price gouging Tulsa gun shop

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Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
The beautiful thing about a free (ish) market is that people who charge too much provide their own punishment. If something is available cheaper elsewhere, very few will buy from the overcharger and he will either go out of business or have to lower prices. But as n2sooners correctly noted, if someone raises prices and continues to sell his normal volume of product, this indicates that the market price for his good has risen, and he has his goods priced correctly for market conditions. Likewise if other sellers leave prices as they were and quickly sell out of product, as some in this thread describe, this is another indicator that the market price has risen and that those sellers had their product priced below market value.

One thing people need to realize about a market is that market prices are determined by what buyers will willingly pay for a product. Market price is not some fixed figure... it changes based on market conditions (supply and demand, most notably). It makes no sense to complain that today's prices are higher than 3 weeks ago, when there have been major changes in market conditions since then. That is like complaining that gas stations are price gouging by selling gas at $3.00/gal., because it was $0.85 in 1993. Ad don't be surprised if the gas stations who sell at 1993 prices are never in stock, because the first guy who happens to be around when they put it up for sale at that price buys it all and re-sells it for $3.00/gal.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
Also, smaller shops are out of stock and most of these items are probably on back order meaning empty shelves(and no sales). These businesses have to raise their prices to fulfill their financial obligations(payroll, bills, buying product, etc.) or face cutbacks(layoffs, closing down, etc.). So do not immediately label these small businesses as greedy or opportunistic...some of them are just trying to stay open.

I think I'd rather pay a bit more and keep a small, local gun store open than force them to close while the bigger companies(wally-world, cabelas, sportsmans, etc.) make up their profits in other ways.


Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Gibson
I hope that everyone does not think that I am bashing local shops for raising their prices. That is not my intent. I do what I can to support the LGS. I rarely leave a shop without making a purchase. Even the guys that are a little high on stuff I still try to show my support by making a purchase of some type. It may be just cleaning supplies or a box of ammo or targets. My intent is to always make a transaction.

I have all the mags I need, and do not intend on purchase anymore, so I do not know why this subjects irritates me so much. I suppose it because I dislike greedy people and what they are in search of. I do realize that the consumer is more of the problem here than the retailer, however it does not make it any less irritating. I have no basis for my argument as I am not a retailer and I have no direct contact with the wholesalers. So I do not know what kind of price increases they are quoting. I can understand the manufacturers having a sharp price increase. They have material on order sitting on the floor they have to pay for. They have to order weeks or months in advance. Labor cost will increase with increase overtime to meet the higher order quantities. The wholesalers are probably dealing with a nightmare with the influx of immediate orders and their purchasing departments are trying to find new inventory to replace the recently liquidated inventory and they have to pay premiums for it because the demands are so high. Everyone is scrambling to stay up whit the madness. All of these added costs do have to be passed on to the consumer or the you run the risk of going out of business. I understand all of that and do not think the majority of the shops local or otherwise have any ill intent.

My problem lies with places like Dongs and CTD that continually mark there prices up by 100% every day until the products stops moving then they back it off to the previous days prices because that is the highest margin and the product will still move. They do this because the market will support it in the current climate. This mentality is what appears wrong to me. I think this same mentality is what has driven the high cost of living that we have today. Prices go up in times of crisis and they never come back down because the consumer gets used to paying the higher price and then it just becomes the price. In the last few years the same thing has happened with food. Restaurants blame the rise in the cost of food on gas prices and it costs so much more harvest and process and truck the food in when gas is $4.00 a gallon. They damn sure don't reprint the menus when gas goes back down to $3.00 a gallon. I hope I haven't offended anyone with my previous posts.

I do not mean anything toward the businesses that are increasing their prices to reflect the current market values. I value all of our sponsors and their continued support of our rights. I am going to leave it at that cuz I have to get back to work and I am starting not to make any sense. Go Dogs.

Serenity Bushcraft

Special Hen
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Cheaper Than Dirt.................They get scared and stop selling guns..............They jack the prices up and fuel this crazy ass frenzy that everyone seems to be in...........I have spent thousands through CTD but as of DEC 17th 2012 they will no longer get a single dime out of me.

DONGS..............well to you have to look any further than their name to figure out that you will be dealing with a shack full of retarted folks???????????????? They can sell to the sheep, the blind and the lazy............I walked in once, was treated like a 3rd class 1900's Irish Immigrant (sorry for the phrasing but it applies here) and decided that if they did not want my excess cash then I would spend it someplace else. I went back a year later (forgot about the first time) and was again treated like I did not deserve to even breath the same air as the high and mighty all knowing gun salesmen. If DONGS had the last remaining rifle, pistol or shotgun in existance and they were selling it for only a single dollar I would not give them my business. How this place continues to keep the lights on is a story worthy of the X-Files.

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