whats point of a "public" forum if we cant publicly forum?!

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
The most attractive thing about a woman, provided all else is not hopelessly unsound is a tiney waist and a gigantic ass. Don't take my word for it , Read it in National Geographic.


Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Gibson
Far fewer threads are locked or deleted now, than used to be, so I am interested to what you are specifically referring.

I don't want racist talk here. I understand that OSA's demographic is not the most culturally sensitive and diverse group around. That's fine, but some of the threads I, personally, have locked or deleted absolutely crossed the line. You can believe whatever you wish. You are even free to express those beliefs here. However, when the posts start becoming insulting and demeaning towards an ethnic group, they are going to get nuked. Frankly, one of the problems here is that any reasoned discussion of racial issues gets hijacked by smart asses or by folks who just can't help but cross the line into hurtful and hateful speech. That's one reason it was never allowed as a topic in the past.

As for anti-LEO threads, Good God, when is enough enough? How many different threads do we have to have about what some bad cop did someplace? And again, the lack of self-control by some posters turns threads in which someone legitimately relates a negative encounter into a hostile free for all. Finally, I have a lot of friends in LE. I may not always agree with them, but I respect the fact they do a very difficult job for not a lot of compensation.

In all due respect, this thread is an example of folks never being satisfied. We are much more relaxed about what we allow to be discussed than before I bought the forum. I have never attempted to control the board by imposing my own personal beliefs on any of you, other than shutting down threads I considered racist or highly inappropriate. I'm not going to apologize for that. It's unfortunate you are unhappy here. However, as has been pointed out, this is NOT a public forum and you are quite free to NOT associate here.

You owe me three dollars for using highly and inappropriate next to each other when speaking about deleted/locked OSA threads. I coined that phrase back on the first page. My preferred method of payment is jello or 22lr ammo. So like six jello cups or 12 each 22LR rounds are due. I hope net 30 terms are acceptable. I will send out an invoice immediately.


Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Gibson
You know if I was a moderator you and about half of the rest of this board would be on a perma-ban...and I have a mod in my back pocket too. Only she doesn't hide out from the rest of the board and want to be a "secret moderator."

Where in the heck is she anyways. She usually puts people in their place when threads like this pop up.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
There's only three secret moderators on here... and frankly...I'm not at liberty to talk about it. In fact, I could probably talk about it if people were prepared understand what it means to be a secret moderator. Sometimes my burden is more than I can bear, and that's all I'm going to say about it.


Special Hen
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Planet Earth
Excellent answer, here here, get this man a beer and a smoke. Really, great answer Johnny.

I see a lot get locked for personal reasons, but the ones that get locked for the most part are counter productive. What I mean by that is.

This board is owned by an individual. If I was the individual that owned the board I would not want to receive a phone call one day by a reporting wanting to know why I owned and privately funded a white supremacy message board or a anti-law enforcement board. Now we all know that to be incorrect. However any passerby that comes across this place by happenstance by way of Google does not know that. Google indexes the hell out of this place. Don't know why. I think JB bribes them or something. I can google a phrase and this place will be on the first page. So we are not hid in a remote corner of the world. We are exposed to the public as Oklahomans and gun owners. No body on here wants to be painted into a group of extremists or a hate group. you will though if the threads that get out of hand are left up.

I can see it on news one night. A local gun board that is anti law enforcement, right wing extremist with ties to the KKK are having an rally(read eat and shoot) this weekend at so and so gun range. No body wants that kind of publicity. Be sides if we were all men we would get together and have these discussions over a beer instead of over the interwebs. I most of us would not be near as boastful or quick witted as we appear. I don't like threads being deleted as much as the next guy, but I understand it.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
You know if I was a moderator you and about half of the rest of this board would be on a perma-ban...and I have a mod in my back pocket too. Only she doesn't hide out from the rest of the board and want to be a "secret moderator."

What are you, a cop or something?
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