New gun control bill after NSA scandal?

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Special Hen
Nov 16, 2009
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The trend line over time quite obviously shows that firearms acquisition, ownership, and use has become more restricted in the US. I would expect that trend to continue, even if not in the next 10 years or 20 years.

I agree that the spread of concealed carry over the last decade -- and the lack of "wild west shootouts" that were wildly predicted by the gun control folks -- is a good sign for the future of RKBA. Offsetting the public schools' "zero tolerance" idiocy toward firearms is the fact that a whole generation of kids who grew up playing FPS video games are extending their interests into real shooting; those folks are part of the future of RKBA, too, so long as they're also educating themselves about the politics while they're fake zombie-popping at the range.

But, again, this just shows that RKBA is a long game and not just a short one.

I'll quote from that 1990 article I linked previously:

The first Handgun Control print advertisement featuring Jim Brady appeared early this year. "Ever since I was shot," it said, "I have watched from my wheelchair as the gun lobby blocked one sane handgun control bill after another. But I'm not just watching anymore. I'm calling on Congress to pass a common-sense law -- the Brady bill requiring a seven-day 'cooling off' period before the purchase of a handgun. So police have time to check if the buyer has a criminal record."

In the ad, Brady cited polls showing that 91 percent of Americans -- and 87 percent of American handgun owners -- support the bill, as does every major law-enforcement organization in the country. In fact, he continued, "it seems the only people against the Brady bill are psychopaths, criminals, drug dealers and the gun lobby."

This same paragraph could have been written today, with the very same statistics and rhetoric used. My bet is that we'll see the same fecal matter in 2025 and beyond as well.

Notice the same shotgun-pattern reasoning being used, too. While Brady calls it a "cooling off" period, implying that it is the gun buyer who is a hothead and needs time to "cool off" before he goes and does something rash with the gun he bought, he follows it up by saying that the waiting period is so police can do a thorough background check. Which is it, Brady? They don't even is about both reasons, and it is about neither one, really, but they're just afraid to say it. So they instead make nebulous arguments that tangle the issues...just like today.

Keep up the fight and dig in for the long haul to protect our rights. Lord knows nobody else seems to be looking out for them.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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You make some great points. However, I think they (2nd Amendment Abolitionists) have been learning from their mistakes and have finally come up with the "Nuclear Weapon" in this conflict.

Their tactic in the past has been a full frontal assault which has been largely unsuccessful in much of the country as you pointed out. However, their new tactic is a flank assault from behind the lines - utilizing the Public School System to change the culture by brain washing our children.

This is why you hear so many stories about children being suspended for making a finger gun, saying "Gun", or even wearing a pro 2A shirt. All this is intended to equate guns with violence in the minds of the next generation, to change the culture from within.

I fear this strategy will prove much more effective than even the most cynical among us can ever imagine - for that reason I see it as the "Nuclear Option".

This is so accurate its scary. The schools are becoming indoctrination centers and when these brainwashed kids grow up - watch out.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2008
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This is so accurate its scary. The schools are becoming indoctrination centers and when these brainwashed kids grow up - watch out.

As they want them to be as well, remember it is a community who raises a child now days, not parents according to the Liberals. So they are changing what & how they teach our children in their controlled environment.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 7, 2009
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This administration is beyond belief. I was amazed by the statement made about Senators caving to political pressure when the last attempt failed in the Senate. Caving to political pressure = Listening to the will of the people.

It makes me sick to think we have an administration whose only interest is an elitist, liberal agenda with complete disdain for the will of the people.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
OK... that's one side. But notice our side and how things have changed as well. People in 1990 would never believe how widespread concealed carry laws are now. Or that we would get some positive Supreme Court decisions. Or that the anti's would pass an assault weapons law and then be forced to watch it sunset ten years later.

I was seven when the 1968 gun control act passed. By the 1970's the anti-handgun hysteria was in full swing. I remember my Dad buying a little .38 revolver "off the books" because it was "just a matter of time before they ban them all and collect the existing ones." Forty years have gone by and we have a LOT more gun rights now than we did then. I've argued with a lot of gun control types over the years and after you defeat many of their arguments with logic, many will fall back on "gun control is the inevitable trend in history." My lifetime experience suggests that's not really true. We fear the internet and widespread "Big Brother" but the flip side is that gun people are much more in touch with each other today. We don't have to wait a month for the next American Rifleman to come out. We are online talking to each other and organizing.

IMO, the nearly universal success of concealed carry laws was devastating to gun control types. They couldn't argue that the "common people" couldn't be trusted with guns anymore. Then the failure of the AWB being renewed.... plus Congressional testimony by the FBI that it didn't affect crime... strike two. Recent Supreme Court decisions are threatening to make it strike three.

Honestly, wouldn't you have higher expectations of success on our side than on theirs? They are demoralized and the recent failures made it even worse. All those children killed with just the kind of weapon they want to ban, full support by the Senate Democrats and some Republicans, full support of the President and Vice-President and ...... squat! I would laugh at them but they are kind of bitter right now!

We are almost the same age and you are correct in your talking points, but one thing you missed is that we gun owners are treated like a scourge these days. More than I can ever remember. They are far far away from being down and out of this fight.

All of the things mentioned that we need to do are needed, but I'm not sure it's enough. The majority of the population in the big cities and eastern states aren't like us, they just don't own guns and frankly don't care to. It's sad really that the old gun manufacturing cities have become what they are now. They don't know how the gun manufacturing trade basically created the manufacturing prowess that spun off into virtually every industry and the resulting economic dominance of the U.S.A. and they really just don't care. I honestly think they are ashamed of our success! The roots of that very success lies at the feet of making guns. Part of that is because of our education system, but it's mostly just a degradation of society as a whole. It's going to take a very dangerous national situation to restore the value of firearm ownership in people's minds. Of that I'm pretty certain...


Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
This is so accurate its scary. The schools are becoming indoctrination centers and when these brainwashed kids grow up - watch out.
I am so disgusted with the schools we have today that I am considering home schooling my son. But one thing I do know is that he wouldn't be brainwashed by anyone. He knows about firearms and our rights and has since he was born. I have constantly discussed with him our rights and our constitution. He is too headstrong to believe anyone over what he has been raised to know. And that gives me comfort. I flat out told him if a teacher ever tries to talk bad about firearms or our 2A to let them have it. I wouldn't care if he was kicked out of school for standing up for what he knows is right. On a different note, our schools for years have tried to convince children that we didn't get here because of God but because of the big bang theory and evolution. They have repeatedly tried to brainwash children into believing we evolved from apes. Or that we formed from star matter. I seriously can't believe that some teachers actually believe that crap. Sometimes schools do more harm than good.


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
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This administration is beyond belief. I was amazed by the statement made about Senators caving to political pressure when the last attempt failed in the Senate. Caving to political pressure = Listening to the will of the people.

It makes me sick to think we have an administration whose only interest is an elitist, liberal agenda with complete disdain for the will of the people.

But when it's labor unions, who have a solid track record of mafia ties, killings, beatings, and other forms of coercion, it's okay for them to influence lawmakers as long as they vote for the Democratic Party.

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