Obama finally moves to choke off American Firearms Manufacture and Sales

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Old Fart

Special Hen
Oct 29, 2008
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We've heard it all a thousand times: Barack Obama's dubious claims that he believes in the Second Amendment -- that he supports hunting and fishing -- that he only wants to make “reasonable, common sense” restrictions on your Second Amendment rights.

And we've told you a thousand times what you already knew: The man is a liar.

Obama's goal is nothing less than to crush the Second Amendment movement -- and outlaw the possession of firearms in America.

Now we have the "smoking gun" (so to speak). Obama has now moved to shut down every gun dealer and manufacturer in America by cutting off all credit from any financial institution -- in addition to eliminating any ability of an FFL to process payments through the banks.

In a front-page article Monday in The Washington Times, reporter Kelly Riddell described this concerted effort by the Obama administration to choke off gun manufacturing and sales in the United States by drying up credit to gun dealers and manufacturers.

Obama using the FDIC to restrict Second Amendment rights

The effort starts with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which has lumped gun dealers in the same “high risk” category as pornographers. Coupled with Eric Holder's Justice Department Operation Chokepoint, the FDIC's action has encouraged banks to destroy the gun industry by dropping dealers, freezing their assets, and refusing to process their on-line sales. Already, thousands of gun dealers report being victimized by this administration effort to destroy the Second

Amendment by regulatory fiat.

And, if the gun dealer near you has yet to feel the pinch, just wait awhile.

As Barack Obama no doubt understands, if American gun dealers and manufacturers can no longer get credit, the manufacture and sales of firearms in America come to a screeching halt.

As the owner of the gun manufacturer, the McMillan

Group, persuasively argued in the Riddell article, this is nothing more than an “attempt by the federal government to keep people from buying guns.”

In fact, it's becoming increasingly clear that the Obama administration feels it can destroy a major political opponent of theirs -- namely, gun owners -- by destroying and demoralizing the Second Amendment movement.

GOA working the “ground game”

Already, Gun Owners of America is encouraging Members of Congress to defund Obama's efforts to dry up funding for the firearms industry by regulatory fiat.

Congressman Steve Stockman put it this way: “It's pretty clear that, unless Congress uses the power of the purse to stop him, Barack Obama will use his ‘phone and his pen’ to ban guns by cutting off money for gun manufacturers and dealers.”

The Obama administration has done a lot of nibbling around the edges in its efforts to ban guns by the back door. But it has now taken us to the crucible of history. And Congress, by its actions, will show whether it is willing to take on the White House and the sycophant mainline press in order to save the Bill of Rights.

Legislators are proposing bills on a wide variety of fronts. Blaine Luetkemeyer, vice chairman of the House committee with jurisdiction, has called for legislation to block the FDIC's insidious scheme. And good for him! But, given that Obama will veto any free-standing legislation to save the gun industry, an appropriations rider is also necessary.

By the way, remember the Manchin-Toomey amendment from last year? It would have required private transactions to go through gun dealers. Now we know what that was about. If you have to go to a gun dealer to transfer any gun -- and Obama succeeds in shutting down every gun dealer in your state (or within 200 miles of your home) -- the Second Amendment, practically, ceases to exist.

Viva la Free Market

While we must work hard to defund Obama’s backdoor efforts to impose gun control, there is also a free market solution that has sprung up. One company that was hit hard by this FDIC policy has created an answer: McMillan Merchant Solutions.

The McMillan family is no newcomer to the Second Amendment community, as they have been manufacturing guns and accessories since 1973.

A victim of the Obama Administration’s policies, the McMillans recently invented and implemented Pistol Pay -- a product specifically designed to handle legal firearms transactions between two individuals in a safe and secure method.

Now, McMillan Merchant Solutions can have gun dealers processing credit card orders inside of 24 hours.

If a gun store you deal with has been squeezed due to the President's administrative pressure, here is where they can get relief: http://www.mmsllc.com/

Finally, GOA has just learned that there seem to be other similar solutions. As we check them out, we will let you know about them.

ACTION: Contact your Senators and Representative. Demand that they adopt language on this year's appropriations bills which will stop Obama from bankrupting the firearms industry by cutting off credit to gun dealers.



Special Hen
Apr 10, 2013
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OK Chitty
I would love to hear from some actual FFL's on if this is true, and if this has actually had any impact on them if it is true. The article is written like it is just propaganda trying to force another scare.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Aug 13, 2012
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Hmmmmm, sounds like a commercial for Mcmillan "Pistol Pay".

Even though I believe that BO, and others, want to remove many of our freedoms, including the right to bear arms, this article reads like an ad for Mcmillan merchant credit solutions.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I would love to hear from some actual FFL's on if this is true, and if this has actually had any impact on them if it is true. The article is written like it is just propaganda trying to force another scare.

I've read an actual report where a gun merchant's account was closed by Wells Fargo based on "suggestions" from DoJ implementing Operation Choke Point. I don't have time to go search for a link, else I would. The merchant's account was closed with no warning or notice, causing business disruption for them and a scramble to secure new banking services. This has been more widely reported on the 1A side with the adult industry being targeted by DoJ.

Normally, this type of "suggestive" behavior by DoJ would garner more resistance. However, just like the NSA began it's overreach with foreign data and voice transactions, the DoJ has aggressively targeted foreign banks doing business with Americans. It's been reported that in Switzerland, it's now nearly impossible for American ex-pats to do business with Swiss banks. The Swiss get so much flak from the IRS and DoJ that they no longer want our business. This has caused a significant increase in U.S. citizenship renouncement by ex-pats living in targeted countries. It's the only way they can access their money.

This targeting is paying off big for DoJ. They just hit Credit Suisse for $2.6B in fines and penalties. Granted, much of that was due to Americans still living in America dodging taxes with overseas accounts (and I have no sympathy for them whatsoever). However, less wealthy Americans are being swept up and harmed in the dragnet the DoJ is using. If you think they aren't reaping the rewards of the NSA's Stellar Wind*, you're fooling yourself. We're well past 1984 here folks.

So you might be willing to say "to hell with anyone who would renounce their U.S. citizenship", or "I hate the porn biz, glad they're getting screwed for a change". Sadly, this will not be the end of the line. Before these programs even bear fruit, the string pullers are already looking for their next meal ticket. Eventually, this will be used against the entire citizenry. So before you dismiss this as pro-gun propaganda, consider that eventually there will be no one left to speak for you.

* If you haven't watched the PBS Frontline special, "United States of Secrets", I strongly urge you to check it out. It is fascinating and a bit chilling to hear the power brokers justify their unconstitutional overreach in the name of "safety", in their own words.



Special Hen
Apr 21, 2014
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Google what the Brady campaign rates Obama. Lol don't always fall for the nra and what people like that are trying to sell you.

Those people started the gun panic just to make money.

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