Death Penalty - Execution method poll

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Death Penalty Method Choice

  • Lethal Injection

    Votes: 19 12.8%
  • Electrocution

    Votes: 10 6.7%
  • Gas Chamber

    Votes: 3 2.0%
  • Firing Squad

    Votes: 33 22.1%
  • Hanging

    Votes: 49 32.9%
  • Other (Leave Comment)

    Votes: 15 10.1%
  • Life Sentence Only - Don't Support Death Penalty

    Votes: 20 13.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
Firing Squad/Hanging. Public of course, we still have the hanging tree on the court house square in Marshall County. Offenders shouldn't be sitting 20+ years sucking up air/resources. They should get appeal hearing, and if found guilty still, fast march to the hanging tree. Pedophiles should get special executions, slow and painful. Child Molestation should be a capital crime, they are sick animals and should be put down. It's not a mental illness, they are a extreme danger to children.

Without a doubt. Public drawing and quartering should be reserved for those SOBs ... Then feed the remains to the hogs ...

I used to be stanchly AGAINST the death penalty. Then, after working a few death penalty appeal cases I saw the error of my ways and am now firmly in the "for" camp. I've said this before and I'll say it again. There is evil in this world. People who do unspeakable things because they ENJOY hurting other people. Those folks need to be dispatched post haste.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2008
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Enid, OK
The death penalty's absolute irrevocability is the only argument for which I have no satisfactory answer. Even so, I voted for hanging, as properly done, it is very humane. In fact, of the methods mentioned in the poll, it is probably the most humane way of doing it.

People say the death penalty is carried out disproportionately against minorities, and if you look only at their proportion of the population, this is so. Blacks, for example are about 13% of the US# population, yet just under half of the executions are of Black people. Some look at these figures and conclude from them that the race of the executed person is a major factor, in who gets the needel or whatever. But when you consider that Blacks commit almost half a the US homicides, it perhaps gives anoother perspective.

The cost of appeals is another issue. The defense lawyers I don't think do this to make money for themselves. They do it due to their opposition to the death penalty. In their efforts to save the condemned man's life, I believe that they string things out as much as they can, building up the expenses to the state just so they can then make the argument of expense. Now, I freely admit that I can't prove this, but I do have a hunch that this so, at least to the extent of being one factor. It is in effect, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Once it is carried into execution, it can't be undone, and this is the only real reservation I have in using the death penalty. The other two primary arguments that I hear nowadays are either the results of juggling statistics or are manufactured.


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2005
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I voted hanging, because if you have done something to deserve the death penalty, you should immediately cease to be a burden on the taxpayers, they should literally walk out of the court room and into the gallows.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I do not support the death penalty. Not some liberal value I picked up somewhere along the way...if anything I picked it up from church as a kid. My church didn't support the death penalty and I find it shocking any mainstream christian churches do.

I also do not support a government powerful enough to execute citizens. Funny how people think running healthcare is beyond the reach of the government, and we can't trust them not to screw it up, but we can trust them with killing citizens?

LAWL. Yet another "conservative christian" value that is neither conservative nor nor christian if you actually use your thinking muscles just a bit.

I selected Other. I think the death penalty is hypocritical and waaay beyond the authority of the government. I prefer exile from the clan. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here kinda thing....

I vote we use Florida for this. It's a useless state. Surrounded by water on a couple sides, and if we utilize all the manpower and infrastructure that will be freed up from emptying supermax prisons, we can keep them all in there. The other 49 states can be used by people not convicted of murder or rape.

That state is not salvageable. We should probably leave any residents there when we fence it in just to be safe.

Wheel Gun

Special Hen
Jun 25, 2011
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Formerly EdmondMember
I don't trust a government to correctly calculate my taxes or negotiate with my doctor. I certainly don't trust them to make correct decisions that might result in the execution of a citizen. Sentences that direct a lifetime of hard labor are a powerful legal tool and lessen the impact of erroneous decisions by jurors and jurists.


Special Hen
Nov 4, 2008
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Convictions based on eye-witness testimony, while a feel good for society, sadly are not without mistakes of human perception and biases. Therefore I cannot, in good conscience, endorse the death penalty while I am subject to these same biases against me.

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