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Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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To do that, I would have to agree with more then half of RPs ideas, and I do not. The only things I agree with him on are economics, most of the rest I think he is totally misguided.

I will keep supporting true conservatives within the GOP and without, in OK and in other states, until either the GOP wakes up or is replaced. So far this year Dick Lugar is out and Orrin Hatch is in deep trouble.

So who are you rooting for: ROmney or Paul?


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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So who are you rooting for: ROmney or Paul?

I am rooting for neither but will vote for either over Obama because they are both just a tiny bit better in some way or another. Neither is a real conservative. Romney is a RINO and Paul talks a good game on some issues but I do not really trust either. They both will try to cut the run away spending I think (and hope) and I think both will try to cut the over regulation and might even open up drilling for real. I expect nothing great from either one so I am trying to help congressional Tea Party candidates as much as I can. That is where the real power is and the chance to repeal some of Obama's worst screwups. The only real reason for a GOP prez is so that he does not veto any good that comes from congress.

On that note, another Tea Party candidate won the GOP senate primary in NE tonight beating out the establishment candidates.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Just my thoughts - vote the house and senate ...... That is where the 'fix it' begins ...... JMO

Exactly!!!! The only reason to even think of supporting any of the GOP candidates for prez is to avoid a veto. Would be nice not to even have to worry about that, but there is no way the right people will be strong enough to make major changes and over ride a veto this time around.


Special Hen
Oct 5, 2009
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I was at the convention. TulsaBandit, I'm not sure how you can call us Ron Paul folks' strategy "stall tactics," when all we did was make legitimate motions according to Robert's Rules and the OKGOP rules.

Whether you call them legitimate motions or stall tactics, it is common knowledge and admitted by RP'ers at many of the recent state conventions that the plan is to drag out the convention as long as possible until the convention is forced to shut down.

In fact, these motions were kept to a minimum and we only let our experienced Robert's Rules experts make motions for us. We didn't even contest the nomination of the Chairman. It sounds like you don't have much experience with conventions -- opposing motions are a part of the process. If you expect everyone to get together to just rubber stamp the decision of the Executive Committee, why bother even having a convention in the first place?

I'd just like to point out here that the continuous use of "we" and "our" backs up my point that this was an organized plan from the beginning. Well, that and the line that was formed at the RP table so you could have your credentials out of the way for what would happen after everyone was kicked out of the convention center. You knew going in that you would have a parking lot convention.

I don't know if the guy was a RP'er, but I liked the guy at the mic that called a point of order that the temp. chair didn't ask for other nominations from the floor for perm. chair position after the perm. chair had been voted. Then the chair says "ok, who would you like to nominate then" and the guy says "um, I don't have a nomination I just wanted to say that you were violating the rules".

You also glossed over the part about how the Convention Chairman violated the OKGOP rules by allowing the establishment delegate slate to be elected by a (rather dubious) standing vote instead of a roll call (ballot) vote as required by the rules, and adjourned the convention in violation of the rules. This amounted to an ineffective adjournment and vacation of the chair. Consequently, we Ron Paul supporters declared the chair vacant and continued the convention outside, re-conducting all of the business of the convention, including credentials (which were never properly done earlier), election of the delegate and alternate slates and National Committeeman and woman, ratification of the platform, and resolution of the 1st District Convention controversy.

I'm trying to find in the rules where this is discussed and maybe you could point it out for me. I do see on their website where they've had for a few months a pdf called "How to become a national delegate" where they say they are clearly going to have a slate that will be voted upon. Was the RP slate that was accepted outside of the convention center voted on by roll call?

As far as getting kicked out of the convention center, everyone knew we had to be out by 5pm and I agree that some things needed to be sped up in order to facilitate adjourning at that time. I could only imagine how long we'd have to stay there for a roll call vote on each nominee. But even if there was a roll call vote, the credentials handled better by the volunteers checking in people, and the adjournment procedure done by the book, it would have been something else that was called illegal so they could get their own people to Tampa.

You also glossed over the part about how there were at least two incidents of Romney supporters allegedly physically assaulting Ron Paul supporters, one of which was caught on video.

I didn't gloss over this, it just wasn't that important to me. People are idiots and they do idiotic things, and like you said, "allegedly".

So basically the way it went was: Ron Paul supporters followed the rules, and Romney supporters broke the rules.

On another note, it was very humorous to hear Gov. Mary "Bailout Queen" Fallin address the convention and talk about fiscal conservatism and keeping the government within it's means. And I don't know what kind of reaction she and Tim Pawlenty were expecting when addressing a sharply divided crowd, with loyalty split between the two remaining candidates, when they told the crowd that everyone needed to get behind one of them... but the reaction was pretty predictable. The Romney people cheered and the Ron Paul people booed and broke into chants of "Ron Paul." Fallin chose to close with the snarky remark that "apparently there are some Obama lovers in here!" At least Pawlenty had the good sense to throw the Romney stumping in the middle of the speech, and close on more positive and broadly-appealing remarks. I don't know what they thought would happen trying to plug Obama-lite in the reddest state in the country, but it made for an interesting convention.

