Through arguing with these people

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Special Hen
Apr 3, 2009
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Look guys there is only one answer you need to give them. It's simple but to the point. The forefathers gave us the second amendment protection against tyranny from our own government or from any other foreign force. What weapon do you think we should fight with other than a weapon like an AR15. The people who would form a militia should have such guns to be ready at all times to protect our way of life. The framers did not say the farmers should be ready to go fight with pitch forks. AR 15's is the minimum we should be able to be expected to protect our freedom and god given rights with. What use is a single shot gun against an opposing force. The only way we can preserve our God given rights is with the power of the American will backed by the means to actually pose a threat to be able to carry it out. Take away the means to fight and you take the ability of The People to stay free.
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Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
Look guys there is only one answer you need to give them. It's simple but to the point. The forefathers gave us the second amendment protection against tyranny from our own government or from any other foreign force. What weapon do you think we should fight with other than a weapon like an AR15. The people who would form a malisha should have such guns to be ready at all times to protect our way of life. The framers did not say the farmers should be ready to go fight with pitch forks. AR 15's is the minimum we should be able to be expected to protect our freedom and god given rights with. What use is a single shot gun against an opposing force. The only way we can preserve our God given rights is with the power of the American will backed by the means to actually pose a threat to be able to carry it out. Take away the means to fight and you take the ability of The People to stay free.

Hahahaha. What is your puny rifle going to do against tanks and apache helicopters?

/devils advocate


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Any time someone uses certain key words like "need", we can automatically discount their argument.

There is no such thing as need. It is subjective. Your existence on this planet is not "needed", the Earth will still be here without you. Whether or not I "need" the handful of mil-spec rifles that I have, I will continue to own them regardless of any public sentiment or change in the law.

But people that don't understand gun rights "need" for you to have a valid reason to own them. Just brushing them aside won't change their mind or influence them to our side.

Just this morning dropping off my daughter, the news was on and my grandmother said, "I don't see any reason people need assault weapons."

I said, "It's your right to own them and if we start taking more and more rights away, we will quickly not recognize our country." I followed that with "Heck, I own a couple of them and there are very legitimate uses for them. Just think about Katrina, with roving gangs, an AR 15 is a great force equalizer." She seemed to see it from a different angle after that.

Like it our not, we need to show these people legitimate uses for the AR15. Show them them good aspects of them. Give examples, make it real to them that they can see how they might one day have a need for them.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
I'm so sick of arguing with people about the gun control thing already. I get asked about why the "need" for an assault rifle and I explain everything from the framers intent to fight tyranny to it being the best for self defense, I quote FBI stats, etc. just to have someone else pop up and ask the same question about why the "need" for an assault rifle, so here's my new answer: None of your business. I don't have to explain or justify how or why I exercise my rights the way I do and you (meaning them) are not in a position to demand that I justify it. I'm not sure if that's the best route to take, but I'm already fed up with the endless stream of people demanding to know what purpose would I own an AR-15. Anybody else to that point yet or is it just me?

The Second Amendment points out the "need" very clearly...

A well regulated militia, being NECESSARY to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

necessary (adj.)

late 14c. "needed, required, essential, indispensable," from O.Fr. necessaire "necessary, urgent, compelling" (13c.), and directly from L. necessarius "unavoidable, indispensible, necessary," from necesse "unavoidable, indispensable," originally "no backing away," from ne- "not" + cedere "to withdraw, go away, yield" (see cede).

Unfortunately morons are incapable of understanding any of this as they are ignorant of human nature and history, thus they are bound to repeat the mistakes of the past.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Hahahaha. What is your puny rifle going to do against tanks and apache helicopters?

/devils advocate

See, I got someone on that point yesterday. I brought up the "quagmire" that Iraq was. I told him all they had were roadside bombs and AK's and they bogged down the technological might of the American military and never gave up. (I don't actually BELIEVE that, but he does.) He got a dumbfounded look on his face and you could just hear the wheels turning in his head until he switched back to too many kids dying in school massacres again. I like the idea of "none of your business." It's my right and I don't have to justify it to them, they need to justify curtailing that right to ME!


Special Hen
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
See, I got someone on that point yesterday. I brought up the "quagmire" that Iraq was. I told him all they had were roadside bombs and AK's and they bogged down the technological might of the American military and never gave up. (I don't actually BELIEVE that, but he does.) He got a dumbfounded look on his face and you could just hear the wheels turning in his head until he switched back to too many kids dying in school massacres again. I like the idea of "none of your business." It's my right and I don't have to justify it to them, they need to justify curtailing that right to ME!

I like to run off the hopeful assumption that IF that day were to ever come, because of a soldiers oath to the constitution, the worst case scenario would be that some of the military AND their hardware was used in our favor to defend against such tyranny.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
I like to run off the hopeful assumption that IF that day were to ever come, because of a soldiers oath to the constitution, the worst case scenario would be that some of the military AND their hardware was used in our favor to defend against such tyranny.
I have that same hope and also hope that day never comes.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
If you guys are having this difficulty in Oklahoma, imagine what it is like elsewhere.

Really in OK I think it is like 80/20 or maybe even 90/10 that are pro-gun. It's just that the 10-20% are really belligerent.

And I would lay odds that the vast majority of these are just IN Oklahoma, not FROM Oklahoma.

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