Corruption in Valley brook

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Michael Brown

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Getting pulled over and searched on the other side of the state isn't investigating. Last time I checked OHP isn't on the Valley Brook PD payroll.

What do you call investigating then?

It also shows you don't know much about this type of investigation. When I worked Internal Affairs at my agency, it was not uncommon to use another agency when we found something amongst our own department.

I don't know that this was or wan't the case here, but I'm confident that you don't either.

Lotta butthurt in here today.

I respect law enforcement officers and the offices they represent, as I said earlier. These same officers need to uphold the law involving their peers and co workers just the same as they would joe citizen. They are in a position of power as law enforcement and should be held to a very high ethics standard. I stand by my statements.

I don't think anyoen here is butthurt. I personally simply demand accuracy in posting when you plan to impugn an entire profession because of one dude's actions.

Even if a hundred thousand cops were corrupt (and I'll challenge anyone to get to that number), it would still be a significant minority of law enforcement in this country.

Thus your blanket statement of "law enforcement as a whole" is absolute stupidity, and I don't let stupidity like that go around here unchallenged.

So if you are going to stand by your statements, perhaps you should have something to support them.........

Otherwise you're just another non-thinker with an opinion, which is fine until you start slandering an entire profession.

And that won't be tolerated if you wish to keep posting here.

Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
I think most who are familiar with law enforcement in Oklahoma can think of a couple bad apple agencies, usually less than 10 officers, or agencies with questionable practices.

I count Valley Brook among these.

It is almost impossible these days to have corruption throughout the ranks unless the agency is tiny because three can only keep a secret if two are dead. Information is too available these days. The only way to maintain long-term corruption is to have as few officers involved as possible, thus negating the "corruption throughout the ranks" argument.

To provide a recent example, when several officers were indicted in Tulsa recently, among the 9 accused, 4 (nearly half) immediately turned on their co-conspirators. This doesn't sound too "thin blue line" to me. If these folks had more folks to turn in to reduce their sentences, don't you think they would?

Either way, one of the prior poster's comments are even dumber when held up to the facts and painting the law enforcement community as a whole based on one small group of corrupt officers seems unfair at best.

Michael Brown


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Investigate their own? You realize all economic activity around in this "town" of a couple hundred people is based around traffic citations, sleazy strip clubs, prostitution, and drugs? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the PD in a town like that might be corrupt. I doubt it's "looking out for the chief", more like "birds of a feather". I'd be more than surprised if everyone there wasn't involved in prostitution and the drug trade.

If anything they needed to be examined from the outside. If you were talking about a large department in a "normal" town, you might have a point.

Again it still boggles my mind that this place exists in a state like Oklahoma.

Not real beer.
This. A place like Valley Brook has a reputation like that for a reason. I worked there in one of the clubs for a short while several years ago and I can tell you from personal experience that some of the rumors about the p.d. being shady are very true.


Special Hen
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
Norman, Oklahoma
I think most who are familiar with law enforcement in Oklahoma can think of a couple bad apple agencies, usually less than 10 officers, or agencies with questionable practices.

I count Valley Brook among these.

It is almost impossible these days to have corruption throughout the ranks unless the agency is tiny because three can only keep a secret if two are dead. Information is too available these days. The only way to maintain long-term corruption is to have as few officers involved as possible, thus negating the "corruption throughout the ranks" argument.

To provide a recent example, when several officers were indicted in Tulsa recently, among the 9 accused, 4 (nearly half) immediately turned on their co-conspirators. This doesn't sound too "thin blue line" to me. If these folks had more folks to turn in to reduce their sentences, don't you think they would?

Either way, one of the prior poster's comments are even dumber when held up to the facts and painting the law enforcement community as a whole based on one small group of corrupt officers seems unfair at best.

Michael Brown

Your posts on this thread are good. However I wanted to speak up and defend the officers with VB PD. I know for a fact that this is not a incident that involves the department as a whole. I am actually related to the Captain that is the acting Chief, and I familiar with most of the officers.

I just like most people, was suprised by the accusations. If Fisher is found guilty, he will pay just like anyone else.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I never understood why nor how the place exists, with the possible exception of convenience.

Same reason North Lincoln was what it was back in the day ... where there is money to be spent and someone willing to 'earn' it there will be free enterprise ... current laws and morality notwithstanding.


New to the site!
Sep 20, 2011
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Valley Brook, OK
Wonder if the residents of Valley Brook had ever cared/attempted to address the issues with their department?

Have you seen the news? My husband has been trying to get this fixed for the past 2 months. HE WAS LAUGHED AT by Gary Eastridge at the DA office!!! He called the DA, the OSBI, news reporters and OK attorney general and NO ONE WOULD LISTEN!!!! He got the story about them raising our water bill picked up but nothing about the other ********!!! Fishers mother is VB treasurer and I think almost everyone on the council is related? I'm not sure but thats what I heard. I know I have lived here and had the (dis)pleasure of meeting EVERY officer, city council member and person in the ticket office but HAVE NEVER SEEN FISHER..... No one WANTS to live in this hellhole, its bad enough the houses suck but then to have to deal with the police harassment after my husband started the petition? What a joke. I really like the officer they promoted to Fishers place. I have never had any problems with him. Actually there are a few officers that I quite like but most of them are elitist aholes on a power trip. Anyways, the people that live here HAVE TRIED TIME AND TIME AGAIN TO GET THIS FIXED!!! We get harassed for bringing it up just to have no one listen or take any action!!!!! Luckily we are moving soon but I regret ever moving here. Thought it would be a cheaper place to stay but in the end it ended up costing us so much more with all the bs tickets we get........................ Hopefully now someone will do something about this.

Michael Brown

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Have you seen the news? My husband has been trying to get this fixed for the past 2 months. HE WAS LAUGHED AT by Gary Eastridge at the DA office!!! He called the DA, the OSBI, news reporters and OK attorney general and NO ONE WOULD LISTEN!!!! He got the story about them raising our water bill picked up but nothing about the other ********!!! Fishers mother is VB treasurer and I think almost everyone on the council is related? I'm not sure but thats what I heard. I know I have lived here and had the (dis)pleasure of meeting EVERY officer, city council member and person in the ticket office but HAVE NEVER SEEN FISHER..... No one WANTS to live in this hellhole, its bad enough the houses suck but then to have to deal with the police harassment after my husband started the petition? What a joke. I really like the officer they promoted to Fishers place. I have never had any problems with him. Actually there are a few officers that I quite like but most of them are elitist aholes on a power trip. Anyways, the people that live here HAVE TRIED TIME AND TIME AGAIN TO GET THIS FIXED!!! We get harassed for bringing it up just to have no one listen or take any action!!!!! Luckily we are moving soon but I regret ever moving here. Thought it would be a cheaper place to stay but in the end it ended up costing us so much more with all the bs tickets we get........................ Hopefully now someone will do something about this.

I do not know the facts of this situation you describe so I will not comment on them.

That said, do not join this board with the intent to comment on this one issue. This is a community not a pedestal.

If you wish to discuss firearms, gun rights, or personal protection issues, your participation is more than welcome.

If you simply wish to discuss corruption in Valley Brook, please find another forum to do so.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Michael Brown

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