Here lies one of my biggest pet peeves with RP'ers. Basically anyone that is not a Ron Paul fanatic is a "Romney supporter" and I was even told that to my face while at the convention. I didn't vote for Romney in the primary, he's not my first choice of the candidates we had but apparently that doesn't matter. When I told this person that I will vote for whoever gets the Republican nomination as that's our best chance to get Obama out of office - they told me that "logic dictates that makes you a Romney supporter". Not all people that don't vote for RP are Romney supporters - that can clearly be seen in Nebraska where even though he's no longer running, Santorum still got 2nd place ahead of RP.

I just don't understand what's to be gained by the recent happenings at the state conventions. Ron Paul has spent the last 40 years building this base of very active, very enthusiastic, and extremely passionate base. I believe this last year and a half (especially the antics at all the state conventions around the U.S.) will have done nothing but hurt the grassroots movement which is a real shame for guys like Rand or Gary Johnson who may take over that support base.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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You think Romney, of Romneycare fame, will cut spending and regulation? Are you high?

A heck of a lot more then Obama and probably just as much as RP would even try to cut. And he would stand a better chance of getting congress to go along because RP would be a lame duck as soon as he was sworn in. RP has little respect from other members of congress being pretty much a joke to them too.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Whether you call them legitimate motions or stall tactics, it is common knowledge and admitted by RP'ers at many of the recent state conventions that the plan is to drag out the convention as long as possible until the convention is forced to shut down.

I'd just like to point out here that the continuous use of "we" and "our" backs up my point that this was an organized plan from the beginning. Well, that and the line that was formed at the RP table so you could have your credentials out of the way for what would happen after everyone was kicked out of the convention center. You knew going in that you would have a parking lot convention.

I don't know if the guy was a RP'er, but I liked the guy at the mic that called a point of order that the temp. chair didn't ask for other nominations from the floor for perm. chair position after the perm. chair had been voted. Then the chair says "ok, who would you like to nominate then" and the guy says "um, I don't have a nomination I just wanted to say that you were violating the rules".

I'm trying to find in the rules where this is discussed and maybe you could point it out for me. I do see on their website where they've had for a few months a pdf called "How to become a national delegate" where they say they are clearly going to have a slate that will be voted upon. Was the RP slate that was accepted outside of the convention center voted on by roll call?

As far as getting kicked out of the convention center, everyone knew we had to be out by 5pm and I agree that some things needed to be sped up in order to facilitate adjourning at that time. I could only imagine how long we'd have to stay there for a roll call vote on each nominee. But even if there was a roll call vote, the credentials handled better by the volunteers checking in people, and the adjournment procedure done by the book, it would have been something else that was called illegal so they could get their own people to Tampa.

I didn't gloss over this, it just wasn't that important to me. People are idiots and they do idiotic things, and like you said, "allegedly".

Here lies one of my biggest pet peeves with RP'ers. Basically anyone that is not a Ron Paul fanatic is a "Romney supporter" and I was even told that to my face while at the convention. I didn't vote for Romney in the primary, he's not my first choice of the candidates we had but apparently that doesn't matter. When I told this person that I will vote for whoever gets the Republican nomination as that's our best chance to get Obama out of office - they told me that "logic dictates that makes you a Romney supporter". Not all people that don't vote for RP are Romney supporters - that can clearly be seen in Nebraska where even though he's no longer running, Santorum still got 2nd place ahead of RP.

I just don't understand what's to be gained by the recent happenings at the state conventions. Ron Paul has spent the last 40 years building this base of very active, very enthusiastic, and extremely passionate base. I believe this last year and a half (especially the antics at all the state conventions around the U.S.) will have done nothing but hurt the grassroots movement which is a real shame for guys like Rand or Gary Johnson who may take over that support base.

Nothing you've posted fills me with any confidence that the Republican party can be fixed at the local level. It's a shame that a party with excellent "paper credentials" is filled with people who don't care about them. :(

A heck of a lot more then Obama and probably just as much as RP would even try to cut. And he would stand a better chance of getting congress to go along because RP would be a lame duck as soon as he was sworn in. RP has little respect from other members of congress being pretty much a joke to them too.

Hmm, Congress with it's stellar approval ratings of 10-18% consider him a joke. Please explain to me why what they think should matter to anyone? Unless of course you think that Congress is on the right track and will fix our problems? :scratch:


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Hmm, Congress with it's stellar approval ratings of 10-18% consider him a joke. Please explain to me why what they think should matter to anyone? Unless of course you think that Congress is on the right track and will fix our problems? :scratch:

Some members of congress are on the right track and are trying to make the needed changes, the old guard and liberals are fighting them at every turn. Lets also not forget that RP has been a member of congress for decades and plays the same kind of tricks as the rest of the old guard. That is why we need new blood and not the same old DC douches.

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