Public Notice - I messed up!

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May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
They don't get much better than Chris.


Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Kudos on you doing this.

I got took on Amazon for a Streamlight flashlight and they were completely uninterested in doing anything other than giving me a refund.

Streamlight however was quite interested. I emailed them asking for confirmation that I had a fake and their General Counsel is who responded back the same day! They made it right post haste by putting a legit one in the mail to me. Then they asked for pictures and if I would be willing to send it in for them to look at. I said not only that, I'll send you the packaging too. I was a happy camper after that.

ETA: Now days I don't buy anything "mission critical" from Amazon. Just too many counterfeits there. I only buy household stuff and an occasional tool or something that I know is shipping AND sold by Amazon. Amazon's CS is pretty good, but other vendors, not so much.
Jun 12, 2022
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So, I found out tonight after @MikePAC made a comment on the "Fixed Blade" knife thread, that the Gerber Strongarm knives I had were fake. Worse, this was AFTER I had not only posted them for sale, but also sold nearly all of them. When I got them they looked good, felt good, etc etc. But after looking up some comparison videos which detailed the fake issue, it looks like I got burned.

As I am posting this, I have already taken down my listing, and reached out to everyone that I had dealings with on the thread. My apologies to @SKATA @trekrok @gmar @Fyrtwuck who got Gerbers from me as well as @Nic D. who was planning on the different model Gerber I'd listed and finally @Glock 'em down because he got the Leatherman, and I don't know if I can trust that either at this point.

I've reached out to them and will 100% be providing a refund ASAP.

While I'm not a fan of having to make a post like this, I want to make sure I am posting it because it'd be bad if I got taken --- it's happened before and it sucks, but it's life --- but I do not want to take others down. I don't take the concept of personal integrity lightly, so in addition to the actions performed I wanted to make it public record. I was just telling the story to a friend the other day of how pissed I remember feeling when I bought a fake Galaxy S7 several years ago. I really really don't want to be that guy.

The shipment I got all the blades from came as part of a larger order from Amazon and I thought that meant I could trust the stuff, but I was wrong and I'll wind up taking that as a lesson.
Good job.

I picked up a gun at my local FFL yesterday. We had a great conversation about the rifle ( a pre war Remington 341P .22) and I walked out without paying. Just as I was starting to pull out it hit me, "You didnt pay" so I went in and did.

There is nothing worth your compromising your integrity.
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
Tornado Alley
@trekrok In my case it was sold by Amazon. They were Johnnie on the spot with a refund offer, but the CS person had no idea where it came from or how to check their stock.

Also I had actual other Streamlight lights and packaging to compare. This counterfeit was extremely good until you opened the light. Then there were differences. The packaging was spot on with one exception. It didn’t have furnished batteries and at the time all Streamlight products came with a set. That’s it, the packaging was indistinguishable from real in all other respects.

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