Low ball offers!

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Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
I don't mind it and will reply. But I'm probably guilty of submitting low ball offers myself. "Lowball" is a relative term: I can offer $100 for a $300 pistol and many would say that's a lowball offer, but a few times I've been fortunate enough to run across a guy that hadn't received a better offer and sold me a firearm well below its average sales price. I would've missed out on those deals if I hadn't extended an offer. So I don't have too much of an issue with bargain shoppers throwing out a super low offer, it just takes a second to type up a PM that says "no thanks" or "I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to pass".


Special Hen
Oct 15, 2012
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Can you really knock them for trying, everybody likes a deal.. I dont have much room to talk here I can't put anything up for sale yet I'm a newcomer so I'll shut up......


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I do as politely as I can. They are the ones being douche-bags. Doesn't mean you have to be one too. JMHO.

Same here. I'll usually reply with my bottom dollar to see if they will agree to that price. If I don't get a higher offer, I may sometimes make a deal, but only if they put no additional conditions on the sale. For example, I'm not gonna hold it for you or drive very far at all if you're getting it for my bottom dollar.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 27, 2005
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Same here. I'll usually reply with my bottom dollar to see if they will agree to that price. If I don't get a higher offer, I may sometimes make a deal, but only if they put no additional conditions on the sale. For example, I'm not gonna hold it for you or drive very far at all if you're getting it for my bottom dollar.

If you are selling something for full retail price plus, then expect something much less than your price. I respond like glocktogo, "no I can't do that, but I can this, let me know." most times it is a fishing expedition.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
If people would not start out at the premium price, only the lowest they will take, this would not be a factor.

Low ball offers are to try to find out what you would really take for something, not the bonus someone might give. I would suspect the used car dealers type attitude started all this. Usually when I get ready to sell something, I decide a price, mark it up for negotiation, and then advertise it. It seems to be the American way.

If you price your item at a fair price and do not negotiate, many people will not purchase, no mater how good a deal it is. I have tried this and been told that they are not purchasing unless I go down on my price. I am already 20% below market value to move it. Sorry, I will wait for someone else who is interested.

It seems some people are more interested in negotiating than realizing they are getting a bargain to start out with. Go Figure.

If it is an item I need and priced right, I purchase it. If I feel it it is not priced right, I feel someone really wants to rip me off, but I will try to negotiate to see what the real price is that he is willing to take vs what I am willing to give.

If you have an excess and are trying to sell $20 bills for $22, I might try to "low ball" to try to negotiate. If you really have an excess and want to get rid of them, I will offer $18. I send an email offer, Yes/No, please respond. and if /No, I might reconsider my offer and might bump it up to $19 to help you out with your excess problem. I already have a lot of 20's, but if I can find a bargain, I can add to my collection. Otherwise, I will pass. The American way.

This is also why when I advertise something or see something advertised as $X firm. I consider that the price. If they might take 1% less, they missed a sale or purchase with me. Firm to me means, that's it, take it or leave it. Make a decision, the American way.

I would suggest if you want to advertise something and have a price you will not go below, advertise it at that price and use the word "firm", which in some worlds means "not open to negotiation" or if that word is not there and if I might have some interest, expect me to try to find out what that low number really is. My American way.

Unfortunately some people would like to sell something in excess of the value of what is perceived as the open market to help their situation. In reality they need to turn it, no longer need it, are tired of it. Somehow they have to find out what the market value is for the seller vs the buyer. They put out their $20 bills out at $22, someone might bite on what your $20 silver certificates are worth. Ya never know.

If I throw out a Low Ball, I expect to hear from you. Yes/No, Kiss my Ass, or you are close, can't quite take that, but how about $19.55?

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