2013-14 Deer Season Success

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Special Hen
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Backwoods, OK
Congrats to everyone on some great deer! Love to see the youngsters out knocking em down too! I headed out to the east Logan County farm this morning after a very long...cold...boring day yesterday during which I never saw a single deer. Here is more proof that it only takes one day and one hunt to get you back on track. This morning I got settled in a ground blind about 6:00 am, at 7:05, while I was just starting to pay attention I notice movement off to my right about 60 yards out, I see antlers, I see body, I see more antlers, its a shooter, I go into kill mode and he walks out about 55 yards in front of me, too easy really, I put it on him and shoot.....wait about 30 minutes, go out and look for blood, its overcast and cant really see much so I ease into the timber about 45 yards, a deer, a big buck jumps up out of its bed, my heart sinks, thinking I just bumped my wounded deer, I back out and wait an hour, its a little lighter now, Im thinking no way I just wounded this deer, I head back out to look. I find a good spot of blood..then another, and another and I know that I scored.....my buck was in a different direction than the one I spooked, I found him after a 50 yard blood trail, piled up and dead. Remington 788 in .308, I love that riflel 178pounds, a main frame 6x6 with stickers kickers and junk, a 9x7 with 16 scoreable points when all said and done. It was a good morning! Good luck to all.

Good story! Bet that was a bummer when you jumped the other buck and thought he was your deer running away, never to be seen again. Good job son, that's a hell of a buck! Was the wife happy with another one going up on the wall? hehe


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
Congrats to everyone!

I had success on opening day this year. I got to the stand late as the little guy to the left was dragging and needed to get some breakfast in him so in the blind at 6:30. Had deer walk into the wheat about 7:25 and out steps the guy below at 7:28. Shot once mule kick and he runs into the trees on the ridge across from me. Steps out and one more to the basket and he runs a few more yards and drops. 6.5 Grendel w/ leopold firedot 3x9 shooting Hornady 123gr AMAx at 105 yards and 85 yards respectively.


(Excuse the finger and sour puss look, he was cold and wanted to go in!)

[Broken External Image]

Here he is happy in the blind!

I harvested two does in the evening and my rifle season is over. Time to get back to the bow! Good luck everyone!
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Staff Member
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Special Hen Administrator Moderator Supporter
Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
had the privilege of hunting the banks of the cimmaron river saturday evening. i was hunting off the main trail about 70 yards over a secondary trail thats closer to the river. the opening to the main trail is about 15 yards wide which doesn't give much time to react but thats not where i expected this guy to be. i'm just getting settled in and he comes down the trail in a hurry with his nose to the ground. he passes through the opening and i think "oh crap, he's already gone!". well,he must have turned around and passes through again. he's still in a hurry and i think "oh crap,i missed him again!" i do the only thing i can think of and give him a couple of loud mouth bleats. it works and he comes back and stops right in the opening. cut his heart in half and he goes 25 yards. this is my redemption deer after losing the one with my bow.


Sticky Stokes

Special Hen
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Good story! Bet that was a bummer when you jumped the other buck and thought he was your deer running away, never to be seen again. Good job son, that's a hell of a buck! Was the wife happy with another one going up on the wall? hehe

Big Time bummer, I went from really happy, to really depressed to really happy after I found him, big time relief! I thought for sure I bumped my wounded deer and your right, never to be seen again, that was a long hour brother. Lol.. And thanks! The wife was happy that I got him, asked me where I thought he was going, then my 6 year old piped up that I could put one of my other mounts in his bedroom! Problem solved, he is going to taxidermist today.

Congrats EF and EFs Dad, nice buck and great pictures, your son is a little trooper!

Great buck DlBleak, congratulations on a great redemption buck! I love hunting river property!


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks guys! And I forgot to add that my brother did not go this weekend, first time in memory (at least 20 years) that he did not make the opening weekend and I sent him a text that I killed mine out of his blind. He has not shot one since he put it out two years ago! Then I sent a J/K 10 minutes later. Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall!

Nice one DlBleak!

Sticky that boy is like mine, put it in my room Dad!

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