State Sen Steve Russell: Police Chief Bill Citty views " Are not welcome here!"

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I like the letter the preacher sent to Mr Citty. It was well thought out and logical. I wish we had more poloticians that thought like that...

It was well thought out...and another "takin' the Chief to the woodshed" moment.

If true, the Chief's refusal to provide ICE cross-training to his officers is very illuminating when juxtaposed with his call for restricting gun ownership by type. (granted there may be more to his stance on the ICE thing...budget etc...)

So his officers can't help enforce immigration law, but I should have my choice of firearms restricted by an unelected bureaucrat?

I doubt Mayor Cornett will do much of anything about it, he's already shown his true colors.

Michael Brown

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
That's rich! Man , that's good. You preach to others about being polite and you tell me to keep my mouth shut! Is this some kind of selective politeness you would care to explain?
Or possibly this is your interpretation of politeness:
Quote: 1-06-09 MICHAEL BROWN:
"There was a time when reading wasn't just for fags"
Apparently, in your world anything you say is ok, but if someones disagrees with you, they are impolite. You can denigrate an entire class of people and that's OK. As a police officer you are supposed to hold yourself to higher standards than this!
Apparently you aren't capable of having a reasonable discussion without feeling like you are being challenged and going into cop mode.
I know you haven't the courage to let this post stand so go ahead and ban me and delete all of this post so there won't be anyone else to challenge your authority.

Of course "politeness" should be be observed when engaged in civil discourse. The problem is, who gets to decide what is polite and what isn't. When is it just one persons opinion of what is polite? And at what point does it become an attempt to POLICE someone elses idea of freedom of expression?

To answer your question, in this sub-forum, I and the other moderators get to decide what is polite.

Whether it is one person's opinion or not is irrelevent.

At what point it becomes an attempt to suppress ideas is up to every individual to decide but here there are a few people whom the OWNER has designated to make those decisions.

I've noticed that despite the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" and other libertarian talk around here, most don't seem to understand that when someone owns something, they get to do what they want with it and then get all up in arms when they can't do as they please with someone else's stuff.....

Seems odd.

As far as my comment that you quoted, as has been pointed out to you in previous posts, it was a quote from a movie to point out the silliness of anti-intellectualism in our society. I felt that was evidenced by the back and forth banter the other poster and I had from that movie, but apparently I was incorrect.

If you took that as some sort of swipe against homosexuals, I sincerely apologize as it was not intended that way.

Now, as far as courage goes, I will be at Oklahoma Fight Club on Main Street in Broken Arrow today at noon if you wish to put "courage" to the test in a legal environment with no hang-ups for anyone.

If that time doesn't work for you, I will be glad to set up another time.

Michael Brown


Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Okla. City
To answer your question, in this sub-forum, I and the other moderators get to decide what is polite.

Whether it is one person's opinion or not is irrelevent.

At what point it becomes an attempt to suppress ideas is up to every individual to decide but here there are a few people whom the OWNER has designated to make those decisions.

I've noticed that despite the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" and other libertarian talk around here, most don't seem to understand that when someone owns something, they get to do what they want with it and then get all up in arms when they can't do as they please with someone else's stuff.....

Seems odd.

As far as my comment that you quoted, as has been pointed out to you in previous posts, it was a quote from a movie to point out the silliness of anti-intellectualism in our society. I felt that was evidenced by the back and forth banter the other poster and I had from that movie, but apparently I was incorrect.

If you took that as some sort of swipe against homosexuals, I sincerely apologize as it was not intended that way.

Now, as far as courage goes, I will be at Oklahoma Fight Club on Main Street in Broken Arrow today at noon if you wish to put "courage" to the test in a legal environment with no hang-ups for anyone.

If that time doesn't work for you, I will be glad to set up another time.

Michael Brown

I don't think you took a swipe at anyone, I was illustrating a point. As far as courage goes, I was refering to intellectual courage. I'm to old to take an ass-whoopin', so I'll have to pass on the fight club.I was sure I'd be banned, so thanks for that.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
I remember when they were wanting concealed carry to pass the police chief of OKC was against it. (Gonzalez? I don't remember his name.) I think it's pretty much a prerequisite to be the chief nowadays. I honestly do wonder whether these are REALLY his opinions or if he's just spouting off what the mayor and city council wants to hear.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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I posted a reasoned, passionate opinion to a post and used the term "steaming pantload"
All I see from him are one-liners, quotes from others and commandments for the masses . I don't see him making a stand on anything.
A lawyer calling me low and accusing me of twisting words!... Oh, this gets better and better!

Ha ha. More histrionics. If you were trying to give the impression that MB was attacking gays, that's low. Whether, I a lawyer, doctor, butcher, baker or candlestick maker, that's my opinion. If I was mistaken, then my most humble and sincere, heartfelt apologies.


Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Okla. City
Ha ha. More histrionics. If you were trying to give the impression that MB was attacking gays, that's low. Whether, I a lawyer, doctor, butcher, baker or candlestick maker, that's my opinion. If I was mistaken, then my most humble and sincere, heartfelt apologies.

Apology noted and accepted!
ThankYou, Sir

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