the past and there was no notice of a rule change then it would be confusing to someone at the age we're considering. I know back when I was in school there were instances of technical DC violations that the school actually brought far more attention to than was necessary. One memorable event involved a young man who went on to be a class valedictorian. He was wearing a t-shirt from the horse show that he'd recently won. One of the sponsors on the back (not one of the large overly visible ones) was Coors, who happens to make a lot more stuff than just beer. Anyway some jock pointed it out to a teacher and they made him turn the shirt inside out and wear it that way for the rest of the day.


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
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Prague, OK
I think too many of you guys have forgotten what being a teenager is like.

Oh, I remember exactly how I was as a teenager:hey3::hey3: That's the main reason my daughter isn't allowed to wear them. Also as a teacher, I hear the comments made by the boys when they see these girls in their leggings. That's not the way I want my daughter to be perceived.

Spec ops Grunt

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2011
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does anyone have the quote from Aristotle or Socrates where he's complaining about kids being useless and etc.

Somethings don't change it seems.

You guys should lighten up.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2008
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Oklahoma City
For boner material, just go to the whole foods in OKC during mid day when all the nichols hills / chesapeake / devon energy trophy wives are out grocery shopping. God bless yoga pants!


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2005
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Yukon, OK
For boner material, just go to the whole foods in OKC during mid day when all the nichols hills / chesapeake / devon energy trophy wives are out grocery shopping. God bless yoga pants!

I'll be back. I just remembered I needed to go look for some all natural, gluten free, organic eye candy.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 24, 2006
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Tulsa County
Uniforms make a lot of sense.
Schoolkids all seem to want to express their individuality - by all dressing alike within their peer group or clique. Then they ostracize anyone not dressed like their peers. Seems like uniforms might level the playing field a bit. Saves money for the parents as well. Put the faculty and administrators in uniform too. Schools seem to be run like prisons anyway these days, might as well look the part.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
Uniforms make a lot of sense.
Schoolkids all seem to want to express their individuality - by all dressing alike within their peer group or clique. Then they ostracize anyone not dressed like their peers. Seems like uniforms might level the playing field a bit. Saves money for the parents as well. Put the faculty and administrators in uniform too. Schools seem to be run like prisons anyway these days, might as well look the part.

Now you've crossed a line...

West Va. teachers union insists on constitutional right to wear spandex, short skirts

The school board in the most populous county in West Virginia is once again attempting to institute a dress code for public school teachers.

The last time the issue came up — in 2001 — Kanawha County school board members ultimately voted down a policy that would have banned strapless dresses, low-cut blouses, blue jeans and spandex, reports the Spirit of Jefferson and Farmer’s Advocate, a West Va. newspaper.

The details of the proposed Kanawha County Schools dress code remain vague at this point. However, there seems to be a general focus on things like conspicuous tattoos, facial piercings and overly revealing clothes. Spandex may or may not loom large in this round of dress-code controversy.

Becky Jordon, a Kanawha County school board member, wants teachers to come to work looking like professional employees.

“I think teachers should be able to dress comfortably,” Jordon said, according to the Spirit of Jefferson. “All I’m asking for is that if you’re telling a student they can’t wear tank tops, then an employee shouldn’t be able to.”

“I was at a school recently and a teacher had the back out of her shirt and a big tattoo was showing,” the school board member added. “I’ve seen some teachers whose skirts are so short that it does draw attention.”

Christine Campbell, president of the American Federation of Teachers-West Virginia, argues that a dress code is unnecessary.

“What are we trying to do? Does this really impair the children’s ability to learn, and where does it stop? Are we going to line teachers up and measure the length of their skirts?” said Campbell. “Let teachers do their jobs and focus on education instead of imposing someone’s personal preference on their style.”

The teachers union also calls a dress code an unconstitutional encroachment on the human rights of its members.
The union’s trump card is a 1988 Kanawha County Circuit Court decision holding that school boards do not have the authority to force restrictive dress codes on teachers because such codes infringe on freedom of expression...

For some reason, West Virginia seems to be ground zero for fights over what teachers should wear.

Over the summer, teachers in rural Lewis County pitched a fit because the local board of education voted unanimously to prohibit them from wearing blue jeans, faded jeans and shorts to work. (RELATED: Public school teachers go ballistic over teacher dress code in West Va.)

During that fracas, former West Virginia Education Association president Tom Lange argued that teachers can’t be expected to do their jobs competently and also dress respectably...

Of course, West Virginia isn’t the only state to have public school teachers who cannot dress themselves tastefully without regulatory intervention. In August, the Little Rock, Ark. school district announced plans for a 2014 dress code that will require teachers to wear underwear. Female teachers will have to wear bras, too. (RELATED: Little Rock school district will now make teachers wear underwear)

“Foundational garments shall be worn and not visible with respect to color, style, and/or fabric,” a letter explaining the Little Rock policy read. “No see-through or sheer clothing shall be allowed, and no skin shall be visible between pants/trousers, skirts, and shirts/blouses at any time...


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