Supreme Court backs Hobby Lobby

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Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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Another apples to oranges.

How about this: Your employer has a groupon that you can get discounts on many types of AR15 mags, including GI metal and PMags. Well, a law is passed (by someone your employer really doesn't like) that, among other things, says that employers should not restrict certain aspects of a groupon that you buy into. But now your employer has a fit because this law was championed by somebody they didn't like, so suddenly they decide that plastic mags are a crime against Baal and decide to change the groupon. So they sue to be able to exclude specifically PMags and TD Battlemags (but ProMag plastic mags are ok, because nobody's really heard about those. It's the PMags that everyone's heard about and made a huge deal over) from the groupon that you pay into.

So, you have an employer using an ostensibly religious rationale to alter a service that you pay into for a product that has zero affect on them, all because somebody they don't like passed a law. As a lowly AR15 owner, sure you can just make do with some crummy GI mags, but that's not the point. Your brother's employer decides that *all* plastic in relation to firearms is an affront to the great Baal and further drop groupons that have anything to do with plastic, including plastic receiver pistols like Glocks and even plastic rail protectors. But you, who is also a paying customer of this groupon, don't matter? The company, a faceless entity, can now dictate your groupon? So now what? Do you leave your job and find another one? Let me know how that goes, especially in this economy.

Not a perfect analogy, I'm not making that claim, obviously your magazine composition is not nearly the same as a medical service, but I hope the point is clear.
Yes, it is a very flawed analogy made more outrageous by all your assumptions about motivations. The simple fact is an employer should be the one deciding what is in any compensation package they offer their employees, and if they choose to offer no package other than pay, then that should be their choice. And if someone wants to work for a company that has fewer benefits and more pay, then that option should be out there. And if you don't want to work for a company that doesn't offer free plan b pills, then don't.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Oh yeah, pull-out works great if you time it right. The reality is that it's effectiveness across the board is just about the same as the cycle-timed method, around 20-30% failure rate. Which is pretty high, especially considering the other options available.

Way off topic now, but real-world condom failure rates are *almost* as high. The difference between flawed pull-out/perfect pull-out vs. incorrect condom use/perfect condom use are pretty comparable.

Pull-out is unfairly criticized considering so many people rely solely on condoms for birth control, which are only a bit more effective.

But yeah, IUDs and vasectomies are the way to go.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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blah blah why is it that the irresponsible parties can't pay for the pill? I have nothing against it's use, I just don't think that a company that does should be forced to pay for it.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
blah blah why is it that the irresponsible parties can't pay for the pill? I have nothing against it's use, I just don't think that a company that does should be forced to pay for it.
Thought I answered this in the other thread.

Its the irresponsible parties that don't use the pill and then the company pays for a pregnancy.
The responsible parties use the pill so they don't dump that pregnancy expense on the company or insurance company.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Why are you using your hetero privilege to promote gender inequality? Do you really hate women that much?

Agreed. We really should be focused on why they're excluding birth control for gay men. It's discrimination I tell ya! ;)

Seriously, has not one single person on this "jumped the shark" thread realized that HL pays ABOVE the average wage scale for the work performed? Have none of you defending this segment of Obamacare recognized that almost none of the actual female HL employees are complaining? That this entire twisted fight has been created by people that not a single one of you could tolerate in your presence long enough to engage in coitus with?

Look at this:

[Broken External Image]

So you want to keep your boss out of your bedroom? Then why are you DEMANDING that he be in your bedroom paying for your birth control? I'll tell you why. You're an entitled, self-righteous hypocrite who doesn't care about others, only yourself.

I'll tell you this. I'm all for providing you with birth control. If we do, you're less likely to spawn even more whining, self-important crybabies screaming "MINE, MINE, MINE, GIMMEE NOWWWW!!!". I hope you NEVER have children, because you're ruining this country! What we really need is a SCOTUS decision telling you to SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY, because you're ruining things for everyone else! Go get a job, stop buying $150 per month cell phone plans and $150 per month cable service and $600 per month cars and PAY for your precious birth control with the money that your employer is paying you for doing your job!

Sorry my knickers are in a twist here, but this was never about "controlling" access to birth control. It was all about forcing everyone else to PAY for the political agenda pushed by the feminist movement and the progressive left. I get it. You want what you want. Fine. Now what I want is for you to get the frack away from me and leave me the hell alone! I think you're horrible people and I never want you within smelling distance! :finger:

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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Thought I answered this in the other thread.

Its the irresponsible parties that don't use the pill and then the company pays for a pregnancy.
The responsible parties use the pill so they don't dump that pregnancy expense on the company or insurance company.

A responsible person uses a pre-intercourse birth control program, mostly because, you know, they are so beneficial for women and all. The irresponsible person gets trashed, bangs some dude that she just met and sobers up and makes a beeline to the pharmacy for the morning after pill.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I've stayed out of this for awhile, but think maybe some don't know that hobby lobby has nothing against contraceptives.

They have 20 including male and female contraceptives they the still allow in their insurance program. Their argument was against the two that they believe causes the egg to die after conception.

they pay twice the minimum wage.

The women that wish to engage in unprotected sex need to pay for their own. They don't have a right, no more than a man has a right to condoms in his insurance.

For the bleeding hearts that keep saying they need to take birth control pills for other than sexual purposes, buy your own.

Millions of men have to buy aspirin for their heart conditions. Its over the counter. Its cheap like birth control pills for women. About $9 a month is what I'm hearing? If that number is wrong, somebody correct me.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
The Nations
A responsible person uses a pre-intercourse birth control program, mostly because, you know, they are so beneficial for women and all. The irresponsible person gets trashed, bangs some dude that she just met and sobers up and makes a beeline to the pharmacy for the morning after pill.
That's what I'm talking about.

We have people on here that don't want their insurance to cover pre-planned BC pills or implants or IUD either.
If you are OK with health insurance that covers BC to prevent a pregnancy that has profound implications for the health of the mother then we are on the same page.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
The Nations
I've stayed out of this for awhile, but think maybe some don't know that hobby lobby has nothing against contraceptives.

They have 20 including male and female contraceptives they the still allow in their insurance program. Their argument was against the two that they believe causes the egg to die after conception.

they pay twice the minimum wage.

The women that wish to engage in unprotected sex need to pay for their own. They don't have a right, no more than a man has a right to condoms in his insurance.

For the bleeding hearts that keep saying they need to take birth control pills for other than sexual purposes, buy your own.

Millions of men have to buy aspirin for their heart conditions. Its over the counter. Its cheap like birth control pills for women. About $9 a month is what I'm hearing? If that number is wrong, somebody correct me.
Some women, for one reason or another, can't use the common hormonal pills.
It would be great if they could.

Alternatives such as implants and IUD can be expensive..

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