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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
BB, can you post a pic of your chicken coup? Thx

Believe it or not, we do not have a coup. At least not one the little buggers use. They roam to their little hearts' content in the backyard and get on top of a wire run that is attached to the rabbit hutch to sleep on at night. I keep their wings clipped and while we did have some trouble with them jumping the fence into the neighbor's yard for a bit, once I moved everything far enough away from the fence so they didn't have a "launch pad" so to speak, there have been no issues.

We do have this little hutch (see below) that has their nest boxes in it, but the only time they get in it is to lay eggs. (And a couple of the Buffs lay UNDER the hutch in a little nest they've dug into the dirt ... Go figure ... :scratch:


The rabbit hutch is similar. It and the run attached to it are all made by the same company as the chicken hutch. They all came from Tractor Supply too.

We've decided to put up a large shed on a 24 x 24 concrete pad in the backyard before it gets cold and taking one side of it and making a place for them to get in out of the weather, but I don't have a problem with them free-roaming in the back yard. Anything I don't want them to get it I can fence off with hardware cloth.

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