Oklahoma Shooters. I bid you farewell.

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Nov 28, 2010
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I don't know that the mods here have done that, but it is a course of action that I have taken as a mod on another forum.

Perhaps I should've said "done differently" rather than "done better," because I don't think the mods did anything wrong, and didn't intend to imply that they did.
I didn't take it that way. I'm always up for discussing anything that can be improved on or made more efficient.


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Sep 6, 2007
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What could you buy for a few Denari, Denarius? in 33 AD Jerusalem? Thirty pieces was a small fortune?


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Oct 9, 2012
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What could you buy for a few Denari, Denarius? in 33 AD Jerusalem? Thirty pieces was a small fortune?

Sure enough. Fella could get a couple goats, a sheep, two prostitutes and some recently made wine. Probably have enough left over for bribing the Roman cops into leaving you alone while you partied the night away.

Kinda interesting that according to the story the dude was destined to be the betrayer. Makes you wonder why Jesus (who knew what was fixin' to happen) didn't say, "hey man, I know what you're planning, let me tell you why that's a bad idea...."

Shoot Summ

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Dec 24, 2006
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I'm guilty of not reading all of the replies, but wanted to add my .02.

I've been around here since 2006, this place has seen a lot of changes since then. People have changed a lot since then as well. I've seen people make comments here that absolutely astound me at the insensitivity, the small, narrow mindedness, and honestly ignorance. I've typed out responses on many occasions only to delete them as there was absolutely no chance that the person I was responding to had the capacity to understand another point of view. So I don't contribute much, but I do absorb a lot, and still find useful and fun tidbits here and there. What I've learned is that the only person I can influence, is myself. If I let things get to me, then it is my fault. Sometimes I take breaks from forums if I can't seem to control how I react to content, or individuals. Also remember the ignore function, it helps you keep from seeing the content that might trigger you. In the end you have to make the decision, but I would hope you don't let a few bad apples affect you.


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Oct 9, 2012
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Sometimes I take breaks from forums if I can't seem to control how I react to content, or individuals. Also remember the ignore function, it helps you keep from seeing the content that might trigger you.

Good advice. Lots of triggered folks lately.

Seriously, I think folks really don't get "offended" - I think they don't like their beliefs challenged. A strong "R" or "D" or "Christian" will read something critical of their platform/ideology/religion, and say "yeah, that's your opinion, whatever"

Those with less confidence will try to censor or silence the other side. (ask Salmon Rushdie for an extreme example)

Sacred cows make tasty hamburgers.


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
You know what fellas? I can tolerate a lot of things. While as a member of Oklahoma shooters I have been trolled, I have been wrong. I have been proven wrong. I’ve tried to learn all of my lessons as best as I could and become a valid member of this community. But lately it seems I’ve become more and more offended by things that are getting posted. The latest one is a remark about members of the Catholic faith. I am Catholic and I was deeply offended by something that was put on here, and more importantly something that was allowed to remain on here. Therefore, I feel very since I am not part of the solution I am part of the problem. I’m afraid I’m gonna have to move on. I wish all of you well. I’ve met some good guys. I hope you live long lives. I hope you live happy lives. Take care.


It's not an airport, there is no need to announce your departure.

Saying that to say this, I don't believe you should let one knucklehead, that is well known for being a complete and absolute knucklehead, run you off. Put the dude on ignore and move on. I had to look at ignored content to see what you were bent outa shape about. There are some that carry "I don't put anyone on ignore" like a badge of honor. Fawk that. Life is too short to suffer idiots and fools. I dismiss them and refuse to deal with or associate with them out in the world, you think I'm gonna do it here? My ignore list is long. It grows often. Not every day, but often. I don't give a s*** what they think, even if I agree with them. Why on earth would I want to read their posts? Their opinion means less than nothing to me. I'm not going to muddle thru their BS. Why would you?

Those that anger you control you. I find it a little hard to believe that you'd let a small minded, simple fuk dictate to you where you hang out, but that's what you're doing.

In the end, it's your decision, but the place won't shut down without you. So bear that in mind. You been around a long time. Be a shame to let someone like that be the reason you left a place that you like hanging out and visiting with friends. Your call, but I think leaving is the wrong decision.

Fair winds and following seas!


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Mar 6, 2009
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Yukon, OK
I really don't get the offenses that seem to be felt by some here, or elsewhere for that matter. Unless you insult my family, I'm good.

I think basically all discussions on here should be in bounds. @Rez Exelon makes a point above. If something upsets you that much on here, I would posit you need to recalibrate your offense meter. If that isn't possible, just skip the content.

And cut the offending party out of your Will.
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