Side Thread: Outlawing hog hunting

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Special Hen
Jul 20, 2007
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Native Okie stuck in OMAHA
Ok I did not want to de-rail a perfectly good success stories thread so I created this one.

The plan is not to outlaw sport hunting and ignore them, but rather. Outlaw sporthunting and then hire professional shooters to wipe them out. Via helicopter hunting and professional trapping. "Everybody" says this is impossible, but it has worked and will work almost anywhere. Kansas has completely stopped the spread of hogs into their state so far by establishing this policy. Just last year Tennesse outlawed sport hunting of hogs and wait and see what happens!!!

By outlawing hog hunting you accomplish several things.

First you greatly diminish the idiots from picking hogs up at point x and dropping them at point y. Why? Because it is now illegal to hunt them anywhere in the state, thus they have no motivation to move hogs around for hunting purposes. This is how the vast majority of hog populations spring up, not thru natural movement, but rather thru moron x dropping pigs at his favorite hunting spot. However I do recognize that hogs do naturally expand their territory, however not at the insane rate we have seen it spreading across the states.

Secondly, you do away with the businesses and people selling hog hunts that truly do not want to see them all gone. All motives for conservation of this "species" are now thrown out the door. Nobody can hunt them, nobody can sell them. They are simply a FERAL species that is destructive to the environment and now is being eradicated by the state goverment. Nothing more.

Hunters throw a fit everytime this is mentioned. Why? I'm not sure, other than to say deep down they really don't want to see the feral hogs gone. Is it fun to hunt feral hogs. HELL YES. But are you a true steward of the environment if you don't do every thing humanly possible to be rid of something introduced by man that is so destructive to that environment? I know it will seem to many like an extreme measure that could never posssibly work, but I am here to tell you it is THE ONLY way to be rid of hogs in your state.

That being said, I believe Oklahoma is like Texas. They talk about not wanting hogs, but they are not willing to make the sacrifices it takes to be rid of them. Oklahoma is lost, it will forever have hogs. So long as KS has the policies in place it currently does, they will remain "hog free". Now before you go to screaming KS is different ecologically........well lets just see how it works out for them in Tennesse! TN has just as much "cover" if not more than OK does! I believe it will work. Again, it takes "sacrifice" to committ to this, but IMO its worth it!


Special Hen
Jan 11, 2011
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Good post ElkStalkR: I know exactly what you are saying. The guy in the office next door spent a couple of hours telling me how he had a hog problem. Rooting up his garden, tearing up his lawn, making his alfalfa bottom look like a hog pen. After this he started telling me how much he hated them and wanted to see them gone. That's when I ask him about hunting. The guy looked like I had hit him in the face with a bucket of YOU KNOW WHAT..After a few seconds of silence he started tell me how some guys were already hunting (leased hog hunts) and he didn't want to step on their toes......Yea, sure...he's hating them all the way to the bank......Do away with hog hunting and then the hogs can be done away with....Pretty simple......


Special Hen
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Backwoods, OK
Thank you for continuing this in another thread.

As you mentioned, Kansas is totally different from an ecological standpoint. When they barely have a tree to hide under, then yes, you are going to be more successful with helicopter depredation. While helicopter hunts are somewhat effective at hog removal, the costs it takes to do this will climb into the millions. It is unrealistic to think the state has the money to do this. It may work in some areas, but down here in Southeastern Oklahoma, it is impossible. The terrain does not allow for such tactics.

It is already illegal to pick up a hog at location X and drop it off at location Y, unless you are licensed handling facility. They are routinely inspected, fences are checked, so that hogs do not escape. I don't feel that these facilities are responsible for much of the feral hog population. So by making yet another law to combat something that is already illegal is pointless.

Do you have any reading that you can share on Kansas success stories or what is going on in Tennessee?

Ok I did not want to de-rail a perfectly good success stories thread so I created this one.

The plan is not to outlaw sport hunting and ignore them, but rather. Outlaw sporthunting and then hire professional shooters to wipe them out. Via helicopter hunting and professional trapping. "Everybody" says this is impossible, but it has worked and will work almost anywhere. Kansas has completely stopped the spread of hogs into their state so far by establishing this policy. Just last year Tennesse outlawed sport hunting of hogs and wait and see what happens!!!

By outlawing hog hunting you accomplish several things.

First you greatly diminish the idiots from picking hogs up at point x and dropping them at point y. Why? Because it is now illegal to hunt them anywhere in the state, thus they have no motivation to move hogs around for hunting purposes. This is how the vast majority of hog populations spring up, not thru natural movement, but rather thru moron x dropping pigs at his favorite hunting spot. However I do recognize that hogs do naturally expand their territory, however not at the insane rate we have seen it spreading across the states.

Secondly, you do away with the businesses and people selling hog hunts that truly do not want to see them all gone. All motives for conservation of this "species" are now thrown out the door. Nobody can hunt them, nobody can sell them. They are simply a FERAL species that is destructive to the environment and now is being eradicated by the state goverment. Nothing more.

