TAOFLEDERMAUS: .22 Shorts - Don't let their "cuteness" fool you

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
My opinion only.
Thought .22 short to the brain of trapped animals would dispatch them quickly vs a .22 LR HP.

It’s not even close. The LR HP killed them instantly while the more expensive shorts take a half dozen shots to the brain area to accomplish what the LR does in one shot.
Example: trapped a bobcat a couple of years ago. Friend was starting a business of taxidermy. He needed a cat to practice on so I gave him one.
In return he did a European mount on the skull.
As a bonus he gave me the bullet I shot it with still in the brain cavity. The cat did not die quickly with the evidence the bullet was still in the brain and did not do what bullets should do which is create enough peripheral damage while passing through to cause a quick and humane death.
Just my personal observation.

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