Vacuumed sealed some rice + rice and bean math if anyone cares.

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I've experienced this a few times with certain diets. It sucks. Eating the same stuff everyday is no joke. I would start gagging when I thought about it and would have to force the food down. Of course, I didn't have to eat that stuff to survive.

Yep, that's how it was with me too. I got to wear I just wouldn't eat anything at all because I was never hungry, or when I tried to eat I got the dry heaves. Definitely not fun, or healthy.


Special Hen
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Tuttle, OK
Cinaet, I started out that way but after a bout with appetite fatique (which, btw, I didn't believe in until I experienced it) I'm thinking that you might need to at least add some spices to that so you can mix up the flavors a bit. One of the reasons I have put back extra canned fruit and vegetables is I can use the liquid in the cans for cooking -- or even drinking if push comes to shove. That helps save my potable water for other things.

BB, when I was in my war in SE Asia, we kept bottles of louisana hot sauce. A dash of that made almost any of the C Rats edible..I have several bottles in my emergency stash right now. Blitzfike


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
That pancake mix you sealed up?? It will go rancid. You are better off storing the components of pancake mix separately and then mixing it up when you need your skillet bread.

Almost Bisquick Mix Biscuit/Pancake Mix
You'll Need:
8 cups flour
4 Tbs. Sugar
4 Tbs. baking powder**
4 teaspoons salt
1 cup shortening like Crisco (if you prefer you can use dry shortening)


Combine Flour, baking powder, salt in a large
bowl, blending well. Cut in the shortening until the mixture resembles fine crumbs and is completely incorporated. Store in airtight container until needed.

Makes approximately 10 1/2 cups

To Make Biscuits- use 2 1/4 c. Mix & 3/4 Cup of Milk, for drop biscuits (which don't require rolling/cutting) increase milk to 1 c. Bake at 400F for 8-10 minutes

To Make Pancakes - use 2 cups of mix, 2 eggs (beaten), and 1 cup of milk. Simply beat all the ingredients together until well blended and then pour approximately ¼ cup portions onto a sizzling hot greased or nonstick griddle. Cook until the edges begin to dry with bubbles on the top and they are golden brown on the bottom, then flip and continue cooking until that side is golden brown, as well. Serve hot with butter and syrup, jam or fresh fruit.

** If you are using food storage to make this mix, it is better to have the components of baking powder (baking soda, cream of tartar and cornstarch) stored separately and then mix them when you need it. Baking powder is activated by moisture. Moisture in the air will cause baking powder to go stale over time. If you store the component separately and mix when you need them you will get the best rise from the baking powder. Cornstarch will slow down this process, but to get the best results, just mix the baking powder when you need it and leave out the cornstarch.

Baking Powder Recipe

•1 teaspoon baking soda
•2 teaspoons cream of tartar
•1 teaspoon corn starch (optional)

Mix the baking soda and cream of tartar together until well combined. If you need to mix for later use, combine in cornstarch. Use immediately, or store in an airtight container, as appropriate.
Yield: One tablespoon of baking powder.

This is a damn good recipe. I just made up some that is very close. Mine:

6 cups self rising flour
3 tbs baking powder
1 tbs salt
1 cup Crisco

I used the butter flavor Crisco because I mostly use it for pancakes and dumplings. Had I found BB's recipe I would have used it, because increasing the flour to Crisco I think is probably the better route. I just made some pancakes and they blow the store bought box stuff away. Probably all the Crisco in the mix. Now I'm wondering what powdered eggs and milk would do. You'd only need water for mixing it up. I'll probably just roll with BB's version since you can't store it long term. Hmmm... Has anyone vacuum sealed it and froze it?


Special Hen
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
Jeez ... anybody with teenage boys knows that one box of cereal equals ONE SERVING!! :lmfao:

My mother would have agreed. I was 19 when I went out totally on my own. Previously I had been contributing at least part of what I consumed.

When I was gone, she told me that still feeding the rest of the family(4 people, 2 adults, a teenage female and a 10 year old boy), her grocery bill was 1/2 of the previous amount.

Teenage boys are consumption machines.


Special Hen
Feb 20, 2013
Reaction score
broken arrow
Cinaet, I started out that way but after a bout with appetite fatique (which, btw, I didn't believe in until I experienced it) I'm thinking that you might need to at least add some spices to that so you can mix up the flavors a bit. One of the reasons I have put back extra canned fruit and vegetables is I can use the liquid in the cans for cooking -- or even drinking if push comes to shove. That helps save my potable water for other things.

+10 million! herbs and spices are essential! Make sure they are stored correctly, light and heat will ruin them store them in a dark cabinet away from the stove etc even for day to day use. With the Right seasonings you can take a cup of rice from Mexico to China in about 5 seconds!

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