Just some "peaceful" protesters expressing their anger....

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Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Mayors are in the driver's seat. They need to drive, to lead....not placate and be apologists for wrong doers. If you refuse or are unable to protect your citizens and businesses, what do you expect will be the outcome for your city?
Mayors need to feel the heat of their law abiding citizen's wrath.

Cold Smoke

Special Hen
Feb 19, 2019
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I was thinking about this again this afternoon. The cops are pretty much the facade of the city they work for. They don’t get to make up their SOPs as they go along. If you don’t like the way they behave then perhaps you ought to take it up with the local governing council. Let them them know they can’t suck taint and chew arse both. Gotta pick a side, and the one the decent folks are on is a safe bet.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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You know, it's difficult for some people to believe that one can both agree with civil assembly protesting a widespread social justice issue, but also agree with that dude GTFO there when some of those idiots on the highway wouldn't let him get out of their way when he ended up trapped.

It's almost like it's complex social matter where each unique scenario requires thinking and a nuanced answer. But too many people on both sides just want their side to be "right."

That’s just crazy talk! I’ve spent most of the evening arguing with the idiots on r/Tulsa that they had no right to menace that family with the horse trailer. But then...

Piling on a bunch of "who's worse" anecdotes isn't real constructive or persuasive, but... fuggit. I'll play. This one is extra spicy:


After r/Tulsa I widened my scope and watched video after video after video of riot police straight up assaulting and injuring non-combative, compliant citizens. Dragging people behind buildings to evade cameras and 3 on 1 beating and kicking a proned out subject, hunting down press/camera crews for videoing them, shooting peaceful protesters with pepper ball guns, jumping and dragging down people videoing protests who don’t resist in any way and applying pain compliance techniques, several instances of officers choking and even kneeling on people’s necks, tasing a man who was having a seizure, literally drive by shooting protesters with pepper ball guns for STANDING on sidewalks, Refusing to allow protesters to leave so they can arrest them for “curfew violations”, chasing protesters into stranger’s homes and forcing them to shelter there overnight, literally walking down a residential street and shooting residents With rubber bullets and pepper balls for standing ON THEIR OWN PORCHES, after the mayor POSTED online that this activity was allowed, then shadow editing the website to say it was prohibited after the police shot them!

There were more than a few anecdotal instances of outright lawlessness by the police. Open and flagrant criminal acts. Willful and intentional constitutional and civil rights violations. Several of these incidents literally made me ask whether they were trying to incite an armed insurrection, because it made ME want to take up arms against them.

I try to be a reasonable man but the inhumanity I’m seeing in some of these places is enough to make my blood boil. Trump is wrong on this one. He should be standing with the protesters, not the cops. Yes I’m seeing cops and NG standing with protesters in some places and I commend them, but in some places the cops have become literal thugs. It’s repugnant and must stop. Barr needs to be investigating agencies oppressing citizens en masse.

To quote one of my favorite movies, this business will get out of control and we’ll all be lucky to live through it. We’re sitting on a powder keg of civil unrest on multiple fronts. Someone’s going to make a really bad mistake and it will be open warfare.

This is not a joke and no one should be taking it lightly. Now isn’t the time for flippant statements. Practice conflict avoidance and of you’re going anywhere near population centers, I’d recommend carrying 1st aid supplies and emergency provisions, not to mention a rifle and armor if you have it. Most of all, pray that cooler heads prevail before we live to regret this mess. :(


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Piling on a bunch of "who's worse" anecdotes isn't real constructive or persuasive, but... fuggit. I'll play. This one is extra spicy:


I'm completely fine with this. Get off the hwy. These people don't have the right to compromise others going about their daily business. If I'm picking up my kids from somewhere and getting them home, I don't want to be detained by a protest on the hwy and put in that same situation the guy with the horse trailer was. I avoid these areas where they will protest, but when they block hwy they are forcing people to engage them.
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
I'm completely fine with this. Get off the hwy. These people don't have the right to compromise others going about their daily business. If I'm picking up my kids from somewhere and getting them home, I don't want to be detained by a protest on the hwy and put in that same situation the guy with the horse trailer was. I avoid these areas where they will protest, but when they block hwy they are forcing people to engage them.

Same here. If you're not smart enough to know that a natural consequence of blocking a highway and refusing to leave is pepper spray in the face, then you'll learn a lesson about that.


AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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We have handcuffed police departments because we have weak mayors. They should not be allowed to block highways and should be removed with necessary force. Vote these weaklings out of office. Run for office if you feel the calling to do so. I have never given a thought to running for any political office but am pondering about doing so now. It pisses me off to see our cities turned over to idiots.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
That's not exactly a strong point to make when the basis for the unrest is trained officers murdering citizens. Let me draw you a comparison. Protests by white gun owners over Duncan Lemp being murdered in his home by cops have resulted in nothing. Protests by people from all walks of life over Breonna Taylor being murdered in her home by cops have resulted in the firing of that police chief and banning the use of no-knock warrants.

In the locales where community policing is embraced, they're doing a much better job of circumventing damage and violence. In the locales where the answer is batons, pepper spray and rubber bullets, they're doing a terrible job. Funny, you treat people like human beings with value and get better results? Whod'a thunk it.

On those rubber bullets btw, here's a pic of a peaceful protester who was live streaming when they shot her in the face. If that was your daughter, sister or wife, how would you feel about it? Would you honestly not care? We've had intentional targeting of the press by police, to include shooting them with pepper ball guns and one female journalist permanently lost an eye. That's not nothing.

All I'm saying is that the complaints are legitimate and pervasive. Yes rioting and looting are wrong. I hope they catch most if not all of the agitators and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. But they should do the same to officers taking advantage of the situation to hurt people for no reason. Wrong is wrong regardless of what they're wearing and which side they're on. That's worth agreeing on.

View attachment 164327

She was at a R I O T. She's collateral damage. If she can't understand that, then I don't know what to tell her.

If you go to a place where bad things are happening, something bad might happen to you.

There have been no rubber bullets fired into peaceful protests that I am aware of.

If I were her, I'd be saying thanks that it was rubber, and not FMJ.


Special Hen
Aug 20, 2012
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Watching some of the grieving local families who have lost family in police interactions, it seems like they don't make a connection between the suspect behavior and police action.
I know there are officers that will over react, but that's not always the case.

They say things like passing a counterfeit bill and running from the police while on pcp shouldn't mean my son gets killed.
Same as waving your arms around and acting a fool during a traffic stop.
It's like they can't make the connection.

Police shouldn't over react, but people make choices that set them on a path where the odds of getting dead are much greater.
This is worth a repeat!!!!!!


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
Reaction score
Blanchard, America
Piling on a bunch of "who's worse" anecdotes isn't real constructive or persuasive, but... fuggit. I'll play. This one is extra spicy:


They're blocking traffic. That isn't peaceful protesting. They should have got pepper sprayed. They needed to move and didn't. If the coppers tell you to move and you don't, they're going to move you.

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