Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

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Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Comprehensive, fact & science based sex-ed should be mandatory in public school starting VERY early. Along with how to manage basic finances, file a 1040, apply and interview for jobs, etc, etc.

Private school or homeschool your kids if you don't like it.

I went to a fairly yuppy school. My first classmate to knock a girl up was in 8th grade. His mom was a teacher, dad was faculty. I used to watch the dude huff air duster he stole from his part-time hardware store job in 11th grade while his kid was watched by god knows who. Great parents. Good system. Status quo 4ever.

He and her have like half a dozen kids with as many partners now. iF u duNt LiKeZ iT yEr a haTeR.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
Should we require parenting education classes for new parents?

you have to jump through a lot of hoops to adopt. there'd probably be fewer kids if everyone had to go through those steps just to have a kid.

but more to the point, relying solely on parents is just as dumb as relying solely on the schools to teach something.

I have a friend here who taught a 'welcome to college' type of course. We jokingly called it 'adulting 101'. One of the 'lessons' involved taking a quiz on how to prevent pregnancy/STDs. It was shocking how badly informed many of the students were. Many are in-state kids who we only taught the 'abstinence only' lessons regarding sex.

Parents should absolutely take the lead, especially in the should you/shouldn't you decision making area. But teaching a kid how to use a condom/birth control and prevent STDs should be basic knowledge.

As others have said, it's amazing that we regulate out basic knowledge (sex ed) and services (birth control) and then wonder why people have unwanted pregnancies.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I have a friend here who taught a 'welcome to college' type of course. We jokingly called it 'adulting 101'. One of the 'lessons' involved taking a quiz on how to prevent pregnancy/STDs. It was shocking how badly informed many of the students were. Many are in-state kids who we only taught the 'abstinence only' lessons regarding sex.

Parents should absolutely take the lead, especially in the should you/shouldn't you decision making area. But teaching a kid how to use a condom/birth control and prevent STDs should be basic knowledge.

As others have said, it's amazing that we regulate out basic knowledge (sex ed) and services (birth control) and then wonder why people have unwanted pregnancies.

You'd be amazed how many adult women think they urinate from their vaginas.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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oklahoma city
as uncle george once said, "they will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born... You're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re preborn, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re f—-d.”

i think we should adopt some sort of tax that you have to pay if you want to have a child. If you can't pay it, you're likely not fit for parenthood. Otherwise, condoms, spermicide and birth control for everyone! That way i can walk through the aisles of stores without some jabba looking creature with her 7 offspring blocking the entire thing looking at sugary cereal with her stamp card in her hand. Seems everyone's a winner there.
nailed it....


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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I've known the abortion stance/life plans of every woman I've had sex with ahead of time. Doesn't seem that difficult to me - usually obvious.

Also you're wrong. The financial responsibility usually falls on the taxpayer when women who should have aborted don't/can't. That's why I'm always surprised we have so many economic leftists here. That's not even counting the fact our elected officials continually waste time and money on bills that will be bounced. But hey, it sounds good to that Kyle dude.

Well RH, I know personally a couple that had what seemed to be agreeing stances, yet when she got knocked up, she wanted out of it. Great suffering and gnashing of teeth by the dude.

And yes, the financial responsibility will fall on the taxpayers unless the guy has a job and can be found. (as in regular dude vs "baby daddy)

I really couldn't care less about abortions unless it involves me, then I'm against it. But there are some conflicting principles when it comes to responsibility and criminal charges for unborn murder.


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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What we need is a law imposing a life sentence on politicians who propose or vote for laws that have no chance in hell of surviving Supreme Court scrutiny.

C'mon, folks, this is settled law. This asshat is just wasting time and taxpayers' money to grandstand and make a name for himself.

...I've changed my mind. For sponsors, make it a hanging offense.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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you have to jump through a lot of hoops to adopt. there'd probably be fewer kids if everyone had to go through those steps just to have a kid.

but more to the point, relying solely on parents is just as dumb as relying solely on the schools to teach something.

I have a friend here who taught a 'welcome to college' type of course. We jokingly called it 'adulting 101'. One of the 'lessons' involved taking a quiz on how to prevent pregnancy/STDs. It was shocking how badly informed many of the students were. Many are in-state kids who we only taught the 'abstinence only' lessons regarding sex.

Parents should absolutely take the lead, especially in the should you/shouldn't you decision making area. But teaching a kid how to use a condom/birth control and prevent STDs should be basic knowledge.

As others have said, it's amazing that we regulate out basic knowledge (sex ed) and services (birth control) and then wonder why people have unwanted pregnancies.

Take a college course with the typical 18y/o high school graduate, you won't be anymore impressed with the job public schools did with basic education than the parents did with sex education.

I'm not on the Bernie train. I'm not a fan of excusing poor parenting. Hold parents accountable. Hold kids accountable. If the state can mandate that kids must receive drivers education prior to receiving a drivers license then they can mandate sex education. Guess what, not all schools offer drivers education these day, the options are parent taught or private lessons.

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