Sheriff Whetsel tried to defeat concealed carry laws when he was IACP President

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May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Weasel couldn't walk in old J.D. Sharps shadow as far as being a man or a sheriff. JD was a politician in the old school fashion for sure.. but if he gave you his word, he stuck to it and he didn't stab you in the back. And if he didn't like you, he'd tell you staight to your face.. you sure didn't have to doubt where you stood with him or hear it through the grapevine. JD looked out for me on several occasions. I'd bet if you asked a lot of the old time deputies that had worked with both, they'd tell you the same thing. I've only met the guy running against Weasel during campaigns, but he seems like a decent guy. Hope he makes it this time.

It's gonna be tough. Whetsel has almost 10 times the money and y'all know that all you need is money to buy an election.

gaseous maximus

Aug 28, 2010
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Median, S. Mac. between Reno&I40, OKC
Yes this is true, thats why I voted for Dave McBride, who ran against him the first time. Not because Mcbride was more acceptable, but because he had resigned, about one day before being sacked, from the two previous high profile positions he had held. I figured McBride would shoot himself in the foot for sure, and maybe the next time, we could elect someone more sympathetic to gun owners. Also Whetzel is a true political animal, and I really thought he would use the sheriffs position as a spring board to bigger and better things. But to give the devil his due, Whetzel has suprised me with his firearms stance.


May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Whetsel has so much more money than Sorrels and money is all you need to own any elected office you desire. Slick ads really is all it takes and even a gun-grabber can stay in office for decades in a pro-2A state with enough money.

Even outwardly staunch 2A people with a personal financial interest with the current sheriff will sell out to stay on their own personal gravy train. An example might be Republican commissioners who would like to have a crack at awarding contracts to build a half-billion dollar jail for contractor gifts, or other noteworthy firearms enthusiasts who depend on the re-election of the current sheriff to ensure their own business continues to maintain a close and profitable relationship with the Sheriff's office. People who place their own personal gain and self interests above liberty are nothing more than traitors.


May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Recently, I saw a news video on I believe KOCO, where the reporter called every sheriff in each of the 77 counties in Oklahoma to get their take on the new open carry privilege. While nothing was said specifically about Oklahoma County and Sheriff Whetsel, Oklahoma County lit-up on the graphic when the reporter was identifying counties that the sheriff expressed serious concerns about citizens being granted permission to carry openly.

I know that Sheriff Whetsel does not support Oklahoma citizens carrying a firearm and as President of the UN-backed, Agenda 21 International Chiefs of Police, he suggested ways how other Chiefs of Police can thwart legislative attempts to pass concealed carry in 1996, he was personally commended by President Bill Clinton for his tireless efforts to pass the Brady Bill and place severe restrictions on what they call "assault weapons".

Besides Whetsel being deeply involved with the Department of Homeland Security and a strong supporter of Agenda-21 causes, such as his work with the IACP on restricting gun rights for Oklahomans, what are Whetsels specific concerns with the new open carry privilege, as reported by channel 5?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 6, 2010
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Coweta, OK
Democrat Sheriff Whetsel was the President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police in 1995 and worked hard to defeat and/or weaken CCW laws across the country. November 6th, Sheriff Whetsel seeks another term as Oklahoma County Sheriff and likely still believes that ordinary citizens should not have the right to carry firearms. The link below shows an NRA document that demonstrates Sheriff Whetsel's disdain for lawful citizens to carry their firearms and provides numerous suggestions how law-enforcement can erode our 2A.

The Republican candidate for Oklahoma County Darrell Sorrels believes that lawful Oklahoma County residents have not only the right, but the duty as an American citizen to keep and bear firearms. I ask everyone to consider your rights as lawful citizens which sheriff candidate will best defend the Constitution and protect your rights.

No Guns For Anyone - Sheriff Whetsel and Gun Control:

Document of memorandum from Sheriff Whetsel, from NRA archives:

I don't live in OK county but I'm sorry for the folks that do. Regardless of your profession, it is one issue to not be in favor of 2A but when your profession is law enforcement you should be in favor of enforcing the laws as they are written. This Sheriff appears to be boarderline trying to undermine the guns laws. He may as well stand on a street corner with a sign that encourages folks to speed on city streets. OK county folks should retire this numb nuts.

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