Who is your candidate for Republican President TODAY

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Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
Hillary's lead is mostly smoke and mirrors. Even hard core democrats would rather have someone else but they know they are stuck with her and the deal that was made with the Obama administration.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I can't see a Democrat winning particularly Hillary. Too many bones in her graveyard. The only way she could is if the Republican slate continues to waller in the mud and kill each others chances to win. I like Trump. Not because he is the best person to be president but because he says what I think and what I want our country to be.

Give the national media a year and most Americans will be convinced that she walks on water.

This is the answer^^ The uninformed masses only know who to vote for from what they see in the media.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
For those that don't think Hilary could win, wake up. She could easily win the election. I would have never thought Obama would have been elected twice yet he was. And he still has a lot of supporters even though he is a horrible president. There are just too many uninformed lazy Americans out there. And you can bet that she will get the minority vote as well as a lot of women. I mean she can get away with anything. No matter what she does nothing will change. The media will still make her look like a saint and the masses will line up at the polls to vote for her.


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Sep 7, 2009
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TonyKane1, and a few others are right. There are well over 40% of the voting population, mostly Democrats who, if they vote, will vote that way no matter what. All she has to do it make a small portion of the others "forget" her record. The media will see to that as best it can.

On the other hand, we just need to get out the vote. Conservatives are lazy.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Give the national media a year and most Americans will be convinced that she walks on water.

As for me, I've got two guys running that I really like--Carson and Cruz. As of today, I'd easily vote for either.

Me too. Carson and Cruz is a tough choice because I like them both.
There are a lot of dynamics this time around with so many decent candidates.

1) I really hate to lose that Senate seat Cruz holds but Cruz is my #1 at the moment. D.C. doesn't seem inclined to listen to anyone but the mega money lobbyists so Carson might be the best choice since they don't care what Cruz has done. Cruz has caught pure hell from both sides and Congress may just keep on doing what they've always done with him and that's ignore him always and castigate him when possible.

2) If it's not Carson I tend to lean Rubio since his seat is already gone (he's not running again).

3) Will D.C. chew Carson up and spit him out?

4) I think Fiorina might could chew D.C. up and spit them out! I'd still pay money to see her debate Hillary one on one. Pay per view?

5) Trump would be better than Hillary, but I'm not sure he has the stuff to be .prez, he sure makes it entertaining though and he might well do very well. I think he is a better tactician than he comes off as, but he just can't help himself sometimes with the running of his mouth and it gets him in trouble.

Like aleaird said, in this election it is a very tough call. Would somebody tell Jeb he has no shot already?


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
For those that don't think Hilary could win, wake up. She could easily win the election. I would have never thought Obama would have been elected twice yet he was. And he still has a lot of supporters even though he is a horrible president. There are just too many uninformed lazy Americans out there. And you can bet that she will get the minority vote as well as a lot of women. I mean she can get away with anything. No matter what she does nothing will change. The media will still make her look like a saint and the masses will line up at the polls to vote for her.

Not to mention that Hillary will surely tap that crack internet team of Obama's. He sent them to Canada and they got the libtard candidate a landslide win. It blew away every polling outfit they had except for one who saw it and called it.

Wheel Gun

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Jun 25, 2011
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Formerly EdmondMember
For those that don't think Hilary could win, wake up.

And of course, there is some degree of institutionalized cheating that goes on in presidential elections. None of us really understand how many illegal Dem votes are cast each Presidential cycle. We might be shocked to find out how many Obama votes came out of thin air.


Special Hen
Apr 9, 2013
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Pryor / Salina
The only thing I can say for certain right now is... HILL_NO! I love the idea of "Making American Strong Again" but I am not sure Trump can pull that off. Regardless who gets elected, it they don't have the lawmakers support not a hell of lot will get done... again.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I don't trust Carson. He has not only changed his position, he has tried to make it look as if he hasn't. Trump at least says he did the research and actually changed his mind on 2A issues. We have to be willing to allow people the benefit of the doubt that they can change when confronted with facts, history and see the lies.

I can't believe anyone could think Obama wasn't going to win? That was clear to me from the moment he made the national spotlight. I remember watching Oprah introduce him as a newly-elected guy from Illinois - and the wife and I both saw him and from that second both agreed he would be President someday. We didn't know if it would be the NEXT election, but we knew it was coming, and when the 1st campaign was in full-swing, we knew it would be an 8-year term. I dunno why... just that intangible. The country was ready for a minority President and he LOOKED and SOUNDED Presidential. Had nothing to do with anything of substance - it was just circumstances and taking advantage.

I'm not sure about Hillary. Without the Bengazi/email scandal, I think she would have been a shoe-in. As much of a landslide as there has ever been. But now it's more unclear. I don't know.

But I do know the Repubs can't manage to form a coherent thought or platform that resounds with the majority of Americans amongst them.

Doesn't matter, in the end, though. They're all politicians and they will all take us for the same ride and fleece us the same as the ones before - no reach-around, no lube. Trump is the only one I have any faith in that he is ACTUALLY telling the truth - specifically because he's put his foot in his mouth, because he speaks his mind, and because he makes no apologies for campaigning for the US to stand up and accept its power and not drown in f***ing "white guilt." Do I think he'll really be elected? I doubt it. Not sure he would be great, but not a god****ed person else in the running on EITHER side is any different from every other f***ing politician in this country.

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