Turkey hunting success pics(post em here)

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks guys. It was a hard days work that started at about 2 o clock that morning on a tank battery fire. My hunting buddy, for that day, is also a volunteer firefighter. When we finished getting the trucks back in service, we headed out for the hunt. I think I am going to try a boneless breast and stuffing in a crock pot.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Thanks guys. It was a hard days work that started at about 2 o clock that morning on a tank battery fire. My hunting buddy, for that day, is also a volunteer firefighter. When we finished getting the trucks back in service, we headed out for the hunt. I think I am going to try a boneless breast and stuffing in a crock pot.

Never had it that way, but it sounds good. My wife won't eat wild turkey, so I'm thinking I'll try to make it like chicken and noodles, and slip it in on her.
Did it with pheasant once, and got away with it:thumbup3:


Special Hen
Apr 26, 2010
Reaction score
This was my first year to tag out!

The first bird had a 8 1/2" beard. I was on my way back to camp when I noticed a hen about 125yds away, I immediately ducked down and belly crawled about 25yds. Then 3 gobblers and more hens started coming there way to me. They only got within about 50yds before they started going the other way. So I pulled up and shot a prayer at the closest gobbler. Nothing hit the ground so I shot once more. Again nothing. By this time the other birds were just walking off, they didn't know what to think. So for my last shot I aimed above and to the right of his head to compensate for the 40MPH western
OK wind gust from last friday. Luck have it the bird dropped and flopped. So I went out and marked the spot where he laid, cause I knew this had to be the longest shot of my life. After I marked my spot I trekked a whole 50yds back to camp to find Brian89(my brother) sitting in the truck. The wind was blowing so hard he couldn't hear the three shots. He had his range finder so we went and ranged it. 69 freaking yards!! The longest shot I have ever made with my good'ol 870. This was a classic western oklahoma hunt.


My second bird in the picture was HUGE 9 1/2" beard. 22+lbs. And this story will make you just shake your head. Later that Afternoon after I killed the bird in the story above, my brother and I(Brian89) went out again. He want to go to the north wheatfield while I wanted to go about 3/4 mile to the south. I dropped him off at the wheatfield and he says " I should probably go with you cause you'll kill one". After dropping him off I headed south and made it to the good'ol hay pile as we call it. It had been a long day so I decided to lay down and take a nap. After about a 40 min nap I woke up and I kid you not 4 gobblers were standing 75yds in front of me. I didn't have my gun up or anything. I was laying flat on the ground so they couldn't spot me easily. So i proceed to grab my strutter decoy that was just laying on the ground beside me and I held it in my left hand blocking view of the gobblers so the couldn't see me. The gobblers started walking straight towards me! I still wasn't ready to shoot or in any position to shoot. I was laying in an ab crunch position on my back! Still holding the decoy with my left hand I looked around it to see that the big bird was within 20 yds. So I dropped the decoy, leaned around it and squeezed the trigger. He dropped like a turd in a well. The other birds didn't even know what happened. I could of killed the other three if I wanted to. And this whole time I was thinking how dumbfounded my brother would be. Not just because I killed another bird, but how I accomplished it by taking a good nap, and waking up to 4 longbeards in my lap.

The last bird on the right isn't worth typing anymore about. I'm getting carpal tunnel, and english always was, or was always my worst subject. Plus that bird was a jake anyway.


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Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
At full draw
This was my first year to tag out!

The first bird had a 8 1/2" beard. I was on my way back to camp when I noticed a hen about 125yds away, I immediately ducked down and belly crawled about 25yds. Then 3 gobblers and more hens started coming there way to me. They only got within about 50yds before they started going the other way. So I pulled up and shot a prayer at the closest gobbler. Nothing hit the ground so I shot once more. Again nothing. By this time the other birds were just walking off, they didn't know what to think. So for my last shot I aimed above and to the right of his head to compensate for the 40MPH western
OK wind gust from last friday. Luck have it the bird dropped and flopped. So I went out and marked the spot where he laid, cause I knew this had to be the longest shot of my life. After I marked my spot I trekked a whole 50yds back to camp to find Brian89(my brother) sitting in the truck. The wind was blowing so hard he couldn't hear the three shots. He had his range finder so we went and ranged it. 69 freaking yards!! The longest shot I have ever made with my good'ol 870. This was a classic western oklahoma hunt.


My second bird in the picture was HUGE 9 1/2" beard. 22+lbs. And this story will make you just shake your head. Later that Afternoon after I killed the bird in the story above, my brother and I(Brian89) went out again. He want to go to the north wheatfield while I wanted to go about 3/4 mile to the south. I dropped him off at the wheatfield and he says " I should probably go with you cause you'll kill one". After dropping him off I headed south and made it to the good'ol hay pile as we call it. It had been a long day so I decided to lay down and take a nap. After about a 40 min nap I woke up and I kid you not 4 gobblers were standing 75yds in front of me. I didn't have my gun up or anything. I was laying flat on the ground so they couldn't spot me easily. So i proceed to grab my strutter decoy that was just laying on the ground beside me and I held it in my left hand blocking view of the gobblers so the couldn't see me. The gobblers started walking straight towards me! I still wasn't ready to shoot or in any position to shoot. I was laying in an ab crunch position on my back! Still holding the decoy with my left hand I looked around it to see that the big bird was within 20 yds. So I dropped the decoy, leaned around it and squeezed the trigger. He dropped like a turd in a well. The other birds didn't even know what happened. I could of killed the other three if I wanted to. And this whole time I was thinking how dumbfounded my brother would be. Not just because I killed another bird, but how I accomplished it by taking a good nap, and waking up to 4 longbeards in my lap.

The last bird on the right isn't worth typing anymore about. I'm getting carpal tunnel, and english always was, or was always my worst subject. Plus that bird was a jake anyway.

I was dumbfounded.. stuff like that usually happens to me when we're out there.. but not this time.. I'm glad you tagged out, given you're moving to MT soon..


Special Hen
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
Cushing Ok
I told you guys I was the turkey whisperer. Now they're coming in to me when I'm still in the house. These are just outside the back door about 40 yards. There were 2 toms and 1 hen, but by the time my wife found our camera I could only get 1 decent picture.

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 29, 2008
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Stillwater, OK
That is cool. I took some kids camping last night and could not hunt this morning. My wife texted me about 7:30 am and said there were 2 toms and some hens in our back yard too. I heard a couple gobbling a few weeks ago north of my house but had not seen any yet....and I still have not.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Well my nerves got the best of me and I only drew feathers with the bow. I know where they roost and in the morning I am gonna go try and claim a fan for my wall that is missing two feathers lol.

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