Here come the obamabucks

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Apr 5, 2009
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Midwest City
Which is just another example that seems to point to both parties being one and the same; there almost seems to be a mutual agenda, and if they keep the plebs fighting over "left wing" and "right wing", they won't notice their slow enslavement. Someone will certainly win in November - but you can rest assured that it won't be the people of the United States.

Party affiliations are stupid.

"Hey Mr Politician, are you going to enforce the Constitution? Because that's all I care about."

"Are you going to wage unconstitutional wars like Bush has?"

"Are you going to bail out big corporations, big banks within 2 weeks of a bill being introduced, even though 70% of the population is against it?"

"Are you the voice of the people or not?"

Questions like those are the questions we need to be asking.

Wise, wise words.

And no JB, the problem most certainly is NOT extreme positions. One man's extreme position is another man's perfectly reasonable position. Having a right to own a gun is an extreme position, according to many.

We need moderation *on some things*, but we need (alleged) "extreme positions" on others. Restoring the RKBA, eliminating the farce of the War on Some Drugs and most of the alphabet soup that runs this farce. Eliminating the farces known as the "War on Terror" and Patriot Act, eliminating the federal department of Education, and making education of children a wholly states'-rights area once again - these are all the right ideas, but considered by many if not most to be "extreme positions" - no, what we really need is serious consideration of, and debate about, the RIGHT extreme positions, free of sound-bite-only politics and nonsensical red herrings and demagoguery by politicians and media talking heads.

The enemy of this is the entrenched Republicrat Uniparty. The enemy is lack of logical critical-thinking skills. The enemy is lack of knowledge of the Constitution, particualarly enumerated powers, the commerce clause original intent, and the Bill of rights. The enemy is party allegience - blindly following political parties and standard party lines. The enemy is believing either party, R or D, can help. The enemy is restrictive ballot access laws that keep third parties out of the running. The enemy is the federal government being too large and too powerful, and the state governments being too small and too powerless, relatively. The enemy is the powers-that-be. The enemy is the big wall street bankers, the Federal Reserve banking systems, and the revolving door politicians who allow them to keep bilking the public. The enemy is churches trying to make their religions part and parcel of, or in control of, the law of the land, be it Islam or Christianity. The enemy is non-critical media who throw nothing but softballs at politicians, for fear of being allegedly unpatriotic or politically incorrect or worse yet in their minds, a "conservative". The enemy is illegal power-grabbers via executive order authority - like Bush and Obama. The enemy is unnecessary wars against invented bogie-men and "mission creep" (why is it OK that 10 years later Bin Laden is still living, yet we're waging an unwinnable war against a different group from that which attacked us?). The enemy is those who whould throw Mother Earth under the bus, for a quick buck. The enemy is the fedgov taxing us to death, so that we have to work so much that we don't have time to sit down and learn why and how it is that they're completely #@%#@ing us! Just for starters.

There are many enemies, but (alleged) extreme positions is not one of them, if they're the right 'extreme positions'. Luckily, one of the few friends we have is the internet and the slow substitution of new, good, critically-thinking blogs and other news sources to suck the power out of the traditional media outlets like tee vee news outlets and newspapers. And politicians like Ron Paul, god bless him. I think truth and good policy will *eventually* prevail, but it's gonna be a helluva time getting there, with the huge inertial hangover of the 60/70s/80s/90s, where Blather and Brokaw dumbed down a few generations, coupled with a fast-paced lifestyle where serious debate was eschewed in favor of sound bites and reality shows. The internet is our savior, I think. Without it, we would have been doomed and eventually ripe for takeover by the next Hitler....

What did B. Goldwater say - "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."


Special Hen
Jun 30, 2010
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Oklahoma City
When you make it a point that the Republicans created the patriot act with no mentioning the quiet with lots of cricket noises in the background since the Demorats installed their regime, when you say that you are against all government forces that operate without transparency, IOW CIA, NSA ETC. you are talking Left. They are the ones that hate the above agencies, bitched about the Patriot Act till Barak Hussein took over. I think you are pigeonholing yourself. You don't need my help.
Unless of course you want me to act like I was born yesterday and I don't know how things work. I can do that. I aim to please. :D

Who said I stopped complaining about the PATRIOT act? It still violates rights clearly set in the Constitution and will continue to until it is thrown out.

Of course I'd pigeon hole myself, I'm the only with the right do so since I make those decisions ...

As with most narrative of American people and politics we can continue with the "socialist, elitist, far left, far right, facist, communist, right wing, racist, liberal, sexist, tyrant," and not debate the actual issues at hand figuring out a solution. I'm against that option, but then again I've never treated politics like a sporting event that I have to choose a team to root for and stick to their agenda no matter how much it violates the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. As my previous post, where I spoke against my own party, indicates.

I would love to discuss why the PATRIOT act and many government agencies are engaging in unconstitutional behavior that is endangering all Americans if that's what you'd like to discuss. But it will be a waste of time if we engage in that debate and replies are, "liberal!/far left!" just the same as it would be a waste of time to discuss why Hate Crime legislation is against the 1st amendment if the rebuttal is simply, "racist!/far right!" When anyone invokes censorship by peer pressure making the debate about who the enemy is rather than the facts of the actual debate, the outcome will always be that nothing gets solved because no one is addressing the actual issue.

And sorry folks, the "career politicians" aren't responsible for this one, we're supplying them the narrative on which to run on. Rather than addressing the actual issues they're doing our bidding by being the candidate to BLOCK the other party rather than being a candidate that's actually read the Constitution and Bill of Rights and will adhere to them, despite public outcry.


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
Reaction score
Florida former Okie.
Just remember, it will be my voice you hear in the FEMA camp during your "reorientation." (FYI, I sound like Richard Burton)

Reeducation is the most common. Doesn't sound bad, we can all use some reorientation, unfortunately some systems such as the one portrayed in "84", first they correct you and then they kill you.


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
Reaction score
Florida former Okie.
Who said I stopped complaining about the PATRIOT act? It still violates rights clearly set in the Constitution and will continue to until it is thrown out.
Snipped to avoid too long a post.

Lets face it, the situation is a mess mostly of our own doing. Right here on this forum, frequented by people that have at least one thing in common, we hardly agree on anything, if you consider the entire population, you can multiply this situation by a few orders of magnitude and you have a bigger mess.
Swimming in this mess, I try to go by ideology not personalities or party labels. I see that there is a difference in beliefs, goals, how the society is viewed; that's what determines my support.
Research by the National Science Foundation on several topics such as gun control or the Global Warming hoax shows the predispositions we all have. Here is part of the paper on Global Warming that I find interesting and is similar to gun control and other issues.
"The cultural theory of risk posits that individuals can be expected to form risk perceptions that reflect and reinforce one or another idealized “way of life.” Persons whose values are relatively hierarchical and individualistic will thus be skeptical of environmental risks, the widespread acceptance of which would justify restricting commerce and industry, activities that people with these values prize; persons with more egalitarian and communitarian values, in contrast, resent commerce and industry as forms of noxious self-seeking productive of unjust disparity, and thus readily accept that such activities are dangerous and worthy of regulation."

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