Well it’s going to be a frosty Christmas ☹️. Lost the heater………

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Jun 13, 2007
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I noticed the last few weeks the thermostat had some elements go out where you couldn’t read the “Set to” reading, the inside reading was fine. I thought the batteries were going to need replacing.

Well tonight I was going to bump the temperature up a few degrees But noticed the inside temperature was all that was displayed and it said it was 95 degrees 😬

Replaced the batteries now it was 99 degrees with the light staying on was the unit off the wall still.

So it appears the Honeywell thermostat needs replaced. I guess it’s off to Locke supply on Tuesday and get a new one.☹️

Hope that fixes it or I’ll have to call out a heat/air guy.

On the plus side I purchased a no vent wall mounted heater that will heat 1000 sq ft. Lit it turned it to 2 of 5 sitting and it’s fine. Best $250 I spent at Homedepo. This is the second time in 10 years I had to use it.

Easy this time since we have electric and I don’t have to hook up the battery/inverter to run the small square cage.

God Bless and Merry Christmas and to all good night

Seems this has been my favorite song of late.

Last edited:
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
When I replaced my HVAC system the unit came with a new thermostat.
Digital one all fancy and stuff.

F that noise i told my buddy that owns the HVAC company I would not have one of those on my system.
I kept the old from 1974 thermostat with the mercury in the glass bulb.
Still works and will another 50 years from now.

If you have one of those old ones laying around that would be a great fix.
No digital No batteries.
Sorry but in my experience some things are better left old school.

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