Medical supplies deficit

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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Difference between reg and med SG is % of acetone content and $$$$$$$$$$$

Does reg SG sting = HELL YEAH :hithead: but I use it at work almost on a weekly basis. Keeps dirt out, stops bleeding immediately, wound heals quickly, acetone is a great anti-septic. I bleed profusely even with small wounds, a little sting is a small price to endure.

Also keep hydrogen peroxide, cotton balls, q-tips, Ace bandage, Pampers.


Special Hen
Oct 14, 2010
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Special Hen
Sep 6, 2012
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Oklahoma city
Just be careful before you super glue puncture wounds, if it's deep you will want to let it drain and close naturally if possible.
Dog bites for example. The bleeding flushes out the wound and letting it drain is better than putting a cork on an infection.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I have a medical background and the VERY BEST thing you can do is take as many first aid classes as you can, the higher the level the better. Having a well stocked Med kit is great but having the advanced training to properly use them in an emergency is far more valuable. I've heard and witnessed dozens of people who were quick to point out they've taken a first aid course only to have them completely screw things up when put into a real emergency.

I've seen a guy who would proudly mention his CPR certification at our workplace until one day a worker had an accident and was not breathing nor had a pulse. After several minutes of this same CPR certified guy actually doing CPR I got there and saw he was not properly performing his compressions or ventilations. The victim was blue and it was painfully obvious he was getting zero oxygen perfusion, there was no rise in the victims chest to indicate his lungs were being inflated at all. I literally had to push this "trained" rescuer off the patient to try and save him. Within 30 seconds of proper CPR he went from blue to normal and I had a weak but steady pulse. I worked on this guy for several minutes until the rescue squad arrived with all the good stuff. Together we stabilized him but he kept crashing and after seven different "saves" he was declared dead at the ER.

Here's my point. First aid classes are great, everyone should take them, not just once but every time you have the opportunity. These are skills that are perishable and must be kept up to date. Another thing...take the classes seriously. I can't count how many classes I've been in where, usually the men, make a joke out of everything. Making the class fun is good but only as so far as people are taking it seriously. I had taken the same CPR class, as a refresher, as the man in the first paragraph. He and most of the guys in the class were cracking jokes and playing with the resuscitation dummies boobs and generally goofing off. The reason was they had all taken the course a couple years ago and, in their minds, they already knew all this stuff so why not have fun?

This same guy, who was "certified" got into his first real emergency and he did everything wrong. He incorrectly tilted the victims head so no air was being passed, he did not have proper placement of his hands during compressions, he was not performing his compressions correctly, he was not checking for a pulse, he was not checking to make sure he was getting proper chest rise. This victim had major trauma and may or may not have survived but if he did have a chance this "rescuer" took that chance away and essentially killed the victim due to improper CPR. Had I not intervened this victim would have had zero chance of survival. I've seen this same thing many, many times although not to the extreme of the above situation. This is why it's extremely important to not only take the classes seriously but to take them as many times as you can, someone's life may depend on you and you do not want to go through life knowing your lack of skill was the cause.

Now, obviously any help rendered, in the absence of a trained rescuer, is always a good thing. If you have no training and you are trying to stop a major bleed and the victim dies you still did the right thing. If somebody had a car accident (and OMG this happens so much it's terrifying) and you rush up, unbuckle the person and drag them away from the car just because you saw that in a movie or because there was steam coming from damaged car and this victim has a spine injury, you have just paralyzed or killed someone who probably would have survived otherwise, try wearing that around your neck for life.

Take the classes, pay attention, learn and relearn your skills. You will gain the skills and what kind of stuff you will most need in your Med kit. I'll post some supplies later. If something major happens having medical training is more valuable than gold.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I am new to prepping but just out of curiosity on the same subject lets say I have some old antibiotic and pain killers that were not taken. How long will they last? I figure shtf they might come in handy to tread a wound or something.
I know they have a couple year shelf life but just because they expire doesn't mean they don't still work. I called my pharmacist once and asked this same question about some old medicine I had. He said it doesn't hurt to take it but it won't be as effective as it once was. I took some old Lortabs and they still worked fine. They were over 10 years old!!! Hope that helps.


Mar 20, 2013
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New Castle
Not sure if I missed this one, but as far as pain killers ( with a legal prescription of course) like darvacet or percoct, how long will they last? I have been told indefinatley, but they lose power after a while. Thoughts?

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