The story of my 8 point I promised.

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dubs chops

Special Hen
May 6, 2009
Reaction score
Okay, Well It started on like 2 weeks ago. I had a pretty hot stand that I was seeing a lot of deer on but no shooters. I usually hunted it 1-2 times a week. then after the first week of MZ season it went dead. I hunted it 3 times and saw no deer which was unusual. So I decided to take last weekend off even though I had reports of deer starting to chase I decided I needed to let it cool off. well as of Monday I was dying to get out there after missing the weekend. I looked at the weather and wind and decided Wednesday and Thursday this week was going to be the days to hunt. I put in for the days off on monday and got approved.

Fast forward to Wednesday morning. I woke up and something was telling me to stay home. Don't know why but I prayed about it and it felt all good so Onward I went.

Get in the stand right before dawn, Wind blowing pretty good right in my face so I was pretty excited. 30 minutes after dawn two coyotes walk by. I grabbed my bow and tried to stop the first one but it wouldn't slow down so I tried to lead it and think I shaved his Bum for him. So my number one arrow with the green luminock is in the dirt just starring at me. And I am upset I did not lead the yote enough and missed.

5 minutes later enters my big 8. =] the shaking automatically begins. (I hope that feeling never stops.) He is milling around at 40 yards just foraging in the leaves. No chasing or anything. 40 yards is too far in the thick stuff where I hunt, No clear shooting lane. He milled around for a minute or two and started to walk off. I reach for my grunt and before I could get it he stops so I wait not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to myself. He finally turns around on his own and heads back towards me. The shaking intensifies. He makes it about 5 more yards to me just outside of the clearing I need him to walk into and stops again. He then turns away from me and heads off again, I grab the grunt call but again I am hesitant being within 40 yards of grunting at him, Lo and behold he stops again at 40 yards. Soon he is heading back towards me. (By now I am about to go crazy trying to figure out what this deer is going to do. He finally makes it to a spot about 35 yards away. Unfortunately there is a tree between me and him, He is not in a clearing but headed towards me so I go ahead and draw while there are a lot of branches between me and him. He is now heading back away from me in the direction he came and there is one opening in the tree limbs between me and him before he is in the safe for good. Well he gets there. I grunt with my mouth to stop him. My brain tells my finger to pull the trigger on my release. Well the split second between committing and the physical action of pulling the trigger he had started to turn and it was too late for me to stop the arrow. Where his right hand side ribs were was now the center of his back as he turned. =[ I hear the thud, And see him tear off like a racehorse. Still not realizing fully what had happened I see as he is running off my arrow sticking out of his back like an antenna on the left side of the spine! I am pretty sure at this moment I threw up in my mouth a little.

I watch him run about 75 yards before I can no longer see him. Then listen to him run for at least another 20 and make a turn to the left. (don’t ask me how I know this but I swear I could tell as plain as day that he had turned and headed to the left..) I call my deer hunting buddy immediately and tell him the horrifying news. He asks for the details and tells me to wait a few hours which I was already planning on. We talk for a bit and I get off the phone. I then commence the praying. 2 aggonizing hours later I climb down making sure to be as quite as I can. I follow the trail the deer took looking for blood but being sure I won’t find any because of no exit wound and the entry being on top. I get to where I last saw the deer and start zig zagging with my head down like a bloodhound and I am pretty sure I was praying then too (Catching a pattern here? =]) Then I see it
[Broken External Image]

I am pretty sure I felt my face stretch I was smiling so big, However I knew it was going to be tough from here on out. As the blood was minimal about I spot every 10 feet. I follow the blood trail for about 15 yards with my head to the ground then l look up and see him. (okay maybe not as tough as I had thought) Just as I thought he went about 20 yards out of sight then made a left turn and went about another 15 yards and crashed. Sorry this was so long I just love every minute of this rollercoaster of emotion called bow hunting.

Be warned some of the below pictures contain blood. Skip to the very bottom if you can’t stomach a arrow wound.

Here is a photo showing how he laid when I found him + my Bow.
[Broken External Image]

Here he is from the front and also showing the wound, the arrow was headed through the ribs from above and directly into the lungs. Both lungs were toast somehow. (remember that praying thing I mentioned?)
[Broken External Image]

Here he is loaded up in the rzr for the ride home. (sorry about the tongue)
[Broken External Image]

And here is the “Hero photos” the deer being the Hero not me.
[Broken External Image]
[Broken External Image]
[Broken External Image]

I hope you all found this at least a little bit enjoyable. I know I had fun writing it.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 29, 2008
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Stillwater, OK
Sounds almost like my buddies hunt with the big one last Fri night. He hit about the same place you did and that deer went down 50 yrds in front of him. You must have gotten the femoral artery. Congratulations on a great buck and thanks for sharing all the details of the hunt with us. I love reading them.

dubs chops

Special Hen
May 6, 2009
Reaction score
Sounds almost like my buddies hunt with the big one last Fri night. He hit about the same place you did and that deer went down 50 yrds in front of him. You must have gotten the femoral artery. Congratulations on a great buck and thanks for sharing all the details of the hunt with us. I love reading them.
imhntn I may have but Both of the lungs were toast too so I think that was probably what he went down from.


Staff Member
Supporting Member
Special Hen Administrator Moderator Supporter
Mar 15, 2009
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awesome story dubs, i really liked the part where you call the deer the hero. that is a true sign of a man that respects the commitment,my congratulations sir.

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