Hunters throw a fit everytime this is mentioned. Why? I'm not sure, other than to say deep down they really don't want to see the feral hogs gone. Is it fun to hunt feral hogs. HELL YES. But are you a true steward of the environment if you don't do every thing humanly possible to be rid of something introduced by man that is so destructive to that environment? I know it will seem to many like an extreme measure that could never posssibly work, but I am here to tell you it is THE ONLY way to be rid of hogs in your state.

That being said, I believe Oklahoma is like Texas. They talk about not wanting hogs, but they are not willing to make the sacrifices it takes to be rid of them. Oklahoma is lost, it will forever have hogs. So long as KS has the policies in place it currently does, they will remain "hog free". Now before you go to screaming KS is different ecologically........well lets just see how it works out for them in Tennesse! TN has just as much "cover" if not more than OK does! I believe it will work. Again, it takes "sacrifice" to committ to this, but IMO its worth it!


Special Hen
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
sand springs
Ok I did not want to de-rail a perfectly good success stories thread so I created this one.

The plan is not to outlaw sport hunting and ignore them, but rather. Outlaw sporthunting and then hire professional shooters to wipe them out. Via helicopter hunting and professional trapping. "Everybody" says this is impossible, but it has worked and will work almost anywhere. Kansas has completely stopped the spread of hogs into their state so far by establishing this policy. Just last year Tennesse outlawed sport hunting of hogs and wait and see what happens!!!

By outlawing hog hunting you accomplish several things.

First you greatly diminish the idiots from picking hogs up at point x and dropping them at point y. Why? Because it is now illegal to hunt them anywhere in the state, thus they have no motivation to move hogs around for hunting purposes. This is how the vast majority of hog populations spring up, not thru natural movement, but rather thru moron x dropping pigs at his favorite hunting spot. However I do recognize that hogs do naturally expand their territory, however not at the insane rate we have seen it spreading across the states.

Secondly, you do away with the businesses and people selling hog hunts that truly do not want to see them all gone. All motives for conservation of this "species" are now thrown out the door. Nobody can hunt them, nobody can sell them. They are simply a FERAL species that is destructive to the environment and now is being eradicated by the state goverment. Nothing more.

Hunters throw a fit everytime this is mentioned. Why? I'm not sure, other than to say deep down they really don't want to see the feral hogs gone. Is it fun to hunt feral hogs. HELL YES. But are you a true steward of the environment if you don't do every thing humanly possible to be rid of something introduced by man that is so destructive to that environment? I know it will seem to many like an extreme measure that could never posssibly work, but I am here to tell you it is THE ONLY way to be rid of hogs in your state.

That being said, I believe Oklahoma is like Texas. They talk about not wanting hogs, but they are not willing to make the sacrifices it takes to be rid of them. Oklahoma is lost, it will forever have hogs. So long as KS has the policies in place it currently does, they will remain "hog free". Now before you go to screaming KS is different ecologically........well lets just see how it works out for them in Tennesse! TN has just as much "cover" if not more than OK does! I believe it will work. Again, it takes "sacrifice" to committ to this, but IMO its worth it!

How are they planning to gain permission to fly over private property and shoot hogs??

I don't have any hogs on my property right now, but, if I did, I wouldn't want anybody just indiscriminately flying over and blasting stuff!!


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
This is exactly why magazine capacity limits don't make sense... I'll lay 30 rounds into a herd of Hogs on the Kaw WMA, leave em lie to bring in the predators. Predators learn new feeding area. Predators cut out the middle man (redneck with the AR/AK's)


Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
Texas has pro hunters but still cant put a dent in the population. Im a pilot and had a classmate go to texas to fly for those pro hunters. They are shooting on average( from what he tells me) 20,000 a month. They are multipling to fast and have no preditors. To late for the to stop them. When it gets that bad in Kansas the farmers will take over and allow the hunting of hogs. May go to the new rulkes like Oklahoma has that requires transporters of pigs to register.


Jun 26, 2007
Reaction score
Pond Creek
How are they planning to gain permission to fly over private property and shoot hogs??

I don't have any hogs on my property right now, but, if I did, I wouldn't want anybody just indiscriminately flying over and blasting stuff!!
What makes you think the Government will ask? I'm sure its in the Commerce clause somewhere.
Permission? We don't need no stinking permission!



Special Hen
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
I see a big lawsuit in the future if someone starts flying over property and shooting hogs whether its the government or not. For example, I have a close friend that raises bucking stock. He has to feed them up for months before he can trap them in the lot by pulling a 100ft plus long rope from the road. Now with the being said, if these things are spooked they will clear 3 or 4 mile sections before you can turn around twice. Lets imagine a chopper hugging the ground blasting off guns at hogs, what do you think all this livestock is going to do? This is just my opinion, I think it is not a good idea, and most likely decided on by someone who doesnt own land with livestock.

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