I'm going EXEMPT or under the table on my income frown now on.

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Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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A family of four making $60,000 per year has less disposable income than the same family making minimum wage, if they avail themselves to all the entitlements. While you pay for your own food, housing, health care, fuel and life's other necessities, the takers can get all their needs paid for by you and blow their earnings on whatever they want.

The IRS is nothing more than the governmental partner and collection agency of the private Federal Reserve Bank. We like to think the 16th Amendment that created the income tax and IRS in 1913 pays for all the services we expect, but most of the receipts go back to the private Federal reserve in the form of interest payments on all the money they created from thin air, backed with nothing, at interest. Strangely, there IS NO LAW that says we have to pay income tax on wages, but try telling that to the IRS agents when they SWAT-team your house. Our "voluntary" tax will be collected one way or another.

<lumbergh voice> Hey flybeech, whats happening? Ummm, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and provide some facts to back that up. So if you could actually provide some concrete examples around 10 that would be great, mmmk... oh oh! and I almost forgot ahh, I'm also gonna need you to go ahead and cite some source too, kay. We ahh lost some people this week and ah, we sorta need to play catch up. </lumbergh voiice>


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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The IRS is nothing more than the governmental partner and collection agency of the private Federal Reserve Bank. We like to think the 16th Amendment that created the income tax and IRS in 1913 pays for all the services we expect, but most of the receipts go back to the private Federal reserve in the form of interest payments on all the money they created from thin air, backed with nothing, at interest. Strangely, there IS NO LAW that says we have to pay income tax on wages, but try telling that to the IRS agents when they SWAT-team your house. Our "voluntary" tax will be collected one way or another.

Standing ovation - you are correct. I've seen it before, but I had my wife watch "America: Freedom to Fascism" just last night. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it.

When IRS agents and judges can't actually site the specific law, statute, etc., that requires Federal income tax to be paid, we have a problem.


Special Hen
Nov 25, 2008
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I've read that if you can get your Federal Income Tax case in front of the Supreme Court, you'll win. Just never had the bawls to do it, and don't know anyone who has. Good Luck!


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I just did the wife and I's taxes and we have to pay state. We get a little bit back so I ain't gonna complain that much. Even though I entered my info first and I was over $7,000 because of the EIC but when I entered my wifes info that went right down the toilet. The EIC was over $3,000!! A guy that I work with and his wife don't make crap. They have 4 kids and rake in the cash come this time of year. It just makes me sick. I work 10 times harder than him and his wife together and get pissed on because my wife and I are successful. I guess if I wanted to be a loser and not make anything of myself I would get a big return.

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