Huntng - for or against and why?

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Jun 7, 2013
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The "non hunter" thread got me thinking. Are you for, against or neutral when it comes to hunting?

I'll start. I'm neutral. WHAAA?? yeah, I'm neutral. For me and my family, hunting is something we love. We spend just about all of our free time either prepping for the hunt, or carrying out the hunt (even if the hunted animal didn't get the memo that the hunt was on). I share the spoils of my hunt with those that are interested, curious, or love the bounty. There are plenty of people who don't have the taste for wild game and that's cool too. When we do a cookout, we try to have non-game meats available so everyone can be happy.

For those that like to say they don't see the "sport" in sport hunting, well I used to try and educate them. More often than not it would end up as an argument. They didn't change my mind, I didn't change theirs and everyone was butthurt (me included) at the end of the conversation. So now, I simply tell them that I respect their right to not partake in the sport. Those that have never hunted or spent countless hours and dollars managing property for hunting cannot be turned around in one casual conversation over a hot dog or hamburger in the back yard. They won't understand the difference in the hard work it takes to own a cattle ranch or run a meat packing facility vs the hard work it takes to hunt whitetails and safely prepare the meat. If they show an interest and want to know more, I try to be a well of knowledge from which they may dip their bucket, otherwise I just offer them more ketchup for their burger.

As for me and mine, we choose to hunt because we love every aspect. We have a reverence for the game animals we take and the land we take them on.

120 Acres

Special Hen
Sep 23, 2013
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I love the fact that I can go to my freezer and pull out a block of frozen ground deer/rabbit/hog/squirrel, that I killed, throw in in a pot and make the best chili/stew/roast/fry ever.

That is only second to the thrill of the hunt. All the prep that goes into a good season, the time you put in the stand all builds up to watching the critters come in. Whether I am going to shoot something or not, that is the thrill for me.

And then there is the talking about hunting. What happened, what could have happened, what your buddy says he did... you know, comradery. You dont even have to know someone to talk for hours about it.

Those are a few small things that I really enjoy about being PRO-HUNTING.


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Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
I hunt for the food, my dad and his buddies drank and went to town and chased women during the night.
He never killed much deer.. I did not like all that and quit hunting with him and his buddies, in fact quit hunting for 7 or so years.

Then I got a wife and a son and decided to put some good meat on the table. I was gone for maybe 6 hours it was a 5 hour round trip drive to the old hunting grounds that all them old fogies used to hunt but no longer did.

People that do not hunt are fine in my book as well as those that do hunt.
So I am neutral.

And I have not even opened that thread about non hunter,,Lot's of threads I do not care to open. None of my business and we all have our opinions and reasons I suppose :)


Sep 12, 2014
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Never hunted once in my life, but I would never begrudge someone for doing something like that.

I would actually like to try hunting once I get the .308 boltie I've been drooling over.


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Mar 15, 2009
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My dad hunted to put food on the table when I was very young. I remember eating rabbit and squirrel as a kid. When dad got a job that didn't require him to hunt he basically quit.When we were old enough to go shooting with our own guns, dad would tell us to walk the creek after some target practice to look for rabbits. Dad would never come along and opt to wait by the truck til we came back. We always came back empty handed.
Fast forward ten years. A college buddy grew up hunting and excitedly said one day that tomorrow was the opening day of goose. He tossed me a hundred bucks and said go find some decoys and we'll go hunting. I knocked the butt feathers out of a goose that day and was hooked from then on.
Fast forward another ten years. By the time my son could hunt with me, I was just about burned out. As it turned out, the boy is ate up with it. I have to admit that it was a struggle the first few years because I had just about ruined myself with constant hunting. When he was around fifteen, we didn't see eye to as do many father/son relationships. The one thing we could do was hunt together. He'll soon be twenty three and I am grateful that we had the outdoors and hunting to bring us together. His life may be a different story had he not been faced with the discipline and responsibility that was required to be a safe and ethical hunter.
I now enjoy hunting again. My wife and daughter have both taken deer even though they are not quite as ate up with it as the son and I are!


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May 28, 2007
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I'm for hunting. It is some of the best memories that I have with my dad, brother, uncles, cousins, and my grandpa. I've learned a ton from my grandpa and dad that I will hopefully have the opportunity to pass onto another generation of hunters someday. I also love knowing where my food came from on my plate. My wife on the other hand...not so much. We just don't talk about it during dinner.

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
The closest I've come to hunting is fishing. I've never hunted, I don't see myself doing it in the near future, but I'm pro hunting so long as the kill is for food. As for trophy hunting, I'm neutral-to-anti, depending on the animal and the situation.

I'd actually like to hunt, but I know nothing about it.

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